White wabbit wrote: »Toying on it with my magblade with destro ult just think what other set I could run with it to make it even better
GreenSoup2HoT wrote: »I heard Vicious Death was broken and only procing on one target.
visionality wrote: »VD has been seriously nerfed and only affects players in a 4 m radius (see new tool tip). That is exactly the same range as the Ilambris-proc and 25% less than one circle of infernal guardian (which has 5m radius). So unless a group stacks more or less IN each other, most of your VD procs only hit empty air.
UrBaN_RaNgErZz wrote: »I stopped using VD because it was not proccing, see here https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/301445/vicious-death-is-not-working-ps4-please-hot-fix-this
WillhelmBlack wrote: »I'd like to know if it works well on DK?
Alchemist/VD/Goth with Mage Blade and destro ult (fire staff) works
Just pop your usual abilities and Teleport in and spam Sap Essence...You'll wipe a metric ton of people with it.
Not to mentioned VD is broken on console's so that's why you don't see them on Xbox.I think people.just like the next thing. And proc sets are big right now. And if they weren't big before everyone moaning about them here and how OP they are will send curious people looking for.then haha.
When people will realise public moaning just makes things spread!
I think VD is still viable in the right circumstance. Zerrgs are thin on the group now tho (Xbox)