I think generally in TES and MMO games one has to play without any kind of moral system in order to actually complete all the content.
SWTOR had a much nicer system of so many quests having choices when taking the quest in order to help you choose a moral stance. ESO doesn't offer this and the only morally right choice sometimes is to ignore the quest, which doesn't let you get achievements (which unlock dyes and house).
So for me personally I just play a character which will do anything for anyone for self gain and imagine all the helping innocent quests which seem out of character I am demanding payment to get that gold/item at the end.
LOL!... and sometimes I feel guilty, even over minor things. The other day I pickpocketed an NPC and then head them say "Oh no! I can't keep replacing that!" and I felt terrible.
I have one character who will steal bread from his grandma to make a sandwich with cheese he stole from your grandma. He is the only character that has done the Dark Brotherhood. He is the only one that has sacrificed the goats in Alikir for those quests.
All my other characters are generally good, with some confusion over property rights. They have never sacrificed any of the goats in Alikir, in case you were wondering.
Yes, I think Goats are cute.
If you choose to roleplay a character with good morals then so be it.
If you really struggle with the concept of playing this game and it really conflicts with your real world morals, then you probably shouldn't be playing most computer games ever
I love playing a thief, sneaking around, going into buildings, I also love playing an assassin, sneaking up behind someone and killing them. But they are pixels on the screen nothing else, at no point do I ever ever ever consider I'm really killing something or stealing something.
Whereas, a few months back I got out of my car in a supermarket car park and found a wallet with credit cards and a load of cash in it (about £300).
I took it to the supermarket customers services, told a manager, they counted out the contents in front of me, made a record if it, took my name and address etc.
Later that night a thank you card was put through my door containing a £20 voucher for that supermarket from the very very very grateful wallet owner.
One real life, one a game, zero connection between the two
It's a game, none of this is real ...
Thanks for clarifying! Wow, so insightful. No shoes Sherlock.
It's also fun to immerse yourself and or guide different characters different directions.
Maybe you play a fully evil character where you kill the Queen if you get a chance.
Do you just blindly take every quest you stumble upon?
Threads like this arent complete without a reality knight to jump in.
TalonKnight wrote: »Yes obviously this is a game, but I think one of the most important things people have left out is that there are real people that are actually playing this game.
I agree with some in here that yes, I try for the most part to play this game as if it were me in tamriel.
But the most important thing that I have not read is how do you treat the players, cause they are real.
I for one dont see someone trying to fight a group of enemies next to a treasure chest, and then in turn gank that treasure.
I wait, or more likely help them, and then give them the opportunity to get the treasure chest that was next to them.
Also if I walk up to a node about the same time someone else does I try to do the curtious thing, and let them have it.
However, with that said.... If I am at a starter zone, and there is a champ ranked person that is farming there, I do have a sort of competitiveness about my farming....
Darkestnght wrote: »I never read or listen to quest dialog. I skip through it as fast as I can. I just want the xp and the fun of exploring and killing stuff.
Darkestnght wrote: »I never read or listen to quest dialog. I skip through it as fast as I can. I just want the xp and the fun of exploring and killing stuff.
Hate to break this to you, but a lot of the lay of the land comes from quest dialogs. And the Books. If your truely exploring that is.