Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Update on Personalities

  • Nemesis7884
    Can we get a "im annoyed that maintenance is taking forever again" emote?
  • TheAmu
    It would be nice if personalities changed how you sit.

    All personalities become 'robot' once you sit down.
  • lientier
    I like the idea about the bard, or generally profession related personalites. as well as a gamler/god-for-nothing-personality.
    also nervous or maybe paranoid personality and elder personality i really like.
    also for roleplayig a personality which hold a lantern and/or torch or generally hold things while walking (except weapons) would be very nice. we had a broom.. but it is held like a weapon.

    also MUCH in favour of being able to move while dancing! (ArcheAge has this feature and its just amazing)
    PC-EU @lientier
  • lientier
    Kolache wrote: »
    - /skooma

    Id love to be able to smoke a pipe. But maybe we dont need a personality for this, maybe a faial accessoire would suffice (however that would probably not include extent animation) so probably just an emote would suffice, no need for a whole personality.
    PC-EU @lientier
  • PS4_ZeColmeia
    I want a skooma personality. I want to have an idle animation of my Khajiit cleaning himself doing that 2x the length of the body stretched out leg thing that cats do. Let me beg in style. When I pickpocket, let me look like I'm stealing unseemly large sums of money or items, since I'm on skooma: I'm totally the best sneak thief ever.
    PSN: ***___Chan (3 _s)
    Hybrid, All-Role NB
  • Arkhazul
    Soul Shriven
    I'm still waitting for all idea become true haha :smile:
    Edited by Arkhazul on 13 June 2019 20:22
  • arena25
    Arkhazul wrote: »
    I'm still waitting for all idea become true haha :smile:

    And you necroed this thread BECAUSE....???????
    If you can't handle the heat...stay out of the kitchen!
  • maboleth
    Necromancers = good
    necro thread = bad
  • ZOS_RogerJ
    Greetings! We've closed this thread due to its age, as some information may be outdated. Please create a new thread if you wish to continue discussing this topic.
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