Hi Everyone,
I purchased Chateau furnished from the previous owner along with acquiring his staff. I then build on and modified his arrangements and furnishings along with adding my decorations to make the place suit me. Thus far the cost has been a little less of 27,000 corwns, The place was so big and dark the first thing I did was to add a lot of lighting and fireplaces for heat and more illumination.
I have a lot left to do yet. Future additions over the next several months as by budget allows, will add many potted plants to the interior. The main floor you enter on, will add a refreshment/snack bar. Downstairs the one end is my living quarters, which I'm happy with how it turned out, the other is the servants quarters. Need to add a second bunk bed to the servants quarters so I have bedding for the banker, merchant, cook, and house keeper and add more seating and tables in their living area. Will add another table and seating in the kitchen/dinning area for the increased staff to eat at. Will add more large tapestries on the walls for cooling/heading insulation concern summer/winter and more seating benches throughout the Chateau.
Decided not to put the crafting/working stations upstairs where the merchant and banker are on the third floor, but will place them outside on the long void wall on the south side of the Chateau under open tents or canopies. This will include the stations for Alchemy, Blacksmith, Clothier, Dye Station, Enchanting, and Woodworking. At the back wall of this area will be for the practice skeleton dummies. Or so are my plans as finances allows.
The tower on the north side of the Chateau I will remove the single bed and place two bunk beds there for the two guards, grounds keeper, and stable manager. And make their area nicer.
These plans may change over time and change due to budget constrains.
Well that is about it for now, thanks for view, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did creating it.