And now, you do this (and you also show us that sweet armor). And you still won't let us join the Iron Wheel. Why? I seriously hope there's a hidden quest which no one has ever found that lets us join them. If not please make it a later addition to the DLC."The force in Abah's Landing is led by Chief Inspector Rhanbiq, who has the worst sort of reputation: one of principle."
Suffice it to say, it was Rhanbiq's revelation of the Altmer spy ring which brought the matter to my predecessor's attention.
My main's reason is a direct result of Orsinium; because of stuff she did, she is made a political criminal until the orc king can fix it and explain why she had to do what she did. To protect herself and cause less trouble for her few allies, she goes to Abah's Landing, hiding there among the thieves and scum. She thinks little of thievery, but she is willing to do much to survive.WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »
Guess now I know why the Queen is sending my main to Hew's Bane...