So you can simply not recommend the whole game because of some silly crown store item? Jesus get a grip people.
Think it has been a very good year for ESO and love the new content. And really lookforward to see what will come next year
All those complaining.. do us all a favor and stop playing and leave the forum as well. kthxby
2017 is going to be an awesome year for ESO.
Stopnaggin wrote: »
You do realize that the people complaining are the one who also love the game and have an emotional investment in it. You can fanboy all you like, just as they can complain all they like.
2016 good
1 Tamriel
2016 meh
Tg and Db
2016 bad
Loading screens
Proc sets
General performance
The Hist was meh. TG DBH were not IMO. I also haven't experienced any of the bad you listed on PC. Sounds like you are just a bitter PvP player.
Stopnaggin wrote: »
You do realize that the people complaining are the one who also love the game and have an emotional investment in it. You can fanboy all you like, just as they can complain all they like.
2016 good
1 Tamriel
2016 meh
Tg and Db
2016 bad
Loading screens
Proc sets
General performance
Rev Rielle wrote: »
This isn't true really. And I'm sure you know it. It's night and day between someone that gratuitously complains and someone that enjoys the game and genuinely provides constructive criticism. You can tell the difference a mile away, we all know it.
A lot of people just like to complain because they think it's 'cool' or 'funny' or whatever. I'm not sure why they do, perhaps unrealistic expectations? Perhaps an over developed self of entitlement that seems rife in society as a whole these days? I'm not sure, there are likely many reason.
However, whatever the reason it is unfortunate and sad, both for individual and ESO. I don't think they realise the damage it does to the perceived community of this game. But these very same people are the ones that think they know it all and will never take advice on board from others, or open their minds to possibility of looking at things differently.
Anyways, happy New Life Festival. I for one am looking forward to the new year, and have enjoyed this one.
Aerius_Sygale wrote: »I got really excited, of all things, about the introduction of the Craft Bag and Costume Dyeing. I'm a very aesthetic gamer, gotta look good. I've unlocked the majority of dyes for Armor/Costumes.
Riko_Futatabi wrote: »ESO. I want to love you, but you're being difficult. Every victory we have is soon tainted by those that run our store. I don't feel comfortable trusting you anymore.