i'm one of the main healers of Epic Fail pvp Guild (PC EU). I' ve noticed that after the homestead patch, when, in the middle of the raid, i press the Remembrance Ultimate, 1 times of 3 it been autodeleted by it self or interrupted by a cc or fear, with the result of healing 0 people and sometimes could be the wipe of the full group. Am I the only one that noticed that? Before homestead everything woked fine like it's written into the tooltip. If you need i can posts some videos where you can see that ulti doesn't work properly lot of times in different situations. Hope that more templars can confirm that thing, because is becoming a really big problem for heal a pvp group.
Waiting for a Zos answer.
Thanks for your time.
P.S: I've also noticed that sometimes, Breath of Lifes have the animation bugged,looks like to be cancelled like a weaving but without doing nothing, anyway it works fine so is a secondary thing.