LaRoseNoire wrote: »Great job guys, but only a little question.
Why the daily reward will only give TG sets?, Undaunted shoulders will still be only provided by pledges?. This could be a great improvement, not only by exp, also the Sets hunters.
@DHale While it would be very useful, I'm thinking probably none. There has been no suggestion that any Undaunted rep will be provided by this, so I'm assuming that will stay as just first-run achievements and pledges.Ok read it and it looks good and was impressed about the amount of XP which I hope is accurate but want to know about how much undaunted we get, that's the key. I have several vr 16 and highest undaunted is 7. I ran some dungeons 30 times for helms which I never got and you get no credit for running them other than the first time or as a pledge. Thank you.... Big improvement... If it works.
@kungmoo What was your group composition? It only works if you have set roles as 1 tank, 1 healer, and 2 damage-dealers."An additional feature we added was allowing you to use the Grouping Tool with a pre-made group. "
we tried this several times and could not get the random dungeon to pop, it would put the 4 of us in queue and then kick us out after about 5 seconds
@DHale While it would be very useful, I'm thinking probably none. There has been no suggestion that any Undaunted rep will be provided by this, so I'm assuming that will stay as just first-run achievements and pledges.
@kungmoo What was your group composition? It only works if you have set roles as 1 tank, 1 healer, and 2 damage-dealers.
How does the Cyrodiil grouping tool work? Once 8 will it continue to add members and will it add members when people leave?
I believe you can queue for more than one individual dungeon at once, so in your case, you could just queue up those four dungeons simultaneously. I don't think it's been clarified yet whether people queuing for 'Random Dungeon' will be grouped only with other 'Random Dungeon' queuers or if they could potentially be combined with people queued for specifics.This mostly sounds good, but it would be even better if there was a way to select a group of specific dungeons to group in. Maybe we could check which dungeons we want to group up for, and you could match us with other people that are either looking one of those same dungeons or that are looking for any dungeon. There are times where there are just 3 or 4 dungeons you want to do, so being able to look for a group for any of those would be nice. Anyhow, glad to see improvements coming!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Thieves Guild Deep Dive: Grouping Tool Improvements. Be on the lookout for more deep dive articles as we get closer to Thieves Guild launching next month!
Dezaker_Zyro wrote: »Sounds good... but what about public dungeons? I understand anyone can pop in and help, but getting a group for them is slightly daunting as they don't appear in the current group finder.
The grouping tool can only do instanced locations or Cyrodiil right now so Public Dungeons and overworld grouping is not possible.What about choosing to join a group "near you". So if someone create a group and make it "open to all", you should be able to join it. Same for alliance group.
Yes. Individual XP gains now show up in the Loot History popup as well.This means XP points will be visible on console as well, right?
Otherwise that is a deceiving screenshot
I'm not a dev of course, and I haven't managed to test this on PTS so I can't say for certain, but the article does say "An additional feature we added was allowing you to use the Grouping Tool with a pre-made group." The wording here certainly doesn't say that there is any requirement for the group to be composed of members of different alliances, just that the roles of the group members must be set as 2 DPS, 1 tank, 1 healer before activating the Dungeon Finder. In fact it says this is a nice improvement "especially for cross-alliance guild groups", not only for cross-alliance groups. I'm not sure what you mean by "how will the bonuses work", but as long as the group leader queues for a Random Dungeon, the whole group should get the bonuses. I believe there is supposed to be a popup that says something along the lines of "Your group has been queued for a dungeon", but I'm not sure if that is implemented yet or just a suggestion.@Enodoc or @ZOS_GinaBruno I have discussed the original article many times with different people but it is still being argued, is the article saying that we can queue up with a pre-made group that is from the same alliance? If so, how will the bonuses work? I was speaking with someone about this specifically because I said how I was excited about the playlist being implemented and I look forward to grouping with three friends and doing dungeons for a few hours. The person I was speaking with said that the only way to group would be if we were from different alliances.
Also, could we get something added to the game so that when we are receiving bonuses for playing with randoms that we can actually know we are getting those bonuses? Over the weekend I ran a few dungeons with randoms from group finder but it never once told us that we had any bonuses.