This is a compendium about Animation cancelling. Too many times, people complain about it, complain about macros making it overpowered, and downright not understanding animation cancelling, macros, and GCD.
This is NOT a "animation cancelling is great! Keep it ingame!" thread, this is a post made to prevent misunderstandings, and avoid posts like "animation cancelling allows people to use 5 skills in less than 1 second, it should not be ingame". I, myself, use animation cancelling all the time, and it has pretty much become second nature to me. What follows exists so that it is clear when animation cancelling is involved, and when it's not.
What is animation cancelling and how does it work?
Animation cancelling, let's call it AC for short, is the act of interrupting an action's animation to quickly chain various actions. For instance, if using a light attack takes 0.5 seconds to execute, but the damage happens 0.3 seconds after the start of the animation, you'll wait only 0.3 seconds, then execute another action, ignoring the remaining 0.2 seconds and earning some precious time.
The possible actions are, as follow:
- Light / Heavy attacks
- Abilities (Lava whip, Surprise Attack, Wrecking Blow... pretty much everything)
- Block / Bash
- Dodge roll
- Weapon Swap
The current system uses the notion of GCD - Global CoolDown, for every action mentioned above, as well as a priority system. Basically, you want to start using the lowest priority actions first, to gain maximum benefit out of those, which is why you'll use a Light / heavy attack (lowest priority), an ability (medium priority), and then, depending on the situation, a bash / dodge roll / block / weapon swap (high priority).
Animation cancelling does NOT allow you to break the GCD of an action: if Surprise Attack has a GCD of 0.9 seconds, you CAN'T cast it more than once every 0.9 seconds. All abilities share the same GCD (some abilities have a longer channeling time than GCD tho), so you can't chain different abilities faster than usual.
However, each action's GCD is independent of other actions, which allows you to almost instantly use a light attack, an ability and a bash, because they run on different cooldowns.
Why do you have to start using lower priority actions first?
Higher priority actions will override any lower priority actions and prevent their use, which means that you can't dodge roll, and cancel it with an ability or light attack, you can, however, use an ability / light attack and cancel those with a dodge roll.
What abilities may or may not be cancelled?
EVERYTHING can be cancelled, even channeled abilities, tho channeled abilities work slightly differently (and sometimes bug out, see Crystal Frags).
The usual rotations with a non-channeled ability areLight attack > ability > bash, light attack > ability > dodge roll. With channeled abilities, you're rarely using the bash, but usually use a medium / heavy weave at the end of the channeling, so if you were to use Jabs / Puncturing Sweep, you would go with Jabs > Medium weave, and repeat.
I'll not detail every single possible rotation, because of the sheer number of those. Best way to go is just to try it yourself.
Now for misunderstandings of AC and comments I keep reading, and that should not be!
"I died because of animation cancelling and that dude just fired like 5 skills at once."
Nope, see above, not possible because of GCD. AC does increase your overall DPS (and make generating ultimate slightly easier, since we currently get ultimate only from light / heavy attacks), but canno't break it.
Note that it is possible to have many different attacks hitting the same target all at the same time, which makes it look like it was all fired at the same time, one such rotation is: Focused Aim > heavy bow attack > Poison Injection > Ambush (+ Camo hunter procs), which makes it look like as if 5+ attacks were fired at the same time. In that case, AC is used here to cancel the Focused Aim animation.
"Animation cancelling in combination with macros allow people to fire multiple skills at once."
Once again, false, but this is a double misunderstanding here, of both AC and macros. Macros allow you to realize multiple actions in succession with a single press of a button, but it doesn't allow you to bypass GCDs and do things otherwise not possible without its use.
Note that using macros is forbidden. Don't do it. You shouldn't delete AC because of macros, because you can use macros for everything. Note that thanks (because of?) to GCD, you gain no extra advantage using macros with AC (but you do risk the banhammer).
"Animation cancelling is an exploit."
I'll just link
this thread and the following video:
TL;DR: No, it's not an exploit, more like an unintended side effect of the combat engine, accepted by the devs. The devs are very well aware of it and don't intend to delete it anytime soon. You can still, of course, discuss whether they should change delete AC.
"Animation cancelling doesn't exist in MMOs, ESO shouldn't have it."
Oh my, not only it exists in other MMOs, but it also exists in completely different games, solo and multiplayers: many FPS (Borderland), RTS (Starcraft I & II), MMORPGs (SWTOR), TPS / RPG (Mass effect), and I could go on for a long time.
"Animation cancelling is required to be competitive."
I'd be lying to say this is false. Yes, AC does increase your DPS, especially with SnB builds, and overall allows your action to be chained pretty quickly. So, yes, AC is required to be competitive. Whether it should or not be required is another question.
"Animation cancelling can break your fingers."
Yes someone made that comment once. I don't need to say this isn't even close to truth. I'm hitting 400 APM on Starcraft II (which is much faster than what I do on ESO) and have yet to break my fingers.
"There is no tutorial for animation cancelling ingame, there should be one."
It's part of the "fix AC or make it available to everyone" question and can't be answered objectively. Pass.
"ZoS says AC is not an exploit just because they can't fix it."
They didn't mention they couldn't fix it, so anything on this matter is nothing but rumors and wild guesses. Let's avoid that kind of things, it brings nothing constructive. Discussing whether or not AC should be changed is not a rant and can lead to constructive critcism, make the diff.
"AC makes it so that animations aren't visible, so it's hard to react right when someone cancels everything, because you don't know what someone actually does, such has a DK cancelling the animation of his wings."
This is an interesting one, which leads to the question "what abilities are not recognizable at all if cancelled?". Turns out there are very few of those, mostly weapon skills with effects that are hardly visible, or no effects at all (Rally, Ransack, Heroic Slash). Do note that this is only true if you use an animation cancelling action after using an ability (e.g bash / dodge roll for non-channeled abilities), using only Light attack > ability will make the ability play its animation for its full length.
"AC is extremely buggy with some skills."
This is true, and this mostly affects channeled abilities:
Crystal Fragments, Dark Flare, and
WB are the most noticeable. In some cases, the end of the animation of the ability doesn't play at all, and instead play the heavy attack animation. These should definitely be fixed visually.
Next time you see someone saying something incorrect about AC, feel free to point them to this thread.
...And of course, correct me if I am wrong in any fact (not opinion) stated here.
Thank you for reading.
UPDATE : Added video showcasing the issue with
Wrecking Blow.