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Game Performance Issues on Console

  • HaloGod
    In addition to everything that has been said already (random load screens, phasing, NPCs taking forever to load are the big ones), I attempted Maelstrom today and the load screens and no round resets were atrocious. Below is a 5 minute clip of trying to even start Stage 8 Round 4. I couldn't even load quick enough to get a shield up to keep from dying. Tried restarting stage 8 twice and keep getting stuck at round 4 (because I can't do it flawlessly). I limped my way through all other stages with similar problems, but I don't have the patience to keep fighting the load screens.
  • blindy107
    Welcome back @ZOS_GinaBruno , hope you and baby are well.

    I logged into sentinel bank in alik'r. Was unable to cast or weapon swap for 3 minutes. NPCs were invis and players were silhouettes for that amount of time as well. After that I mounted up and ran to the crafting tables. Hit 2 load screens about 20 sec each. Refined some stuff and logged out.

    Logged in different character to riften bank. Same thing for same amount of time. Queued for blackwater. Was able to pvp without crashing for over an hour however, all fights were accompanied by large amounts of lag. Weapon swaps, cc break, mass hysteria and ultimates seemed to be the most frequently missed by the server when I mashed them. Few random load screens here and there.

    Other info: NAT open. 112mbps down 20ish up. Xbox memory at 83.3% used. That's all I know...

    All in all it seems a touch better for me regarding the frequent dashboardings. I know my buddy was dashboarded from character selection screen immediately after loading patch though.

    This is in no way "fixed" as it's still far worse than prior to DB patch. Frustratingly so.
  • jkolb2030
    HaloGod wrote: »
    In addition to everything that has been said already (random load screens, phasing, NPCs taking forever to load are the big ones), I attempted Maelstrom today and the load screens and no round resets were atrocious. Below is a 5 minute clip of trying to even start Stage 8 Round 4. I couldn't even load quick enough to get a shield up to keep from dying. Tried restarting stage 8 twice and keep getting stuck at round 4 (because I can't do it flawlessly). I limped my way through all other stages with similar problems, but I don't have the patience to keep fighting the load screens.

    Wow I would not have gone back after the 2nd time.. That is rough.
  • Aeaeren
    Hey guys,

    In order to help us track down the exact issues you’re seeing, we’d like to get some very specific information from you. If you’re running into invisible monsters and/or NPCs, if things are not fully loading in, or if you have extremely low FPS, please post exactly which area you’re experiencing this (and include which problem you’re having). The more specific you can be, the better.

    Thanks in advance!

    Crypt of Hearts.

    Zoning in you have to wait at least 30 seconds for weapon swapping but it can take up to 2 minutes at times.

    You have to wait for the Mobs to update

    Room with 3 mobs doing some ritual, the exit hallway that has spiders right at the entrance always causes load screens for most of my group. I never had this issue but last night it started happening to me also. 2 out of 5 times I got load screened.

    Room with 3 mobs again, invisible for almost the complete duration of the fight.

    Room with pool before you open the door with the 2 statues and encounter the Chamber dude has skeletons that don't become visible until after we AOE them to death.

    Some fights the Red doesn't draw on the clients and you end up dead.

    Sound cuts in an out. One run it was so bad for me I had to turn it off as it was choppy gibberish.

    Wayrest - Undaunted area. Redbeard can take up to 5 minutes before he becomes visible.

    Oh forgot when FPS drops to 1 frame per hour you have to reboot the Xbox. Thankfully this is not everytime type of issue but once you get the issue rebooting is the only way to solve it. I find the most issue when using Fire Elemental Rings AOE.
    Edited by Aeaeren on 7 July 2016 19:05
  • Karivaa
    I will say that the game has been playing better for me. I was in Cyrodiil last night in Scourge and did not dashboard nearly as much as normal. At one point all of the walls of the keeps were invisible though lol! I reset my Xbox which fixed the issue.

    By the end of the night, I did dashboard twice though. There were lots of players there because we were at the last red keep.
  • Caff32
    Hey guys,

    In order to help us track down the exact issues you’re seeing, we’d like to get some very specific information from you. If you’re running into invisible monsters and/or NPCs, if things are not fully loading in, or if you have extremely low FPS, please post exactly which area you’re experiencing this (and include which problem you’re having). The more specific you can be, the better.

    Thanks in advance!

