Trials for Noobs (Xbox One)

I would like to start a trials group, preferably with other players who can find the humor in attempting something new & that have little or no experience with trials.

I'm not seeking to lead this group. I simply want to start the conversation here with other people who possess a "team player" mentality and would like to attempt trials in a fun, relaxed way.

I understand that certain guilds specifically exist for trials & there are numerous opportunities in zone chat to join a group for trials. This thread is specifically for people who aren't in those guilds for whatever reason or don't want hear THAT person in the group scream "OMG you SUCK!!" over and over again just because of lack of experience. Or for those that would feel completely lost in a group of randoms because you would had no idea what was going on.

Maybe you're an awesome player but your armor isn't much more impressive than a pair of soulshriven sandals... I envision this group as being able to pool resources to help other group members specifically for trials.

This can easily be framed as a "transitional" group. I.e.: Let's learn together, train together, with the end goal being kicking some serious a** together.

This thread won't appeal to the majority, but it will appeal to the right people. Quality over quantity.

If you have an eagerness to learn, patience, a twisted sense of humor, compassion and a desire to get sh*t done - reply!

Current members include:
Stam NB 401
Mag Sorc 376

Edited by KOSxX on 20 October 2016 20:20
  • whoa_dammitub17_ESO
    NA or EU?
    Die in battle and go to Valhalla
  • KOSxX
  • BlanketFort
    I say, it seems like most of the cool and open people are on the NA server. Xb1 EU seems to be very reserved in comparison. Why, just why did I create my account on the EU server? I am missing out on fun happenings. Yes, I know I'm ranting but please just give me a couple of minutes to let it out, woozah down, and get my s*** together. Would have been happy to join your gang of adorable fizzle-floppers (no idea what that means, but that word is mine now) and I'm just steaming that I can't join :lol:
    There is absolutely no point to my post. I agree.
  • Ap3xJohn15
    Id like to join. Magica templar 551. Gt:Venom 76667
  • formaltester
    Soul Shriven
    How do i join? Sounds l8ke a great idea
  • Ap3xJohn15
    Id like to join. Magica templar 551. Gt:Venom 76667
  • fordmit14
    This sounds awesome I've always a wanted to try trials....GT: mit14
  • Kushh
    Was lucky enough to get invited to normal versions of sanctum Ophidia, and maw of lorkhaj and we all cleared it pretty easily and it was fun. I've been looking for a group to run with regularly because I would like to gear up and eventually try vet versions. Pretty new to the whole endgame trials and stuff.
    GT: presedent kushh
    310+ stamblade, looking to have fun and hang with chill people. Hit me up.
  • CrunchyBrownie5
    561 any role you want gt: CrunchyBrownie5
    Hit me up if you got a mic
    Edited by CrunchyBrownie5 on 12 November 2016 18:04
    "Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed." -Terence McKenna

    Gamertag: CrunchyBrownie5
  • katscubby
    Soul Shriven
    Got room for one more? This sounds perfect. GT is katscubby
  • Andrew1175
    This sounds awesome! I'm in!

    GT: KillerLoneWolf

    message me letting me know this is you
  • Libonotus
    I'd like to join too
    Magic Sorc CP 55
    GT: Acubo
    Am in!
  • wilddavid
    GT: Mrwilddavid

    Done a few veteran trials but i am struggling to find a guild that schedules in advance... really want to get good at trials. CP561, 2 toons: Templar healer with SPC and Monk and Storm sorc.
  • KOSxX
    Just started the guild "Fizzle Floppers" on AD NA server msg KOSxX or LakelynRae for an invite!

    We have invite access to traders in Rawl'kha, Mournhold etc if you're worried about joining a new guild and losing your other trader access. We WILL have a trader in a main city and want to start running trials by the end of the week.

    Let's do this.

    Many thanks to blanket fort for the name ;)
  • CetisRa
    GT DaNashMan

    I will be sending you a message in game.
  • GawdSB
    I'd be down for this. GT: GawdSB
  • skiptomyluau
    Me too
  • MarcWasHere
    II Marckyy xx I'd love to do this
  • bakeandjake
    GT: bakeandjake I'm dying to farm trials
  • DiLK1LLz18
    Soul Shriven
    I would love to join send gamer invite i have a lvl 20 account and some others but im a newer player and do not know everything in the game!!!! Hellpppppp

  • SovietPanda12
    Soul Shriven
    definitely interested, ive stopped playing due to confusion. really wanna get into this game more, loved Skyrim and Oblivion. please add - GT SovietPanda12
  • Furberries
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love to join please GT - Furberries27
  • PRSuzia69
    Im down.
    GT: PRSuzia69
    Xbox1 NA
    GT: PRSuzia69
    NA Server
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