Official Discussion Thread for "That's a Wrap on 2016!"

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
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· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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  • Llevndryn
    Happy winter to all the ZOS team !
  • Brrrofski
    One Tamriel was a great update. Rest of the year was massively ubderwhelming. A few quests, motifs and two dungeons basically. Hardly amazing.
  • Sigtric
    kongkim wrote: »

    So you can simply not recommend the whole game because of some silly crown store item? Jesus get a grip people.

    Think it has been a very good year for ESO and love the new content. And really lookforward to see what will come next year :)

    I sure can simply not do it. If I don't like the current direction or climate, it's my choice. I've purchased 10 copies for give aways in an old fansite I had + my twitch stream + just for friends, am a plus subscriber, been around since Beta and usually buy crowns every month.

    Lately I've been feeling abused, so yeah. Until we actually see some new content that isn't a blatant cash grab, I'm not going to be putting any additional work into trying to get my hold out friends in here.

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • kylewwefan
    Thank you for bringing new stuff out, I could keep playing this game for years! Can you give us some other ways to support the game without exploiting weakness to gambling. Crown crate mounts are super cool and way more worth 4000 crowns than the red elf. Js
  • Thelon
    matt, I know you've neglected to mention PvP in this article and in the top 10 reason to play, but you should be proud of the state of Cyrodiil today.

    Brian has shown great leadership and innovation - putting a flag down and calling it a day - simply amazing! The entire map is full of action, a testament to all the work that the original developers put in. Balance is on point, and performance improves patch after patch.

  • Slylok
    All those complaining.. do us all a favor and stop playing and leave the forum as well. kthxby

    2017 is going to be an awesome year for ESO.
    Youtube ESO First Person Gameplay -

    Twitter - SlylokYoutube

    Google+ - Slylok
  • Mysticman
    Season greeting to everyone at ZOS. Amidst the unending whining and complaining that constantly floods this forum I would like to thank the team at ZOS for another great year of fun in Tamriel as someone who has played ESO since the first Beta In Jan 2014 I happy to watch this game continue to grow and expand and I'm looking forward to another great year in 2017 which hopefully will finally include the long awaited Spellcrafting feature ;) .
  • americansteel
    What ZoS Really accomplished -

    More lag
    More OP proc sets that makes bad players decent
    More crap dlc
    Not enough dlc
    More useless sets

  • Stopnaggin
    Slylok wrote: »
    All those complaining.. do us all a favor and stop playing and leave the forum as well. kthxby

    2017 is going to be an awesome year for ESO.

    You do realize that the people complaining are the one who also love the game and have an emotional investment in it. You can fanboy all you like, just as they can complain all they like.

    2016 good
    1 Tamriel

    2016 meh
    Tg and Db

    2016 bad
    Loading screens
    Proc sets
    General performance
  • Slylok
    Stopnaggin wrote: »

    You do realize that the people complaining are the one who also love the game and have an emotional investment in it. You can fanboy all you like, just as they can complain all they like.

    2016 good
    1 Tamriel

    2016 meh
    Tg and Db

    2016 bad
    Loading screens
    Proc sets
    General performance

    The Hist was meh. TG DBH were not IMO. I also haven't experienced any of the bad you listed on PC. Sounds like you are just a bitter PvP player.
    Youtube ESO First Person Gameplay -

    Twitter - SlylokYoutube

    Google+ - Slylok
  • Stopnaggin
    Slylok wrote: »

    The Hist was meh. TG DBH were not IMO. I also haven't experienced any of the bad you listed on PC. Sounds like you are just a bitter PvP player.

    Nope I don't pvp much. Tg and Db were too short for my tastes, I'm also on console so not sure about performance on the pc side. But yeah it gets old staring at this may be an abnormally long loading time screen, along with every 3rd wayshrine port to dashboard and clear walls. Disconnects when going to any bank. Yeah glad you don't have these problems.

    But you know I must be some sour ass low life on console complaining about pvp only. So if you would like to offer anything to offset what in my opinion is bad or meh, please proceed. If you have nothing but cinical remarks, well happy holidays to you.
    Edited by Stopnaggin on 23 December 2016 22:29
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Stopnaggin wrote: »

    You do realize that the people complaining are the one who also love the game and have an emotional investment in it. You can fanboy all you like, just as they can complain all they like.

    2016 good
    1 Tamriel

    2016 meh
    Tg and Db

    2016 bad
    Loading screens
    Proc sets
    General performance

    This isn't true really. And I'm sure you know it. It's night and day between someone that gratuitously complains and someone that enjoys the game and genuinely provides constructive criticism. You can tell the difference a mile away, we all know it.

    A lot of people just like to complain because they think it's 'cool' or 'funny' or whatever. I'm not sure why they do, perhaps unrealistic expectations? Perhaps an over developed self of entitlement that seems rife in society as a whole these days? I'm not sure, there are likely many reason.

    However, whatever the reason it is unfortunate and sad, both for individual and ESO. I don't think they realise the damage it does to the perceived community of this game. But these very same people are the ones that think they know it all and will never take advice on board from others, or open their minds to possibility of looking at things differently.

