The Tamriel Circle - Veteran Trials Guild

The Tamriel Circle is an experienced Veteran Trials guild who have been running for over 2 years on the EU server.

We have multiple teams which we continue to build and develop, we do daily trials, we regularly complete all trials on veteran including Hardmodes, vMoL etc. We hit leaderboard scores in the top 10 or better and weekly scores are usually within the top 5.

We are now open again for general recruitment.

We are looking for people who are:
• Serious about Trials & ENJOY Trials.
• Quick learners.
• Interested in self development and improving.
• Wanting to be part of a committed team.
• Able to listen and follow instructions.

If you would like more information or you’re interested in joining the guild please contact me - GamerTag: TC Lee13

Kind Regards,
Edited by TC_Lee13 on 28 June 2018 17:21
  • Azurephoenix999
    My GT is the same as my username here. I'm interested in joining.
    Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver
  • TC_Lee13
    I will send you an invite this evening.
    What is your preferred role? Tank, DPS, Healer?
    Guild "ranks" are set this way so I know who can do what to make it a little easier.

  • xEnnax
    Enjoyed the trial yesterday Lee, even the disastrous try at Sanctum. Think we all need a better understanding of the mechanics on the manticore though :smile:

    Looking forward to next run.
  • TC_Lee13
    Everything currently running great - we are running 2-3 trial days per week with 1-2 trials each day.
    Many of our members are not only doing trials but also grouping to do gold pledges/Vet dungeons, VDSA and farming monster helmets.

    Please message me in game if you're interested in joining up with us.

  • Evolv3d
    I have been in this guild since the start, and already have completed several trials, dsa & vdsa and run the pledges on a daily basis. This guild is great the members are really helpful and polite they make you feel right at home ,I'm really glad I joined I wouldn't have completed half of the stuff I have already trying to do it with randome ppl.
  • Evolv3d
    Currently recruiting all classes, all welcome if you want to do trials but never had the chance of a group, here is your chance to become part of a trials guild with a great atmosphere .
    Edited by Evolv3d on 21 June 2016 07:07
  • Buffler
    Im interested in joining. Have completed all trials apart from MOL and have a full legendary stamblade, mag sorc and mag templar (healer) will also have a fully geared up stam DK upon DB release.

    GT - Buffmeisterflex
  • Evolv3d
    @Buffler added mate
  • OreoTheDj
    Add me GT -OreoTheDJ

    Magic NB DPS or Off healer

    Magic Sorc DPS or Off healer

    And my buddy also he doesnt use the forums gt VanCityRiots
    "Ahh... The beauty of the naked form. These Dunmer are rather prudish, are they not? Of course, there is an island you can reach filled with wonderful, naked, glistening bodies. It only appears when the moons are full, the rain falls, the seas run red, and it's M'aiq's birthday."- M'aiq the Liar
  • DT05
    I would love to join your guild if possible.
    Im a tank (only role I play) end game gear & CP lv 277 atm.
    Ive done most of the vet dungeons, however ive just come back after a break & maybe a little rusty to start with but it will soon come back to me in no time.

    GT drift tuner 05
    DC DK Pure Tank that can dps.
    part of the "A-Team" "Drift"
  • TC_Lee13
    @OreoTheDj are you guys on Xbox EU? Getting "Account not found" when I try to add you.
    @DT05 will send you an invite this afternoon.

  • Ninja_Echo
    GT: FolksyLemon026
  • DT05
    @OreoTheDj are you guys on Xbox EU? Getting "Account not found" when I try to add you.
    @DT05 will send you an invite this afternoon.


    Cheers bud,
    If I dont get back on tonight ill accept it on the morn. Thanks again..
    DC DK Pure Tank that can dps.
    part of the "A-Team" "Drift"
  • TC_Lee13
    @Ninja_Echo "Account not found"
  • OreoTheDj
    Im on the NA server is that where you guys are? my bad i searched forums for a trials guild didnt realize this was in the EU section my mistake
    Edited by OreoTheDj on 19 June 2016 21:31
    "Ahh... The beauty of the naked form. These Dunmer are rather prudish, are they not? Of course, there is an island you can reach filled with wonderful, naked, glistening bodies. It only appears when the moons are full, the rain falls, the seas run red, and it's M'aiq's birthday."- M'aiq the Liar
  • Ninja_Echo
    @Ninja_Echo "Account not found"

    You tried on xbox live? GT is: FolksyLemon026 (F and L are caps and it is a zero not o before 26)
  • Markdechene1

    Would love to join. I'm at about 495 cp, have finished VMA and all the dungeons. Would love to start getting into trials. GT: markdechene

    I've got a temp healer/dd and sorc dd
  • TC_Lee13
    @Markdechene1 - invite sent mate.
    @Ninja_Echo - tried adding you on XBL worked fine - on ESO says "Account not found" either you're not on EU server or have 5 guilds already (been getting account not found message when people dont have a guild space).

  • LycanNaryko
    I would love to join too.

    GT "Lycan Naryko"
  • TC_Lee13
    @LycanNaryko Invite will be sent over within the hour mate.

  • TC_Lee13
    We are still looking for new members.
    This week we have completed MoL and Sanctum trials - we are completing a range of trials each week, message me on XBL if you want to join!
  • Patherius
    Soul Shriven
    Semi-serious player here been looking for a PvE guild for some time.
  • mubzander
    GT: Mubzi Ali
    Alliance: DC
    Role: Healer.
    CP: 401
    Edited by mubzander on 29 June 2016 06:24
  • TC_Lee13
    @mubzander Will pop you an invite once im online mate.

  • Drikk
    Hi, im interested in joining. My GT is Drikk X0. I have a dk tank, nightblade and sorc dps.
  • TC_Lee13
    @Drikk Invite will be sent over today mate.

  • BesartVitija
    Hi, im interested in joining. My GT is paatush . I have a nightblade dps.
  • nohsi
    Soul Shriven
    Dear Tamriel Circle,

    i am really interested in your guild and would like to join up with for the PvE Content. I am still under leveling, but gaining fast my XP Points. I am playing mainly as a healer and would like to play it further on.

    I have played WoW for 10 years mainy as healer and tank over many realms. I really like the method of healing in this game, especially on the console. Kinda new thing and getting slowly used to it.

    GamerTag: nohsi

    Thank you in advance.
  • lfc187
    Hey you still sending invites this guild seems intriguing.
    Edited by lfc187 on 25 July 2016 17:54
  • HonourXL
    GT: Honour XL
    XBOX- EU
    Honour XL aka Kaiser Mehmed
    DC - STAM NB
    DC - MAG DK
    DC- MAG NB
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