    * Last night around 11:30-midnight, Fungal Grotto, attacked by invisible mobs during Gamyne Bandu boss fight, and sporatic voice chat throughout the dungeon

    * Everyday (can confirm yesterday), Eldenroot Undaunted Enclave, stuttering, FPS drops, black silhouettes lasting several minutes, Glirion the Redbeard and Maj al-Ragath takes almost five minutes to load. At least one dashboard crash when trying to pick up the pledge

    * Orsinium (this morning), slow walked into the city from the north after using the Shatul Wayshrine, upon entry: FPS drops, stuttering, loading screen.

    * Rawl'kha (this morning), black sihouettes and NPCs take almost five minutes to load, audio cuts out.

    * Auridon (last night) several load screens while riding my mount through the city

    * General video and audio stuttering in almost every major city

    I have had the same issues (other than Fungal Grotto). However, it's usually only a few minutes (1-2) for everything to load.

    I would also add that there is a load screen in Crypt of Hearts every time in the same place. Also with every mob, it takes at least 30 sec to 1 min for mobs to load as we walk down the hall.

    Once you drop down through the floor into the area where Ibelgast is, you can skip past him by not aggro'ing him and hugging the right hand wall. When you get to the hallway on the right leading to Ruzozuzalpamaz, before you actually can turn into the hallway, everyone is put into a loading screen. The loading screen is anywhere between 3-4 minutes. This usually results in a wipe because the load screen doesn't seem to happen until the adds in the hallway are aggro'ed. This started the day the DB DLC dropped and has happened every single time I've run the dungeon since.
    Edited by Caff32 on 7 July 2016 19:34
  • bebynnag
    Hey guys,

    In order to help us track down the exact issues you’re seeing, we’d like to get some very specific information from you. If you’re running into invisible monsters and/or NPCs, if things are not fully loading in, or if you have extremely low FPS, please post exactly which area you’re experiencing this (and include which problem you’re having). The more specific you can be, the better.

    Thanks in advance!

    DC character all areas using a mount causes load screens, running causes load screens,

    Dc & AD characters npc's take at least 2 muinites to load in, and only the ones in render range have loaded, if i move just a few steps, i will get another load screen as those npc's try to render

    EP character invisible npc but only take 30seconds to render, and i can walk further before another load screen than i can on characters on other aliances

    cross alliance quest markers are not updating correctly (regardless of how long i leave them)

    I can not travel directly to any major city (on any character) as i am booted before loading in, can access major cities if i travel to near by wayshrines, but this one is scared of getting kidnapped again by big scarry tree/orc city!

    2 new characters questing in khenarthis roost was great, no lag, no booting, no invisible NPCs but the second i traveled to auridon the frame rate was atrocious, quest markers are skewed, i am being stalked by a perpetually invisible Varen

    getting loading screens on all characters cross aliiance during heists (even though its a solo instance)

    if i do manage to collect a pledge completing them is pointless because the NPC that do render, trigger a loading screen when they attack!

    trying to train my mounts are causing mini crashes (not kicked but takes 3 minuites to conclude & i get pushed into the floor afterwards & am forced to travel/get me unstuck)
  • Darkestnght
    Hey guys,

    In order to help us track down the exact issues you’re seeing, we’d like to get some very specific information from you. If you’re running into invisible monsters and/or NPCs, if things are not fully loading in, or if you have extremely low FPS, please post exactly which area you’re experiencing this (and include which problem you’re having). The more specific you can be, the better.

    Thanks in advance!

    Xbox NA

    PvE all characters in general EP/AD/DC all 501 cp, when going to any wayshire all I see are shadows of players and NPC's. I have to wait a good minute or more before I move or a loading screen will come up or I might get kicked back to the loading screen. FYI - I have no pet following me around I turned it off.

    Last night on my EP toon in Auridon it was very bad. After exiting or entering a building or speaking with an NPC it took along time for any NPC to load or interact with, players were shadows as well. Quest markers were not showing up right away and I had to wait about 30sec for them to appear after talking with an NPC. When trying to get somewhere I would get load screen about every 200 feet or so. I gave up and went to PvP

    Last night and for the last 4 weeks or so in Scourge NA. FPS is poor throughout my game play. I often get kicked back to my home page when trying to take a keep with about 30 other players. This happens often when I am inside a keep that is under attack and there are a lot of players rushing around inside. I have to slow myself way down and not move to fast or I will be kicked out of the game for sure. Getting kicked out of the game seems to happen close to keeps also when big battles are going on, again I have to be careful and not move to fast or I will be kicked for sure.

