Threemoons wrote: »Bleh, I have a character IN ORSINIUM now, and another one in Ahab's Landing, and NEITHER pet is showing up. What to do? I'm a Plus member so yeah, I have the DLC.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Did you complete each achievement? It should be "A Gift from Orsinium" and "Spoils of Abah's Landing."
How can you have been in Abah's Landing before the patch was released? But yes, try leaving each city and re-entering, as it's likely the action of "going into" the city that triggers the achievement.Threemoons wrote: »
All you have to do is show up, right?
Maybe its because I was in BOTH regions BEFORE the reward came out. Should I have my toons leave the areas and then re-enter??
How can you have been in Abah's Landing before the patch was released? But yes, try leaving each city and re-entering, as it's likely the action of "going into" the city that triggers the achievement.
No, you get access to all DLC when you subscribe (and lose it when your subscription lapses). No idea what happened to your guildmate, must have been a bug.
Wait, I thought you only got the DLCs that is released one month after you subscribe. So if I started my ESO+ membership today, I would not get the Imperial City, Orsinium OR Thieves Guild DLCs, because I became a member too late for the first two and not early enough for the third. However, I WOULD get the Dark Brotherhood DLC, and with that, the loyalty/DLC reward. In order to get the Echalette and Jackal pets, though, I would have to buy the DLCs they belong to manually, which means I keep the DLCs when my membership ends, though Dark Brotherhood would disappear. I could swear there was a guildmate who got ESO+ the day before Orsinium's launch to get the DLC cheaper (since he was planning on getting a membership anyway), but he didn't get the DLC since he was too late. I just want to make sure I haven't misunderstood something major.
Threemoons wrote: »
Aaah, yes, I went into the Landing on the PTS. Let me get my toon there.
However, I already have a toon in Orsinium; let me leave and go back and see what happens.
To be clear, you need to enter the CITY Orsinium.. not the actual zone (which is really Wrothgar)