Character creation - inactivity timeout (change it for character creation)

I was making a new character and at some point you have to choose a name. Since a lot are in use, it took me some time to think of an unique name. You can guess what happened. All the time it took me to design my character was lost, because I got kicked out of the game. Due inactivity it took me out of the character creation screen.
It should be removed from the character creation screen or the timer for time out, if you are designing a character, should be at least 15 minutes or even 30 minutes.


  • ShadowEevee128
    While I do majorly agree with this, this doesn't belong in the bug section of the forums. A design flaw probably, but not a bug.
  • Vereaux078
    Yeah, you're right about the placing of my thread. But it was most likely section to put it in. They don't have a design flaw section :smiley:

    Anyway I think the game is great, I am playing for quite some time now on PS4.

    And a design flaw is in some way a bug.

    Hopefully they adjust it for future players. I cannot make a new character anymore (I have 12 o.O)

    Edited by Vereaux078 on 28 December 2016 23:49
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