    Also last night during PvP in Scourge I was on a bridge where a battle was talking place and the textures of the bridge looked weird, like not completely loaded. There was also a tower that AD had taken refuge in but it was completely see through other than the door. I could see all the players inside, it looked as if they were floating in mid air.

    Often in PVP the ground textures will not appear complete.

    Calgron seems very stable other than having to wait at the wayshire for everything to load.

    Orsinium is a glitch fest and I just do not go there other than to drop off my writs which seems to work if I go to a wayshire out of town and then walk to drop of my writes.

    Hew's Bane seem ok other than the long waits at the wayshire for everything to load.

    Other areas I have traveled to recently have the same loading issues.

    Hope that helps and let me know if you have any question.

    Edited by Darkestnght on 7 July 2016 21:31
    Xbox NA - CP1300+
    Xbox EU - CP400+

  • DPG76
    Strangly didn't had any lag or performance problem for a few hours playing !! What a relief , i could just go wherever i wanted without or just a little latency on spots where earlier today and yesterday were doomed like Vulkhel guard for example . Really ran smoothly all the way .
    Is this just luck or what ?? Or is it just because maybe there was less pops connected ?

    Just wanted to report my game was running normal for a while ! :smiley:
    i really enjoyed it , can i have a daily shot like this please ?
  • bebynnag
    So i have a character stuck in wrothgar & i have received the same automated response 4 times now.

    what does it take to get a character moved to a safe location?
  • Markdechene1
    Jumped on to try out the game post patch and it was worse.

    Vet Maelstrom was an absolute nightmare of fps issues.

    As was Banished Cells the pledge that day.

    There was even a new bug where I couldn't group with people. People couldn't invite me to groups or I couldn't invite them.
  • johu31
    Group finder works for me now, load screens are still very frequent.
  • ForsakenSin
    uha... fix they say .. unstuck they say ...

    last night my character got stuck in wrothguard took me around 20 min in to be able to play ... every time i log in select character loading screen kicked out and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on !@!@!@#!#!@!@#$ managed to loaded it and i ran out of that city like bat out of hell and then it crashed again ... got back in and managed to get out of that black hole city where characters go and they don't return......
    "By many i am seen as a savior of the Tamriel i will not stop until every Daedra every evil there is in Tamriel is vanquish by my hands..
    However i do this for my own purpose to gain trust of mortals to worship me and to eliminate my competition i will not bend my knee to lead your army to serve you Molag Bal , i will simply just take it from you.."--- Forsaken Sin( Magica Sorc)

    Arise From Darkness Forsaken SIn
    "You have been a loyal High Elf Magica Sorc
    Conjure of Darkness, Master of Magic
    Killer of Molag Bal and Savior of Ebonheart Pact
    Until Dark Brotherhood killed you...
    but now..NOW its time to Arise From Darkness once again..."

  • Tee_Elle
    Hey guys,

    In order to help us track down the exact issues you’re seeing, we’d like to get some very specific information from you. If you’re running into invisible monsters and/or NPCs, if things are not fully loading in, or if you have extremely low FPS, please post exactly which area you’re experiencing this (and include which problem you’re having). The more specific you can be, the better.

    Thanks in advance!


    I am in Ebonheart Pact.

    I can be on any map, either in EP, DC, AD or DLC and the same issues I posted above occur.

    There is no correlation between area, population or instances. It just happens.
  • Jolter
    Since the last patch I have spent most of my time questing in Shadowfen. I am on Xbox One - NA.

    So far overall performance has increased slightly. NPCs are still slow to load, but a little faster than before the patch. Still getting some invisible monsters attacking me in the beginning of delves and instance based quests (in Shadowfen). I still get loading screens running around the zone, but much fewer than before. Quest markers are also slow to update, I have to run a ways away from the last quest area or if I look on my map it will show up in 15-25 seconds.

    Today I tried to use the Elden Root wayshrine to go back to Stormhaven and I got dashboarded. Upon getting back into the game I was still in Elden Root. I was able to successfully transport there on the second attempt.

    Dungeon finder is also not working. Before DB was released when I queued as tank during primetime it was an instant que. Since DB and including today, queueing solo as tank I am not getting put into any groups using the activity finder.
  • Tackleberry6
    Soul Shriven
    My main character is stuck in orsinium. It all started when I normally traveled from merchant gate wayshrine to orsinium city. It all went normal, all the npcs was loaded properly and fps didn't drop. When i got near blacksmith house I saw that some textures was missing then suddenly i got kicked out and since then I haven't been able to log in with that character.

