We would certainly hope not. That event is scheduled for 2E 882 and not a moment sooner.Dagoth House!!! Dagoth House!!!! The sleeper is waking up!
He is aliiiive!!!!! Aliiiive!
And the Red Mountain exploded!!!!
It'is the begining!!!!!
For the Lorkhan's Heart!!!!
Set that represent each Great Dunmeri House, including Dagoth (c'mon we have stealable banner), crafting style style of each house armor (hitin, bone, etc..), and forum avatar of each House, especially of Dagoth House please.Dagoth House!!! Dagoth House!!!! The sleeper is waking up!
He is aliiiive!!!!! Aliiiive!
And the Red Mountain exploded!!!!
It'is the begining!!!!!
For the Lorkhan's Heart!!!!
We would certainly hope not. That event is scheduled for 2E 882 and not a moment sooner.
Could you please add the twitch stream to your youtube channel? I'll be at work with no access to twitch when this airs and would like to be able to watch it later.
lordrichter wrote: »That sounds way too ominous for just a "Road Ahead 2017" type of thing. I am not looking forward to this. The bigger the hype, the less it benefits me. It sounds like they are setting the stage for some seriously disappointing news. Sorry to be so pessimistic. I have had my hopes dashed against the rocks by the ZOS waves before. It is hard to forget.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »1. ZOS is now Bethesda in terms of ESO development team so ZOS devs are being absorbed and that gives them more resources.
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »2. Future DLC details and previews of actual gameplay
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »3. Announcement on who won the trips
Yes, But the Red Mountain is waking up too ^^ And since the chaos about the Numidium we can travel in time!
Sotha Sil is the architect also and the false god of time...!
That's why everything is possible!
And that's why Sotha Sil is the guardian of clock Tower!!!
We can travel into the time! Thank you to the false god Sotha Sil!
That'll be also that i say because after ... may be that should be a big spoiler!
The agegate background is the loading screen for Hel Ra Citadel.lordrichter wrote: »Speaking of which, what is the "blue" background painting on the age gate page? I don't recall seeing this one, before.
Vvardenfell is pretty high up there in importance though. The teaser image is a volcano, after all.lordrichter wrote: »While Vvardenfell will certainly be mentioned, this is not about Vvardenfell.
- CGI teaser
- live announcement stream
- wanting us to film our reactions when watching
- Pete Hines, VP of PR and marketing will be present
- Rich Lambert will wear pants <- - - - - LIES!
- live from San Fransisco, not one of their home studios
How big can this thing even get!?
lordrichter wrote: »Speechless. My world IS falling apart.
- CGI teaser
- live announcement stream
- wanting us to film our reactions when watching
- Pete Hines, VP of PR and marketing will be present
- Rich Lambert will wear pants
- live from San Fransisco, not one of their home studios
How big can this thing even get!?
lordrichter wrote: »That sounds way too ominous for just a "Road Ahead 2017" type of thing. I am not looking forward to this. The bigger the hype, the less it benefits me. It sounds like they are setting the stage for some seriously disappointing news. Sorry to be so pessimistic. I have had my hopes dashed against the rocks by the ZOS waves before. It is hard to forget.
When was the last time Pete Hines appeared on ESO Live? Was it to announce B2P? Hmmmmmm.
Matt was also on there for that.
It seems like Matt won't be there.
Calm your jimmies ... For now.
lordrichter wrote: »Where is the dedication? The loyalty? Your priority in life? You are never going to get the top Fan Achievement with thinking like that.
lordrichter wrote: »It will be full free to play
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »I'm still guessing 'help Tribunal get Numidium' for plotline. It's a much better timeframe to do that then jump the schedule with Dagoth Ur.