Black Spiral Dancers (BSD) is a PS4, North America, Ebonheart Pact guild based on one thing: family. We are NOT the following:
1) A trading guild. We have no trader currently and no plans of having one. We do have a business co-leader, and assistants, who coordinate trade for us using a variety of multimedia. This works well for our needs and prevents the costs of maintaining a trader, wasting millions of gold to keep one every week (in prime locations).
2) We are not a PvP guild. However, we do enjoy excursions into Cyrodiil from time to time.
3) We are not a strict raiding guild, but do enjoy completing dungeons and Undaunted dailies.
For all the things we are not, let me explain what we are. BSD is a home. We enjoy sharing resources, crafting gear for each other, helping with dailies, dungeons, and building a sense of community. Due to many of our members being family men/women, we are not bound by restrictive schedules and demands regarding how we play and when.
Our website is at Check us out. If interested, sign up to the site (optional) or send one of us a message (via PSN) regarding an invite: Xellos77, Moultonmagma, pepsiaddict77, or infantryjared1.
Our guild is largely casual and we pace ourselves accordingly. If looking for a hardcore guild, this is not your destination. We have players of all experience levels and accept newbies and veterans alike.
We do not require use of the website or guild chat, but both are strongly encouraged for communication and being able to stay connected.
Come and dance with chaos.
Ebonheart Pact/PS4/NA