This exploit basically give u minor berserk from camo hunter , 100% activate in combat without crouch , reflesh back to full duration every 5 second , so u just need slot camo hunter and with some operations u will have it active all the time , gain minor berserk and never need reflesh the exploit till u leave combat which is the end of the fight
This exploit allows all classes have minor berserk especially if u play stam build .
SOME PEOPLE STARTS USE IT IN CYRO NOW, and it increase your dps a lot in pve as well (8% dmg done)
can we get rid of this please ?
I am not posting how to exploit camo hunter here , and ZOS have no intend to read my support ticket as well since last time I sent my ticket to ZOS (which is not about this exploit) and get auto reply from bot 3 times .
PLEASE FIX IT BEFORE NEXT PATCH , no one should have minor berserk without being a nightblade, and no one should exploit perm minor berserk buff from camo hunter without getting into stealth and without worry about the buff time run out.
Marco Hacker - the best mageblade in the game