    Server: Europe
  • TwelveGaugeSage
    Soul Shriven
    Whoever you have trying to fix this stuff, please fire them and hire some outside help. The game is a complete mess. Load screens everywhere including out in the middle of nowhere. Weapons and abilities are useless for a time after coming out of load screens. Veteran Maelstrom Arena is unplayable, as shown in in the video above. Turning in writs is a crap shoot. Chat issues are piling on top of each other. Crashes to dashboard are prolific. Yesterday I crashed to dash from Cyrodil and couldn't get the game to load back in. I would just click on the application and nothing would happen.

    This is pathetic. At this point, if you aren't going to do the right thing and bring in some professionals, then you need to just scrap Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood and go back to a version in which things weren't FUBAR. Stop releasing new stuff, it's only going to get worse. At the very least, give us free transfers over to PC since your staff obviously has no idea how to program or test coding for consoles. Saying we have a "possible" fix that should be ready in a few weeks is an insult to all those who give you money on a regular basis. Then it turns out your "possible fix" is just another turd that won't flush.

    I'm not surprised, just pissed off and fed up. It took over 6 months to fix my bugged character that couldn't get Fighters Guild 10. The Maelstrom Flawless Ruining glitch has been there about that long now. What are we paying you people for?
  • bntyhuntrx
    Crashed to dashboard, right after using clothing station in Abahs landing
  • bntyhuntrx
    Crashed again. This time trying to use Elden root way shrine to travel to green shade..

    I want compensation for this awful patch. Everyone should get 10000 crowns to spend as they see fit
  • ChuckieJ
    Soul Shriven
    Jessica and Gina,

    Thank you for this post. I'm on Xbox One NA, in Daggerfall Covenant, and a fairly active player but more on the casual side. I've not yet hit 50 on my main, have never tried Maelstrom Arena, etc. Before this patch (after DB patch), I was getting crashed to the dashboard approximately every 15-30 minutes but sometimes much faster. Wrothgar as you've heard was particularly bad in terms of crashes and frame rate drops. Going into Orsinium it was even worse. Thankfully, I had a few seconds to move before it would crash so I was eventually able to make it to the Wayshrine and escape.

    Anyway, outside of Wrothgar was still pretty bad (Mostly Glenumbra, Bangkorai, and Cyrodiil). I was also experiencing the invisible characters except that they would load after a few seconds. Most of the other issues people were have stated I haven't experienced. The friend I play with most experienced the same issues except that he doesn't have Orsinium DLC.

    -- End previous patch description

    Since the latest patch, I have yet to crash to the dashboard. YAY! I have not been brave enough to go to Wrothgar yet though. I am still experiencing frame rate drops and some characters that take an extra few seconds to load. Best example of the latter is the first Fence in the hideout under Evermore. She usually spawns in after 3-5 seconds of me walking to the counter. I've experienced fighting one invisible enemy (I think this was with my newer character in Stormhaven) but they also appeared after a few seconds.
  • catcher966
    Soul Shriven
    The last patch to fix these issues have essentially done nothing but decrease the amount of crashes. I still cannot quest in normal zones without loading 3 times while I am running or fighting. I cannot do anything in the game without getting royally pissed at the performance. Currently, the game is worse than the PC beta and when it came out. This is ridiculous. The performance is so bad, it's like having the game on the highest graphics possible and I know it is not. Please actually fix the issues. Until then I will be leaving
  • CatherineHG
    So, here are some screen shots I managed to get today of my interesting glitches. Two of my characters had issues at Vulkhel Guard stables, which just didn't load properly. It was there, and I could train my mounts, but yeah a closed door and an open roof, I can't help but feel sorry for the poor horses...

    I also managed to catch a random npc perched in a cat-like state of readiness while reading a book...

    I did enjoy seeing Shatul Wayshrine's new accessibility ramp, very nice...

    The bank door which reminded me of some sort of modern art exhibit, seeing as it was kind of ok at the top, then melted into madness...

    And, of course, our beloved shadow people in Rawl-kha.

    There were a few more, but I just wasn't quick enough to get pics. And, well, it is kind of difficult taking pictures of invisible enemies after all!
  • CatherineHG
    In happier news, though, I'm not getting dashboarded as much after this last update, though Wrothgar is still rather terrifying when it slows down to 'Old Timey Cinema' mode. Unless, of course, it's meant to do that to make us all feel nostalgic...
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    In happier news, though, I'm not getting dashboarded as much after this last update, though Wrothgar is still rather terrifying when it slows down to 'Old Timey Cinema' mode. Unless, of course, it's meant to do that to make us all feel nostalgic...

