Recruiting for The Tamriel Academy - <300 CP We Want You!

Hi there

This post is a very specific Guild Recruitment and requires certain criteria to be eligible so please read the full description before you decide yo submit your GT.

Firstly a bit about me.

I'm a player since launch with 803 CP and 10 max level characters and i have run a successful Trading Guild Tamriel Trading Company since August 2014.

In the past 2 months i have noticed there has been a decline in the number of end game players who run Trials who are not stuffed up their own a*** and so creating groups for Trials gets more and more difficult and so the basic theory for the Guild is to create a Roster of Players with multiple characters who are interested in running more Trials than just vMoL.

Whilst the end game is of course to run vMoL as a Guild and compete with Leaderboard scores before that point a lot of work is requires unless you want to get "carried" or you have Siege Shield maxed out(!)

I am looking to create a Guild of knowledgeable friendly Players intertwined with up and coming players with interest in Trials and reaching end game content competitively.

You must not have a Guild that require you to run exclusively with them its not worth the risk ;)

We will introduce a new ranking system with Housing that will be similar to that of an Academy with Trial PvP and Crafting Specialists and an Ambassador for each who will be incentivised within their section to help others.

At this point in the game nearly 2 years since launch many have run out of things to do so if that's you and you enjoy helping others defeat content with clear concise mechanic explanation and knowledge of a specific class or play style I would love to hear from you.

If you are up and coming and not max level but believe you have what it takes to complete the end game content I want to hear from you even more.

I will continue to update this as I have more information but for now thanks for reading.

Our first Guild Trial takes place tomorrow night at 9pm and is already full.

All members have access to the MOTD once approved which I hope will help.

Here's hoping.....
Edited by llllADBllll on 9 February 2017 17:53


Tamriel Trading Company Guildmaster
  • MCFC_Ste
    Looking to get back into the game

    GT: As Friends Rust

    (Withe the spaces)

    Thanks in advance
    City till I die
  • Nexus_Emperor
    How do you help people refuse help one of you and your friends close
    I asked you add me a guild .. and you cancel your friendship without reasons
    I'm play ESO on Xbox 2015-2018
    AND i Move create New Account on PC EU server Cp1080
    i play Trials i like it more i complete Vmol +VSS+Vhof+Vcr
    i love these game and fun time with new people
  • jkmllr
    I'd love to join, returning player, Templar healer who might need some guidance. I'm roughly cp60 at the minute!

    Gt - jkmllr
  • H3llion_King

    Please add me, I'm Looking for a guild to help max out my Crafting Skill Lines ready for Housing when it drops.


  • llllADBllll
    Sending out invites. Thanks for your interest.


    Tamriel Trading Company Guildmaster
  • Tanaaa
    Soul Shriven

    I have been playing WoW in the past, and have been end game there and now I've started this game, not really knowing much about it, no one helped me with anything, I just figured it out by myself.

    I am CP 412 Dpa Sorc, 48% crit, 1.8k magicka regen and 2.7k spell dmg unbuffed.

    As I have been end game in WoW, ofc I want to make Trials, and be end game here as well, I don't see why you would play this game on solo mode

    I am from Romania so my english may not be that good

    But, anyway, I want to join and learn the trial strategies and pwning them
  • Hearsay_
    CP 355 and climbing. I've been playing for a fair while now, but haven't tried trials. Definitely keen to though. I'm willing to take advice and whatnot.

    GT: xBitters77x
  • ChopGateDon1
    Can I get an invite please? I completed AA a couple times back on PC a long time ago but not done any other raids (none on console). Recently got back into ESO and looking to start getting more into end game content.

    GT: Choptimu5
  • funkstar89
    Soul Shriven
    Funkstar89 have done the craglorn trials on vet 555CP 33k dps
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