Sorry, closed.

This guild has unfortunately been closed.
Edited by GreenhaloX on 31 October 2016 17:42
  • GreenhaloX
    Sorry, closed.
    Edited by GreenhaloX on 31 October 2016 17:42
  • GreenhaloX
    @Vestario, @Kami675, @delamare32, @Kevin2172, @Pandorii, @georgi1986, @SlayerDemon7, @Rachele, @NinthPrince64, @pastrychef28, @mobyvixen, @Duxes, @Black_Canary15, @zacvanm, @Bblarg, @lordmalroth, @pogotheklown, hello all.. There are still too many guilds on ESO with too many elitist mindsets who shunned others who they think are not as good as them, and dungeons/trials being disbanded abruptly by the host just because it is seemingly not going well, as well as people abruptly leaving or getting kicked off from the group; also too many profanity and vulgar language. It is just too much negative for me among some members of those guilds.

    We are real people, and this is just a game. It is meant to be enjoyed. So, I cannot help, but holding on to the aspiration that we would be able to have a good guild without those negatives. Just good people coming together to enjoy a good game in a positive online atmosphere. So, I'm at it again, hoping this time it will work and be long-lasting. Thus, I'm reaching back out to your all. If any have room and would like, I would be happy to send you all the invites. Let me know..
    Edited by GreenhaloX on 17 October 2016 15:12
  • zacvanm
    I will take an invite. I need an active guild to play with during the day!
    EP Nord StamDK PvP
    EP Breton Magplar PvP/PvE
  • GreenhaloX
    Cool, @zacvanm. Welcome to the guild!
  • GreenhaloX
    We are growing already, Booyah!.. with enough to begin getting into dungeons and such after this One Tamriel patch. We are seeking people/players who want to do dungeons, undaunted pledges, trials and such, in a clean and positive atmosphere. We will be engaging in group events regularly and throughout the day, as members are available to group up. Come on and join us. The more, the merrier. If for some reasons, it is not for you, no worries. This is a chill and casual place.
  • GreenhaloX
    @Evil_Rurouni, let me know if this new guild would be of your interest.
  • GreenhaloX
    @jizzsus, @Bennybabs8, @junitho1992, @YoungGunsGrt8, @AxisTygar, @PillowSnake, @LodanRolfjord, let me know if this new guild would be of interest to any.
  • chelsweyr
    Right up my alley, shoot me an invite when it's all back up, my thingy-ma-jig is chelsweyr
  • GreenhaloX
    Sounds good, @chelsweyr. I will send you the invite after we're back up from this One Tamriel patch.
  • Averya_Teira
    I'm interested in joining. Returning player for One Tamriel.

    PSN: GUC1990
  • GreenhaloX
    @Averya_Teira, thank you for your interest. I will send the invite today. So no surprise, we just started and still quite small, but actively recruiting and looking for good people.
  • GreenhaloX
    We are recruiting! I know there are many good people running around in and around ESO. We want you for this good guild. We are ready to dive into dungeons/pledges, trials, world boss pits, Craglorn. If you want a cool, chill place to enjoy those end games and group events in a positive environment, then this is it. We want to establish a cohesive guild full of team players, where members are not just numbers; rather with quality over quantity.
  • lordmalroth
    thanks for thinking of me! sure I'd appreciate an invite. I'd be splitting my time with another guild I recently joined.
  • Gulkrim-mur
    GreenhaloX wrote: »
    GOLD STAR ALLIANCE: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.”

    Welcome.. We are EBONHEART PACT-based (PS4/NA), but as with One Tamriel, we are open to all factions to form a one alliance guild for all PvE group events. We are looking for "do-gooders" (for a justice league, if you would, type guild); veterans and new players alike who would like to be a part of a good team that engage in DAILY RANDOM DUNGEONS, UNDAUNTED PLEDGES, 12-players TRIALS, all WORLD BOSS PITS, CRAGLORN/CYRODIIL/IMPERIAL CITY quests/ventures, and any other group activities; perhaps PvP. If you share our views below and looking for a positive social setting and good atmosphere, I would like to send you an invite.
    * This is a non-fee guild, primarily focused on doing PvE/end-game group events, but we will bid for a trader (when we have sufficient funding; donation-based) *

    We are promoting:

    - TEAMWORK/Team players: Have patience and help each other to enjoy all aspects of ESO and become better players. We are still learning new things within ESO everyday. Every group events in ESO can be accomplished; may not be the first, or perhaps the second time, but it can be done. There will be NO intentionally kicking someone out of a group, just because a dungeon or trial is seemingly not going well. We can always disband, go back to the drawing board, rethink our tactics and re-engage later. Also, we will communicate so, before having to disband for the good of the group.
    * Same goes for someone abruptly leaving a group or event, just because it may be seemingly not going well; UNLESS, it is due to system error. If someone must leave, then no problem, just communicate so with the host or group first. Too easy..

    - GOOD CONDUCTS/FELLOWSHIP: This is still considered a social setting. Similar to real world, (well.. in my part, at least), hearing profanity and vulgar language are negative, socially. Therefore, we would like our members to not use or LIMIT PROFANITY or vulgar language in voice and text chats. We would also like each to respect and give courtesy to one another, as an effort to instill a clean and positive atmosphere.

    - POSITIVE ATMOSPHERE: We are not here seeking to win any ESO grand champion award or be an elite group or such. We are real people, in different ages and background. We are just here looking to enjoy a good game with other good people. Some may have different way of learning or may not be as good of a player than another, but it does not mean that someone is less of a person than someone else. No member will ridicule or harass another; it doesn't matter what character or level someone is, or doesn't matter how bad a group event is seemingly turning out to be.

    BOTTOM LINE is.. We're not looking for numbers, but rather good people enjoying the game together in a positive online environment. If interested, leave your PSN name/ID, and I would be happy to send you an invite.

    psn DrInsanity666
  • edbv2000
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like an invite. PSN: edbv1977
  • Carelxss
    Inve psn: karelxss
  • randomgamer84
    Soul Shriven
    Can I get an invite? PSN:randomgamer84
  • GreenhaloX
    All invites, thus far, sent out. Welcome to the guild, all!
  • PillowSnake
    Soul Shriven
    I am very interested in joining
    Psn: JPitcher4
  • Amp151
    Hello I'm interested in joining an active PVE guild. Can I get an invite?
    PSN: JuggaloAmp
  • Stubie
    Interested as well.
    Psn. FrumpyCube
  • GreenhaloX
    Ok guys, invites will be sent out. Not to insult anyone's intelligence.. if you haven't read up on us via above or on page 1, please do so.
  • GreenhaloX
    As small as we are still, we are running dungeons and other group events. So, cool people, positive atmosphere.. this is the place to be, folks. If you're good people, a team player and have a bit of patience, we would welcome you. Help our guild to grow and prosper.

    Oh, did I mentioned, no restriction in guild bank's access like most, if not all, other guilds! We want our members to be able to grab stuff as they need as well as drop in useful stuff that other members may also need.
  • kenly18
    Hey I am interest add me El_Maniak_13
  • LegionofMorte
    Tired of playing solo since i reupped. Inv mortedea :)
  • GreenhaloX
    Ok @kenly18 and @LegionofMorte, invites will be sent out. Keep in mind, we are still smaller in numbers, but like everything.. in due time.
  • pogotheklown
    I'll join if you're still looking for players.
  • Silumgahr
    This sounds like my kind of guild, shoot me an invite. Psn: silumgahr
  • BoxOnWheels
    Soul Shriven
    Psn : Boxesonwheels
  • mutchas
    Can I get an invite please? PSN: mutchas
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