    I'm not getting dashboarded as much either, I'm only getting dashboarded every 20-30min or so instead of every 15...

    PVP performance was actually significantly improved post DB launch for me, however since they have brought in more patches to fix PVE my experience in PVP has gone right back down the bucket. PVE is still rather glitchy not as many loading screens, and I've abandoned Marbruk which was my home because it disconnects me too much.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • DreadKnight


    Gamertag - scotty783
    Character name - scottyh
    Xbox 1 NA server

    Stuck in a crash loop in Orsinium, under bridge between writ turn in and Foundry. Tried all the rebooting etc, doesn't work. Please port me to a different area.

    Please can you do it before the weekend? I've worked hard in Scourge these last few weeks to get AP for the weekend vendor.....


    Still stuck, :'(
    Edited by DreadKnight on 11 July 2016 14:20
  • ChuckieJ
    Soul Shriven
    Update to above:

    I went ahead and attempted to enter Wrothgar. To be safe I decided to wayshrine to somewhere other than Orsinium. It worked and I was able to quest with some frame rate slowdowns. Also as soon as I spawned in I saw a small spider in the distance so I assumed there would be no invisible characters. Two Echatare attacked me and didn't become visible for about 6 seconds. Then after they appeared I was able to kill them.

    After a while of questing I went to Orsinium. Right when I should have spawned in, the game crashed to the dashboard. I went back into the game and did spawn into Orsinium successfully. Was able to turn in a museum item and stop by the bank. Frame rate did dip pretty severely a couple times but no load screen or crashes. Then I left the city by a door and went back to questing.

    Occasionally, regardless of location my character's legs end up under the ground and he takes a posture as if he's riding a horse. This is after harvesting, opening a chest, etc.

    I went to Morkuldin Forge and finished that quest. Despite having no where near 9 traits researched, I wanted to look at the stats of this gear. An axe that will use 8 ebony ingots, has more set bonus stats than a 9 ebony ingot axe. See attached screenshots:
  • Jayne_Doe
    argouru wrote: »
    (Cross-posted to the PlayStation 4 Technical Support forum area)

    There is still one edge-case crash cause in Orsinium that we are working on a fix for, but it is easily avoidable. If you Wayshrine into Orsinium (the city) and quickly run into the city, especially with a movement speed buff on, you may crash. Waiting a few seconds before moving after you Wayshrine into Orsinium will greatly reduce the likelihood that you will crash. This issue will be fixed in a future patch.

    As long as we can enter the Fighter's Guild building where the bank is without the game crashing, I can live with having to wait a moment or two at the nearby wayshrine.

    I've been doing this since Orsinium's launch! I discovered this was the best way to ensure not crashing - wait a few moments after porting in. This is such an old issue that they are just getting around to addressing.
  • Lumenn
    Wayshrine to hews bane, crash to Xbox dashboard. Wayshrine to elder root, Xbox dashboard. (crash before it loads up. When I get back I'm in the zone I was leaving). I do have to admit today was the first time it's happened since the patch. Only today is the 2nd time I've tried those zones since the patch.....lag is a bit better though!
  • deximasb14_ESO
    I get booted at random non stop server connection on my Xbox on all characters. However it is not my internet as I'm sure you will claim because I stream fine. AND I played on eso on my pc for about 40 mins no issues at all. Not doing anything special. Just running dungeons or doing quest.
  • Clockwork_Munky
    Soul Shriven
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom following your advice on 6th July, I wanted to get a character unstuck from Orsinium (incidentally he became stuck after the incremental patch) and I am having the support team tell me to keep trying to load him. I have been trying for days and the response was basically that a patch had been put in place so there shouldnt be a problem and I should just keep trying. To quote the response that received approximatly three days after first contacting you;

    "Response By (Ricky) (07/11/2016 03:37 PM)

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online team. We are aware of reports that some players were experiencing issues logging into some of their characters or excessive crashing.

    With our latest incremental patch, we fixed crashes that would often happen while in Orsinium or Elden Root, as well as the crashing that would occur when logging in to some characters. You can read the full patch notes here.
    Please try logging in to your previously stuck character as you should not have any more issues.

    Thank you for your interest and support!

    Kind Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team"

    I cannot believe that customers would be treated so badly. I cannot load anything without a crash to the dashboard. Could you please help get the support team in order if you're sending people there for help. This is totally unacceptable and I have cancelled further ESO Plus payments until this game becomes playable again.
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