PrimeSeptim wrote: »And that senche... I've grown bored of my mind shriven horse... Too noisy. I like a little variety now. So, I might buy that too. I missed the opportunity last time.
Totally agree. After a while all that clap-clap-clap becomes annoying, to say the least. Reason why I stopped ridding my otherwise beautiful Nightmare Courser. Using the Cave Bear, the Green Narsis Guar or the Senche-Lioness instead.PrimeSeptim wrote: »... I've grown bored of my mind shriven horse... Too noisy. I like a little variety now. So, I might buy that too. I missed the opportunity last time.
kaorunandrak wrote: »Wheres the Husky/wolf-dog/wolf pet from the orsinium promo screens and announcements? Also where is my ride-able Dire wolf like mount? F-bears and their cute fatty run, I need an aggressive predatory mount that's most embarrassing "nick name" doesn't start with a "P" and end in a "Y" or loan their name to the koala. I need a wolf or a waarg and not a peter jackson hyena waarg either but a big mean pissed off hound from hell timber wolf with teeth like butcher knives and a musculature that would make a roided out bull pee themselves.
Out of the 5 in-game pets related to physical purchases, it is the only one that doesn't come with a digital pet. The other 4 that do give you a pet are: Pony Guar and Rufous Mudcrab from their plushies, and Crony Scrib and Windhelm Wolfhound from the figurines. He was simply pointing out that the Baby Netch pet should have been included with the plushies from the start to keep with the theme, and I agree.Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
Daedra don't usually make good pets...PrimeSeptim wrote: »The pets are too 'cute' for me though. We need more Daedric pets !! All this cute makes my stomach turn.
Daedra don't usually make good pets...
DragonSamurai360 wrote: »OMG OMG OMG OMG! You guys waiting till around January for the re-release of the Black Senche as I wished for due to $$$ issues as a result I'm SUPER EXCITED because I can afford it now. THANK YOU SO MUCH
I said this in the general forums, but Ill repeat here.
Vamp and WW bites in the crown store makes me sad. I think it takes something out of the game play wise.
I am not a role player but I have all of my characters as WW, One of my favorite things is to run up to the shrine and randomly bite someone standing there and run off without saying a word. It is a lot of fun and people have been happily surprised when Ive done it. The changes to WW made that a much rarer occurrence and with this it will be rarer still.
Knootewoot wrote: »When will you release the barbarian outfit someone mined from the database.
Who who.. who let the barbarians out, who who
How did you do that? I thought you needed to be grouped?
I also give away free vamp bites and WW bites since I got it. I got a vamp myself and my wife a WW and vamp.
I said this in the general forums, but Ill repeat here.
Vamp and WW bites in the crown store makes me sad. I think it takes something out of the game play wise.
I am not a role player but I have all of my characters as WW, One of my favorite things is to run up to the shrine and randomly bite someone standing there and run off without saying a word. It is a lot of fun and people have been happily surprised when Ive done it. The changes to WW made that a much rarer occurrence and with this it will be rarer still.