Official Discussion Thread for "Update 12 Brings Players Together in One Tamriel for PC/Mac"

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This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Update 12 Brings Players Together in One Tamriel for PC/Mac.

Joining the adventure has never been easier in One Tamriel, the latest update for The Elder Scrolls Online. This completely free update gives you more options than ever before. Read our launch article to find out how you can join the world of Tamriel together in our latest game update for PC and Mac!
Jessica Folsom
Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Staff Post
  • MyNameIsElias
    Link seems to be missing.
  • Elsonso
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Link seems to be missing.

    Sorry about that! Fixed. :)
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Leogon
    Please get rid of dueling in towns.
    Edited by Leogon on 5 October 2016 18:31
  • Stormbow
    Thanks for the 35+ GB "update"...
    Edited by Stormbow on 5 October 2016 18:43
  • Dasovaruilos
    "These modes will be defined as Version I for Normal and Version II for Veteran to make it easy to understand."

    Is this correct?

    I though versions I & II were just related to the stories of the dungeons, not the difficulty.

    As I understood you could play both versions in either difficulty (version I Veteran or version II normal).
  • XDragonoid
    Soul Shriven
    Why there is no important balance changes? I was hoping that this patch will fix some pop problems... With Dk and Templar...
  • Dalbhach
    I came home from work just so I could get the update downloading on my wife's and my computers! I can't wait!!
  • Almakor
    Does the update bring the Undaunted Sets up to c160 and have them drop for player from all levels?
  • Llevndryn
    This wallpaper is so cool ...! I'm hyped just looking at it !
  • itehache
    Thanks for this update, I am having soo much fun.
    Tried duels and dungeons so far. Also a world boss and 1 anchor! Tons of fun
  • newtinmpls
    Leogon wrote: »
    Please get rid of dueling in towns.

    I do agree (even though I dueled in Rawl'kla this morning).

    I would like to see a 'no-dueling' in towns, either functioning like water disables pets and horses, or it should be like anyone damaging another PC attracts the guard same as thievery.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Valerien
    I'm not sure One Tamriel has achieved what it set out to.

    While it is still early days, the battle leveling seems to have distorted aspects of the game, a world boss in a starting area had 1.8 million health. Yesterday it could have been soloed by a new player if they knew what they were doing, today it seems like even should it be soloable its going to be like chopping wood to bring it down.

    This seems to have transferred across to every aspect of the game with combat what were low level areas becoming sluggish where 40k health is the norm and even side quests are now time consuming. Which is fine if the reward is balanced with the time invested, but sadly this doesn't seem to be the case. Slog through walls of meat for a few coins and a little xp may quickly become boring.

    While the much looked forward to Craglorn being soloable, the mage quest line seems to require world boss fights. Now not a problem if you have lots of people exploring with you but isn't really soloable.

    While the advertised grouping options this has introduced seem to be a little lacking, unless you can work a better quest dialogue system having group members hold individual dialogues and not knowing if your group are skipping through the dialogue (or just reading it rather than waiting on the audio) it takes the enjoyment out of grouping. Can I listen to the story or will I find that my group has moved on or are they waiting for me only to find another group has torn through killing everything so our experience is following a trail of bodies etc. Encourage grouping is great but if the mechanics don't make it intuitive letting me group with some low level smurf ain't going to be the most appealing way to experience the game.
  • Valerien
    I'm not sure One Tamriel has achieved what it set out to.

    While it is still early days, the battle leveling seems to have distorted aspects of the game, a world boss in a starting area had 1.8 million health. Yesterday it could have been soloed by a new player if they knew what they were doing, today it seems like even should it be soloable its going to be like chopping wood to bring it down.

    This seems to have transferred across to every aspect of the game with combat what were low level areas becoming sluggish where 40k health is the norm and even side quests are now time consuming. Which is fine if the reward is balanced with the time invested, but sadly this doesn't seem to be the case. Slog through walls of meat for a few coins and a little xp may quickly become boring.

    While the much looked forward to Craglorn being soloable, the mage quest line seems to require world boss fights. Now not a problem if you have lots of people exploring with you but isn't really soloable.

    While the advertised grouping options this has introduced seem to be a little lacking, unless you can work a better quest dialogue system having group members hold individual dialogues and not knowing if your group are skipping through the dialogue (or just reading it rather than waiting on the audio) it takes the enjoyment out of grouping. Can I listen to the story or will I find that my group has moved on or are they waiting for me only to find another group has torn through killing everything so our experience is following a trail of bodies etc. Encourage grouping is great but if the mechanics don't make it intuitive letting me group with some low level smurf ain't going to be the most appealing way to experience the game.
  • unwoman
    I like the idea behind this update, but I have a concern with your level always being auto-scaled to the zone you're in. I am a solo player so when I come across a quest or a mob that is simply too tough for me, I will simply move on and out level it then come back to complete it when it is much easier for me to handle. If my level will always remain around the same in the zone I am in, then I won't be able to effectively solo difficult quests or mobs I run into anymore? Same with quests that require you to do them solo.