    Anyways, happy New Life Festival. I for one am looking forward to the new year, and have enjoyed this one.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Stopnaggin
    Rev Rielle wrote: »

    This isn't true really. And I'm sure you know it. It's night and day between someone that gratuitously complains and someone that enjoys the game and genuinely provides constructive criticism. You can tell the difference a mile away, we all know it.

    A lot of people just like to complain because they think it's 'cool' or 'funny' or whatever. I'm not sure why they do, perhaps unrealistic expectations? Perhaps an over developed self of entitlement that seems rife in society as a whole these days? I'm not sure, there are likely many reason.

    However, whatever the reason it is unfortunate and sad, both for individual and ESO. I don't think they realise the damage it does to the perceived community of this game. But these very same people are the ones that think they know it all and will never take advice on board from others, or open their minds to possibility of looking at things differently.

    Anyways, happy New Life Festival. I for one am looking forward to the new year, and have enjoyed this one.

    Yes I realize there are genuine trolls, I for one love the game, things need fixing, some just tweaking, some need nothing at all. 1T was probably the best thing they could have done for overall game experience.

    I look forward to seeing some of the fixes they promised and at at least 1 good sized dlc. Like I stated in an earlier post if we didn't love the game probably wouldn't care as much as I do.

    Happy holidays to you and yours.
    Edited by Stopnaggin on 23 December 2016 23:01
  • RebornV3x
    I think TG and DB were meh DLCS other than the blade of woe now just fix pvp and give us some serious class balence in 2017
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • Curragraigue
    It is a recap and he has summed up very briefly what they have done this year. With all the complaining what were people expecting from the post? Looking forward to the what is to come next year post.
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • Zamuro
    im making a pointless post because they dont care about our feedback LUL
  • Agobi
    Housing with no features...and more scamcrates...yes future is looking "good" :/
  •  Panda_iMunch
    I will say this has been a great year to finally put ESO where it wanted to be initially!

    Also, any chance we could get a wallpaper of that picture?
    Yeetus that fetus

    Youtube: Pandalius (Panda)
    Twitch: Pandalius
    Beam: Pandalius
    Twitter: Pandalius
    So.. nothing was said. I love the highlight items lol. "Thieves guild, dark brotherhood, one tamriel" such a huge year for ESO!! Hahahahaha what a joke. Two islands smaller than orsinium and a removal of extra servers. Good job!! Stand up work lol.

    This is laughable
  • pysta
    Dear Zenimax,

    My wish for this upcoming year 2017:

    -Less exorbitant price on the crown store *The great elk at 4500 crownswhich look like a reindeer was really the nail in the coffin* or like a simple name change for 2500s crown is way above the current "MMO" market price tag.
    -"PLEASE" understand that exchange rate also is a problem for those who does not live in the US and has to pay even more for the crown store. Example in Canada 750 crown = 10$CND which mean 1$ is 75 crown. If I want to buy a Great Elk it would cost me 60$ Canadian. Your marketing department need to understand this is scaring people away.
    -Maybe a better subscription benefit like a 15-25% rebate on everything in the crown store?
    -Better communication with your players about prices and justification to allow us to understand your point of view.
    (At the moment it only feel we get news from you but never have a reply to our own questions directly with "US" like why the great elk mount is so expansive for being such a normal mount)
    -And last but not least thank you for your great work and a happy year 2017.

    Edited by pysta on 25 December 2016 04:19
  • Nerouyn
    I got really excited, of all things, about the introduction of the Craft Bag and Costume Dyeing. I'm a very aesthetic gamer, gotta look good. I've unlocked the majority of dyes for Armor/Costumes.

    Personally I find the craft bag to be too convenient - having everything automatically hoovered into a bottomless bag feels like cheating. And yeah costume dying is a huge deal for subbers. Costumes should never have been introduced without it.

    Costume dying for non-subbers is an epic fail though. I can't imagine there are many people paying real money for one use dyes.
  • deleted008293
    2016 in review?

    The bad: lack of exploration / DLCs. The new DLCs were way too small for my personal taste. I was expecting at least one DLC as big as Orsinium was back in the days. For me those DLCs weren't as enjoyable as the others besides bringing new amazing places to visit and new mechanics.

    The good: I had a lot of fun with friends doing dungeons and raids mostly. I did enjoyed the many veteran raids I was doing lately especially vMOL. Thank you every single one who were raiding with me good or bad. I had very nice runs that took me just little under 30 minutes and also not so great ones that took us hours and we still couldn't beat them. My longest raid this year lasted 6h and half and my team mates still struggled up to 8h before finally giving up.
    Shadows of the Hist DLC and One Tamriel are also worth mentioning here. They kept me around doing lots and lots of dungeons.

    2017 wishes?
    Perhaps my biggest desire is to adventure and for sake of that I do hope we will be able to visit at least one huge zone. Which zones are yet to be discovered but I'd love to delve into the large island of Vvardenfell. Thats for sure. As for other zones? It doesn't matter much as long as there will be plenty of new areas to explore around Tamriel and not only!
    On a second tough I would love some more trials and dungeons but I would have a huge request for 6 man dungeons. New ones ofc. We really need some more fun in larger groups.

