The Sacrificial Warriors - Baandari Trading Post trader

We are The Sacrificial Warriors PS4!
Sister guild to The Sacrificial Warriors on XBOX One.

We're a social guild who will run guild events, competitions, and looking to just have fun. We do not discriminate against time zones, levels or alliances. We have a guild trader most weeks. Everyone is welcome!!

If you're looking for some fun, dungeons, pvp, whatever, we're the guild for you.
If you also have the game on xb1 let us know and we'll get you set up on both.

We operate a busy PSN chat thread for people to request gear, group ups and general chat. If you don't wish to be part of the PSN thread due to notifications, let us know and we'll add you to the Facebook group.

If you're interesting in joining the Sacrificial Warrior family and having some friendly adventures, please leave your PSN name. Or message Hengeyokai_Zer0 on PSN and I'll add you.

May your road lead you to warm Sands.
Edited by Red_Mosquito on 4 October 2016 10:44
  • Peder0210
    Sure. I'm going bak into the game, and looking for players to play with XD I'm not very good, but I'll hope we can play together. My PSN: Flkj1525
  •  Red_Mosquito
    Don't worry, we can all help each other out. I shall add you when I get online. :)
  • Da_Nutz
    I'm low level trying to grow as quickly as possible. Please add as looking to get involved with things and get some tips from more experienced players
    Da Nutz
  •  Red_Mosquito
    Sure thing. What's your PSN exactly so I can add you later too
  • Da_Nutz
    I think Psn registered under da Nutz. Please let me know if can't find me?
  •  Red_Mosquito
    There's a few people. Is it with an underscore or all one word?
  • Da_Nutz
    2 words
  • Da_Nutz
    Try mattferrier
  •  Red_Mosquito
    Added both. :)
  • Pajanec
    Soul Shriven
    Bought the game few days ago.. still low-level and very interesed to join...

    PSN: Super_Mario995
  • Ghosrath
    Soul Shriven
    Count me in!
    PSN: Ghosrath
  •  Red_Mosquito
    Invited both :)
  • FuzzyDunlop81
    FuzzyDunlop81 thanks
  • toniaslee
    Soul Shriven
    This is great I'm looking for guild! PSN: toniaslee
  •  Red_Mosquito
    I'll add you tonight as soon as I get online! :) I'll also add you to the PSN thread we have for people to group request or any other requests.

    If the msg pop ups become a bother to you you can always turn notifications off, or leave the PSN thread and we'll not add you back at your choice and instead use our Facebook group perhaps? We understand PSN thread isn't for everyone. But it has helped people find groups for things quickly if they don't fancy coming into voice chat :)
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