Zone capital? Although even that's debatable. Ebonheart is a Dres city, so they may claim zone capital, but Davon's Watch is an Indoril city, so they may claim zone capital. But then, if that was the case, the question would be why Vulkhel Guard and not Skywatch?
oldskoorpg74 wrote: »So, is the double xp a one time use, or once per day during the festival?
mandrakethebard_ESO wrote: »Anyone else getting an seemingly unnatural number of banners?
I did the quests on two characters (so, six quests total) and ended up with four banners. Yeah, it's a high drop rate. The two that weren't banners had recipes instead.mandrakethebard_ESO wrote: »Anyone else getting an seemingly unnatural number of banners?
kylewwefan wrote: »I must have missed something. How do I get the double xp thing? I did the 3 quests last night on my main toon. I got 2 recipes and 2 banners from complete the quest. Is it going to be 3 quests per day for the whole event?
Jemcrystal wrote: »The voice actors did a great job.
AtraisMachina wrote: »So the double xp? Hows that work?
raffael.geislerb16_ESO wrote: »
It is a fine event and the three jesters are great, but why does it begin one month earlier than it is supposed to?
raffael.geislerb16_ESO wrote: »
It is a fine event and the three jesters are great, but why does it begin one month earlier than it is supposed to?
Dalsinthus wrote: »
Uh, yes. I ran it on 5 characters today and I have more banners than I would ever want. I got two of the gold mementos and very few recipes. The health/stam/stam recovery recipe did not drop.
mandrakethebard_ESO wrote: »Hey Devs, I'm enjoying the festival and I think it's quite well done. But I have a question...
Is there something wrong with the RNG on the reward boxes? I have opened 8 boxes so far, my wife has opened 2, and so far I have 6 banners and she has 2 banners. This suggests an estimated drop rate of 80% on the banners while every other major reward seems to not be dropping at all (very nearly, anyway). Given that I thought the banners were supposed to be a rare drop (purple items) this does look like a problem with the RNG.
Anyone else getting an seemingly unnatural number of banners?
There are multiple tasks to be done. Once you finish in you home alliance, I believe you need to continue the quests in the other alliances .....
My alliance is DC. I do the quest in Daggerfall. Then I am sent to Stonefalls and then Auridion. Once done all three, I get three boxes. Then I do the same thing the next day after the reset at 2.00a EST .....
Toorlokviing wrote: »so is the tree supposed to drop out of these boxes? is so ive yet to get one and ive been doing the daillies almost every day with 2 chars. got everything else but the darn tree.
JasonSilverSpring wrote: »
Once you get the Royal Jester achievement you can buy the tree at the achievement vendor in your alliance's capital.
Event sucks.
Boring, repetitive RNG grinds.
Poor rewards (banners?).
And of course, you have to do it on each char. Isn't grinding daily writs and pledges enough? Can I PLEEEASE decide for myself what to do with my time?
As for me, I'd rather not have any event again. They're not fun.