Before you download, you'll need a Free Play Weekend code which you can find across various websites, or even from a friend that's currently playing ESO!
How does a current player find a code to give to a friend? Is there a limit (I assume so)?
Monday, December 14th
Monday, December 13th
Sorry! We meant Monday, December 14th at 3am EST (and it should be fixed in the article now).So
Monday is December 14th, but did you actually mean Monday or December 13th?
They will only have access to the base game patch. However, they will be able to purchase crowns to get access to those areas if desired.anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »It's not clear whether the "free week end" players will have an "eso+ status" (which means, access to IC and Orsinium) or not.... ?
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »It's not clear whether the "free week end" players will have an "eso+ status" (which means, access to IC and Orsinium) or not.... ?
So someone who never played the game, never paid for the game will have the same chance to get the 1mio $?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »They will only have access to the base game patch. However, they will be able to purchase crowns to get access to those areas if desired.
So someone who never played the game, never paid for the game will have the same chance to get the 1mio $?
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
Thanks for the clarification Gina.
While I think it's a well-thought decision from ZOS... I don't think it's the best one.
Let me explain...
Let's assume have a friend who never played ESO, I'd like her to join. This free week-end is the perfect opportunity. Of course she'll want to play "with me" (it's an MMO after all). So she joins the free week end, groups up with me and... what do we do ? I want to show her my favourite places in the game... oh wait, she's lvl 3-10, we're restricted to DC zones. We wanna "play" together ? Oh wait, I one shoot all the mobs with my VR16 sorc. She has not idea of the fun/difficulty just because I'm with her...
Then... let's level her up to 10 and let's go Cyro ? well, PvP is not her thing.
Let's go Orsinium ? The most beautiful, engaging content so far, and the closest to "Skyrim II" or "Skyrim online" ? Oh wait, she can't...
IMHO, let them go to Orsinium. That's what will make them play with us during the week-end, then possibly buy and sub.
Just my 2 cents. @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_RichLambert ...
CJohnson81 wrote: »
@The_Saint It seems you misread the article....
If you decide to purchase ESO before the Free Play Weekend concludes on December 14th at 3am EST, not only will you save 60% on the game but all your progress from the weekend will carry over! In addition, you'll be entered to win $1 million (USD)
CJohnson81 wrote: »Oh yeah, that's confusing! The_Saint, MissBizz
It makes sense that it wouldn't be a required purchase because sweepstakes can't be pay to play. Like the McDonald's Monopoly game - you can just write a letter asking for game pieces if you don't feel like being tempted to eat two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions – on a sesame seed bun, with a side of delicious golden french fries while quenching your thirst with an ice cold, refreshing Coca-Cola brand soft drink.
Now I'm mad at you. McDonald's doesn't deliver.
So someone who never played the game, never paid for the game will have the same chance to get the 1mio $?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Anyone who plays ESO during the contest period and meets all the eligibility requirements can register to win - it's not restricted if you own the game or not. In the case of the Free Play Weekend, anyone who participates will be able to enter.
timidobserver wrote: »Nice. I have subbed since day one, but since I live in Florida I'm not eligible. However, people with no sub that jump on for a free weekend will be eligible.
If possible, I would make the free trial codes include all DLC to maximize sales for people who end up buying.
If possible, I would make the free trial codes include all DLC to maximize sales for people who end up buying.