    I have no way to know if this is actually how it will be, but it is definitely a concern.
  • mad0ni0n
    hugocbp wrote: »
    "These modes will be defined as Version I for Normal and Version II for Veteran to make it easy to understand."

    Is this correct?

    I though versions I & II were just related to the stories of the dungeons, not the difficulty.

    As I understood you could play both versions in either difficulty (version I Veteran or version II normal).

    Yeah, this is wrong. The article really should be changed to correct this.
  • Glaiceana
    Loving One Tamriel so far! Didn't think I'd be too interested in the duels but they are actually loads of fun. Especially with friends. But the best part is just how populated everywhere is, and the fact that I can see anyone I want! :) Can even give werewolf bites to anyone. No longer have to specify alliance when trying to get free bites out to people!

    I will check out all the confusing dungeon updates in the coming days. And also level these new weapon ultimates to see what they got :D

    First cross faction werewolf bite :D
    Edited by Glaiceana on 5 October 2016 22:19
    Priests of Hircine
    Werewolves who bite for FREE! PC/EU
    Our total free bites: 7000+
    Guild Subreddit | Forum Thread | YouTube Playlist
    Total Champion Points: 1000+
    Main Character: Ithaera - Stam DK, Nord, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Rothelnog - Stam NB, Orc, Male, DD, Werewolf.
    J'Xena - Mag DK, Khajiit, Female, DD, Werewolf.
    Dances-With-Frost-Dragons - DK, Argonian, Male, Tank, Werewolf.
    Raziel The Paradox - Mag TP, Dark Elf, Male, DD, Vampire.
    Swims-Through-Starlight - TP, Argonian, Female, Healer, Werewolf.
    Glaicean Mag Ward, High Elf, Male, Ice DD, Werewolf.
    Hjurne Hircine's Forsaken - Sorc, Redguard, Male, PvP DD, Werewolf.
    My Total Free Werewolf Bites: 400+ (Ask me about bites if you need one!)
    Playing since July 2015!
  • SandraOwen
    Im agreeing with unwoman besides a missing quest directional tool we find ourselves stuck in quests such as the harvest heart where we cannot complete the quest without dying as the mob that comes at you are all highly leveled out so no escape and cannot complete a quest that yeaterday I could come back and do it later when I am higher. Seems good for people that are in packs but useless for single players to enjoy anymore especially when you cant move on.
  • unwoman
    Perhaps a possible fix to this issue would be an option to turn the auto-scale off? I don't know if this would cause any issues but surely this would allow those who don't like this feature and don't wish to use it to still play the way they want to without any unforeseen consequences such as the one I mentioned above.
  • Thyco2501
    Soul Shriven
    Will there still be Cadwell's Silver and Gold in Update 12 since you can now go wherever you want and the content is scaled? Can't seem to find this information anywhere.
  • Mysticman
    Thyco2501 wrote: »
    Will there still be Cadwell's Silver and Gold in Update 12 since you can now go wherever you want and the content is scaled? Can't seem to find this information anywhere.
    Yes, you can still do the quest the same way you did them before One Tamriel if you want too. This video does a great job of explaining One Tamriel.

    [Your First Day in One Tamriel][/url]
    Edited by Mysticman on 6 October 2016 15:46
  • HaphazardAllure
    Mysticman wrote: »
    Yes, you can still do the quest the same way you did them before One Tamriel if you want too. This video does a great job of explaining One Tamriel.

    [Your First Day in One Tamriel][/url]

    Thanks for sharing the video!
  • SandraOwen
    I got the templar through in the harvest heart by waiting till someone else came however now I cannot get my dragonight through as the difficulty level for coldharbour is way too high such as the main boss for the everfull tavern quest. this is a real glitch for single players. None of the ardent flame skills seem to be working effectively and with the knightblade Im having difficulty with the siphoning skills and I have to avoid any boss as a single player with the templer its the spear skills thats suffered
  • Mic1007
    XDragonoid wrote: »
    Why there is no important balance changes? I was hoping that this patch will fix some pop problems... With Dk and Templar...

    Update 13 is slated to be a balance update, with a focus on DKs I believe.
    Champion Rank 900+
    PC NA

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Jayne_Doe
    unwoman wrote: »
    Perhaps a possible fix to this issue would be an option to turn the auto-scale off? I don't know if this would cause any issues but surely this would allow those who don't like this feature and don't wish to use it to still play the way they want to without any unforeseen consequences such as the one I mentioned above.

    That won't be possible, since everything is now CP160. If you turn scaling off, your character will be in even worse shape, being far below the CP160 level. The game is scaling characters up to the content, so the only option would be to adjust the bonuses to characters below CP160 or to adjust the overall difficulty.

    In order for One Tamriel to work as they intend, with characters of all levels playing the same content, the content has to be one level.

    Hopefully, if there are enough solo players struggling, perhaps they'll adjust the bonuses to characters under CP160. Or perhaps tweak the difficulty of the content a bit.
  • SandraOwen
    I do know Im stuck in all of my solo characters and cannot progress forward and as I used to love the game and now think its boss monster level difficulty outrageous as i got killed by the thane in everfall flagon without being near him when his tools are just a two handed blade a bit over the top.