    The game did improved last year but I do hope next one will be focusing more around exploration. Merry Christmas and Happy new year!
    Edited by deleted008293 on 25 December 2016 23:31
  • Kuroinu
    ESO. I want to love you, but you're being difficult. Every victory we have is soon tainted by those that run our store. I don't feel comfortable trusting you anymore.
  • Patouf
    ESO. I want to love you, but you're being difficult. Every victory we have is soon tainted by those that run our store. I don't feel comfortable trusting you anymore.

    True and some poetry here.

    I love Elder Scroll (morrowind --> online) but i did not love what ZoS did with this serie after 2015.
    Edited by Patouf on 26 December 2016 09:27
    Ruined Laggy Broken Game
    Sithis & Psijic Order
    Sithis and spacetime. From nothing to everything.
    Dark, Aurbis, Aetherius-Oblivion, Mundus, Nirn, Tamriel. Dark again, something else.
    Dark is categorical, the absolute zero.

  • Scraelos
    2016 year results:
    I managed to complete Maelstrom Arena in veteran mode, and even obtained sharpened msa inferno staff after several months of weekend farm attempts.
    I completed some veteran trials with guild mates(vAA,vHRC,vSO HM).
    I gained almost 1kk gold while farming BSW gear in normal City Of Ash 1. Yesterday I finally got divines breeches, but no sharpened BSW swords so far.
    2017 wishes:
    2x BSW Sharpened Swords c160
    successfull vMoL run
    Edited by Scraelos on 26 December 2016 09:48
  • Cogo
    I defended Matt Firor over the 2 years since launch when ESO was fantastic.

    ESO is a high quality game that started its decline with the consol launch and making stuff easy, easy easy.

    Mr Firor, you turned the ESO Diamond, into a shiny worthless trinket for "farming" gameplay, instead of the outstanding "hard" and deep MMO it was.

    Matt Firor was 100% correct when he defended the subscription model.
    Crownstore is more cash and attracts way more players who think its "cheap", so I dont blame them.

    It's sad to see this outstanding MMO loosing part after part of its true value.
    Edited by Cogo on 26 December 2016 10:54
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Vanthras79
    Well Mr. Firor,

    I find your end of the year recap to be a rather good recap. That being said, you mentioned at one of the gaming conventions that smaller bit-sized DLCs (akin to episodes) will become more of the norm. That was a rather bitter pill to swallow. I really enjoyed the Orsinium DLC and am hopeful the rumors of a new large DLC are correct ( I will have to wait for the year ahead to get my hype up), but the smaller episodic DLC zones was a huge let-down. I know your team did an excellent job this year with updating the game systems and making ESO more like an Elder Scrolls game. In fact I believe it can only become more and more like an Elder Scrolls game. It is not quite there however, we are still missing some key components. These key components being: (1) the schools of magic as skill lines, (2) player storage in housing, and (3) a better book shelving system (one book per book shelf is a rather game-breaking realization). Although (2) has already been addressed by Lambert, (1) has not been addressed for a while and (3) has not been addressed. I think your studio does great work, but you and your team have a long way still to go. Some have placed great faith in your studio, please do not let us down.

    Edited by Vanthras79 on 26 December 2016 14:46
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • ArnoTerranova
    Well, people seems to complain about crown store, I would say if you don't like it, nothing oblige you to put money into it. Especially for crates, people complains a lot knowing its a lottery. So I am ok with it and I think its a pretty good addition.

    Overall, I loved what was proposed in 2016, although I find the expansions a bit expensive (1500 crowns for 2 dungeons you clear in 1h ... ugh).

    What I expect for 2017 is:
    - incentives to invite friends. Now that the game is better than ever (not that hard after the poor launch we had in 2014), I invited 3 this year to start the game, and even paid the game for a friend's birthday on steam, but I got nothing for that. They almost convinced me to switch away in game that actually give some benefits and friendly packages to play in group.
    - housing, but that is on the way. I would not mind pay for it.
    - a short-pvp battle system, because I don't like Cyrodill, because I live abroad I can hardly play it at the "good time" (due to time difference) to make it enjoyable as it should, (in the middle of the night, not enough people to take a castle), not mentioning lag issue when you join on weekends when its full of people. To me, its too much investment in time to make it fun. So yeah, a short, 10-15 min-battleground with a limited number of player could be nice. Of course, for free.

    Thanks !!!

    Fatty White-Claw (lvl 50+) heal trial pve
    Koros Bone-Shield (lvl 50+) tank trial pve
    Koros Lust (lvl 50+) dps pve, pvp
    Seiri (lvl 50+) dps pve
    Wildfire (lvl 50+) dps pvp
    EU-PC - Playing since April 2014. (beta)
  • Mojmir
    The Samsung note 7 had a better year than eso, at least they recalled that.
  • Sovjet
    Thank you for everything ZOS :)
    Edited by Sovjet on 30 December 2016 17:58
    For every player that quits, more will join in my name - Molag Bal 2E 583
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