HeyI'm very new to the game...and MMORPG's in general...But I've played a lot of Elderscrolls games so it's not ALL new to me ^^ I've been looking all over for an AD guild aswel. I'd love to be part of setting one up
I may not know everything about the game yet, but I'm a fast learner.
I have my two main characters in the Altmeri Dominion; A High Elf Templar (tank/healer, lvl 24) and a Khajiit Nightblade (lvl 12).
My GT is Candurill. Send me an invite if I'm welcome to join
Travy_2Hype wrote: »I've been constantly looking for a AD focused Guild. Mostly for PvP. If you plan on doing PvP runs I'll be more than glad to join.
I play daily. Only days I don't play, are days where I just have too much going on that day - tend to jam all my errands, etc into one day. So I'll be very active within the guild.
Thanks for your interest. Whats your gamertag?
Travy_2Hype wrote: »
SJD_Phoenix wrote: »
luckybush56 wrote: »MY GT is caninemage26268, inv plz tyvm!will donate everyweek!
SJD_Phoenix wrote: »Is this guild active in chat?
SJD_Phoenix wrote: »Is this guild active in chat?
Nice to see the guild is beginning to build up. If anyone has any ideas for the guild post them on this discussion board and we can try to implement them into the guild.
DynamicViper123 wrote: »
A small idea, but might not be successful as the guild is small, could be a trade system between the members. Someone could put a message asking for a certain item in exchange for something else. Just a little idea for when the guild grows instead of someone having to buy their desired item ☺
Yea we should definitely write down who can craft whatthen we can make stuff for each other....maybe we need a place for that kind of messages and posts...
How dyou guys think about a communal facebook page? To stay in touch?
Travy_2Hype wrote: »
FlyingDutch92 wrote: »Hey all,
I would love to join this new AD guild, I've been trying to find a guild that has some AD players in there who would like to do quests/pvp/dungeons and the like together. I have only got one AD character at the moment, so I'll be doing AD related content most of the time.
Although I'm not a native speaker I'd like to join the guild chatrooms and help out as much as I can.
Please send me an invite if you think I would be a nice addition to the guild.
GT: Exexutioner
FlyingDutch92 wrote: »Hey all,
I would love to join this new AD guild, I've been trying to find a guild that has some AD players in there who would like to do quests/pvp/dungeons and the like together. I have only got one AD character at the moment, so I'll be doing AD related content most of the time.
Although I'm not a native speaker I'd like to join the guild chatrooms and help out as much as I can.
Please send me an invite if you think I would be a nice addition to the guild.
GT: Exexutioner
FlyingDutch92 wrote: »Hey all,
I would love to join this new AD guild, I've been trying to find a guild that has some AD players in there who would like to do quests/pvp/dungeons and the like together. I have only got one AD character at the moment, so I'll be doing AD related content most of the time.
Although I'm not a native speaker I'd like to join the guild chatrooms and help out as much as I can.
Please send me an invite if you think I would be a nice addition to the guild.
GT: Exexutioner
Hey, what is your native language then?Seeing as your name is "FLyingDutch" gok ik dat het Nederlands is ;P
Or I could be wrong....