    When you have three monsters or more thaqn comming at you, there is no time to regenerate or any thing, you also have no chance and the amount of soul stones I waisted in two days was over the top and lots of the skills are not working in all four of my classes. I dont mind the proportional leveling concept but the bosses must be reduced to realistic levels for progression outcomes and the amount of enermies attacking should also be considered reducable.

    The technical difficulties in the graphics are not being looked at and the technical issue with a quest traacker is not working and I feel ignored irrelevant and struggling and not able to progress in anything. Ive stopped playing today and just thought Id leave this message to say after the two and a bit years I have loved the game I now will look for other games to enjoy to relax and chill too.

    I hope you fix it but I dont feel anyone is listening. People are talking on face book how bad the game is playing for single players.
  • SandraOwen
    In fact how can anyone enjoy the new aspects when you cant progress as the more popular single player just a thought.
  • BattleAxe
    Ne one ever play the dead island series they had a nice scaling system which would solve the problem newer players are having. What the system does is say ur maxed out creatures would b your level while a level 5 would see the same creature at their level. By doing this you keep the high levels playing with low level friends and high level players will still get something out of running with new friends.
  • Chrisanne
    Soul Shriven
    I have posted this as its own thread in the bugs section of the forums as it is a over all design bug, but here is what I said....

    I have thought long and hard about writing this post. Sad to say it is my first and may very well be my last. My roommate and I are not the biggest gamers on the planet, but when we come home from a long day’s work we enjoy a bit of entertainment. From the time her college told her that they were playing ESO, she stated looking into it and so did I. We both purchased an Xbox one in order to play this game. That was three months ago. We have found ESO to be a fantastic escape from the monotony of the daily stress. It has let our minds and spirit go on adventures we could only dream of. From the stories to the music scores it has been nothing less than fantastic.

    The roommate and I have both played RPGs way back in the day of the first Final Fantasy, Phantasy Star, Zelda, and even MUDs. Showing my age, I have played more RPGs and MMOPGs then I should even count. I have worked and lived around the game industry for many years. I say all this to show I am not some person just being a “hater” (or whatever the current word is), but someone that really wants to express my input as to why my friends, co-works, family, and myself will no longer be playing ESO until something changes.

    Update 12 seem to be a fantastic idea all the way up to one single nail in the coffin. That nail is one word… “Scaling”. Scaling the level of the enemy or monster just to match your level (or close to it) makes an RPG pointless. The whole reason a person “Grinds” is be strong enough to take oh what is up ahead in the next adventure. You guys took the Indicator levels off the enemy because you felt there was no longer a need due to it was matched with the current player. Awful. If I wanted to travel back to where I started, all the enemies would be at my current level, and this makes me feel like I never advanced or achieved anything. What if I want raise my levels higher just to take on a large monster or boss in a cave, but learning it will do no good until you are killed over and over again. Pointless.

    Player Vs. Player (PVP)…. What a wash there too. When would it ever seem fair that a level 12 person be able to kill a player that is level 50+? Why even try or care at that point? Why can a level 25 person attack an enemy with only a few blows and someone that is 45 with same race, pact, and weapons require to hit it three to four times that amount? Does that seem right? Again, Pointless.

    I cannot wait to read everyone’s comments on this, and even the team that through Update 12 with the Scaling was a good idea.

    I was honestly looking forward to putting more time, and money into this game. Thank you for helping me find something else to do with my free time.
  • Alucardo
    Love the update so far. Having the game more "open" just makes it feel more social, and it's quite cool being able to meet up with people you often see in Cyrodiil.

    I think the only negative feedback I have with One Tamriel is all the people complaining about dueling in towns. That's getting really annoying. Dueling in towns has really brought them to life, and I'd hate to see it taken away because it's near impossible to find someone out in the wilderness to duel. The exciting part about it is the random duel encounters you get in town, and even just watching them when you're taking a break.

    I really like the idea of the new sets dropping in different zones. It has forced me to experience a lot of places I've never really visited and meet different people (also collect skyshards along the way). It would be nice if the treasure hunter passive affected dolmen chests. This is probably my only criticism in regards to that part. With the influx of people running around, your chances of coming across a random chest is extremely low, so that CP passive goes unused for the most part.
    If it does affect dolmens already, then I need to tell you it's not working. 1 purple ring in 2 full days of grinding is not ok.

    Maelstrom Arena. Why weren't these sets adjusted to drop in impenetrable like everything else? I know the sets in MA are kind of crap, but it would be nice if we could get Winterborn in impen, as it's not too bad.

    Love the new key system for the undaunted chests. Probably because I got the exact piece I wanted from a single key. I was worried when I saw all the new sets that were going to pollute the loot table, but splitting them up into specific chests was a great idea to increase the chances of getting the set piece you want.

    So yeah, it has been an enjoyable update so far, and long term will be good for the game.

    Cyrodiil is still a steaming pile of dog turds.
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