KingYogi415 wrote: »I already took the day off work tomorrow.
Can you compensate me for the 200$ I gave up to get a jump start on DB???
You are turning your' reputation into a complete joke, console is keeping the game alive thanks to cheat engine and you still crap all over us.
KingYogi415 wrote: »I already took the day off work tomorrow.
Can you compensate me for the 200$ I gave up to get a jump start on DB???
You are turning your' reputation into a complete joke, console is keeping the game alive thanks to cheat engine and you still crap all over us.
KingYogi415 wrote: »I already took the day off work tomorrow.
Can you compensate me for the 200$ I gave up to get a jump start on DB???
You are turning your' reputation into a complete joke, console is keeping the game alive thanks to cheat engine and you still crap all over us.
spawn_to_kill wrote: »
bet you have not even been affected by this?, its highly annoying for me and do think its out of order for people who work and have made arrangements around there false advertising most people wont even know about this due to no notice in game just this weak thread on forum with weak apology they should give us free crowns or something For this major inconvience they have wasted the time of a entire platform
katiesmith12341 wrote: »I am also on PS4 and as I also agree with many of the comments above its not fair for people who have got their ps4s on at home while at work, waiting for the update to come through so that they can download it and come home and relax! I run on 1mbs internet download speed.Your last update took me 12 hours to download. Which is no fault of your own but my terrible internet. However a heads up a little earlier would of been nice, and an explanation! so I don't leave my ps4 on all day for no reason!
Moglijuana wrote: »
LOL. What? Is this real life?