Praeficere wrote: »The Grim Harlequin motif will be available in-game just like Hollowjack, it was just bugged on PTS. (Read patch notes)
lordrichter wrote: »
I was unable to find any forum reference to Grim Harlequin by any ZOS employee that said that. I would like to see the reference if anyone has it.
@lordrichter Yeah, the only thing I could find was a "known issue" on one of the PTS patch note threads.. the issue was your character wouldn't learn the motif after reading the book. Doesn't mention anything about dropping in game.
lordrichter wrote: »
Oddly enough, that patch note is the one and only time Gina, Jessica, Rich, or Kai (plus a few others) has even mentioned it. Maybe it does not really exist?
I didn't find a patch note saying it was fixed! lol
Also, read a good point in another thread from someone. They will gladly buy it because it's available for sale directly, and not through crown crates.
lordrichter wrote: »
Oh yeah, I am thinking about it.
Unfortunately, ZOS will just take it and then expect me to restock for the [hack spit] Crown Crates in November.
I think you misunderstood. What DocFrost means is that, perhaps the Grim Harlequin style is being offered for free while it's up there in the spirit of the Witch's Festival event. If, IF, this is the case, then we can reasonably assume the Frostcaster crown motif found on PTS will be the same deal for the New Life Festival as well.
@lordrichter Yeah, the only thing I could find was a "known issue" on one of the PTS patch note threads.. the issue was your character wouldn't learn the motif after reading the book. Doesn't mention anything about dropping in game.
DocFrost72 wrote: »
Twilliam gets it. And as someone who places Req orders for new styles I'm too lazy to farm from people like @Twilix01 who bust their butts to get the new chapters, I'm really hoping they are NOT crown store exclusive.
What am I supposed to do, give him RL money for crown gems? HowaboutnothanksKbye
I actually checked this out myself and it specifically mentioned chapters in that patch note. Considering there are chapters of the motif in existence, it can be assumed the style is obtainable in-game without using crowns.
And while I wouldn't complain about getting some actual money.... joking aside I would be pretty upset as someone who farms and spends gold on collecting every single style ZOS releases if they restricted any to only be available by spending crowns.
The chapters existing in game do make a very good point @Twilix01 . Seems to work against their decision to start putting motifs in the crown store after going in game though. (and to give more time between them)
DocFrost72 wrote: »Something interesting; remember when the cake week went live and you had to get the voucher on the crown store? Perhaps, just perhaps, the motif is free during the event, then taken down after?
I think because ZOS hasn't said anything on the topic. It would be really simple to state "The motif will be available for a limited time during the event, but in-game and through the Crown Store." But because it's been almost an entire business day, and ZOS hasn't commented, people are naturally suspicious. I don't get why they've not commented on it. This is one of those times where people go "If ZOS would communicate with us this wouldn't be an issue."Darkonflare15 wrote: »Geez the motto of this forum community should be "assume and outrage". I come on this forums just to find out some new information and their always something that players are complaing about with limited information. I should also add to the motto " if assumption is true out rage some more" probably should get rid of the word true because it could be false and community would still outrage.
I think because ZOS hasn't said anything on the topic. It would be really simple to state "The motif will be available for a limited time during the event, but in-game and through the Crown Store." But because it's been almost an entire business day, and ZOS hasn't commented, people are naturally suspicious. I don't get why they've not commented on it. This is one of those times where people go "If ZOS would communicate with us this wouldn't be an issue."
I get they can't comment on everything, but...
DocFrost72 wrote: »
That's what has me worried too, man.
And Twilix01, if the chapters exist, that means they exist in game, and not just on the crown store...unless ZoS is selling chapters now (I'm kidding people!) mentioned the chapter thing to someone today @DocFrost72 .. and they said to me "Oh, well maybe the chapters will be for in crown crates!" (I'm hoping I'm kidding people!)
Related to your earlier comment:
"Upon use, the Grim Harlequin style chapter items are not currently teaching the Grim Harlequin style."
ZOS has acknowledged the chapter items are there, in game, and there was a big associated with them. So they exist, and can (somehow) be obtained in game. The likely thought is the full motif will be available to purchase as it's a limited time item, so ZOS wants to bank on players paying to get it before it's unobtainable.
Why they can't update and clarify their position on that...
Why they can't update and clarify their position on that...
ya'll just yapping about Grim Harlequin (Hollowjack looks infinitely better imo, Grim has ok lookin swords mind you) and I'm over eyeing the pretty cat mask, the adornment pack and maybe one of the polymorphs lol.
@Preyfar Tokens to take your werewolf or vampire to max level are in game on the pts. Just because something comes on a template character... doesn't mean much.