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Newbie RPer, Need Backstory Assistance

Soul Shriven
I have been playing ESO for a while but I am not familiar with the lore. I have decided to jump back into the RP world but would like some assistance with getting my character's backstory set up. She is a Nightblade Dunmer and I would like her to be an assassin or rogue-type character with a dark and obscure backstory. Personality: She's withdrawn and distrustful of others. Oddly enough, she likes to be in places with crowds, such as taverns, cities, etc, although she will keep to the shadows and most will not even realize she's there. She would rather observe others than interact. For those who do have the opportunity to talk to her, they'll find she can be bitter and cold and has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. But every wall can eventually chipped away to reveal something underneath.

I would appreciate any help I can get! Also, I am looking for active RP guilds as well. I'm on the North American server on PC.

Thank you!
  • Totalitarian
    Enjoy my thoughts (honestly, they may or may not be relevant to forming a story, and more about characterization).
    So, it seems like she likes to be among others, even if she forces herself out of social interaction, hence why she hangs around other people without talking to them. This rules out the potential of her being antisocial. That's fine though. You can then put that into saying that your character has forcibly withdrawn herself from social interaction for some reason, despite her longing for it. From what you said, it is likely that someone would have betrayed her.

    That being said, she very well could by psychopathic. Looking at how others act, and silently analyzing their actions and what they did wrong, and she has the intent to expose those weaknesses.

    Then, we go to her character: cold and bitter, with a sarcastic sense of humor. And underneath, there is a sensitive person under. Not an original idea, and one that occurs everywhere throughout media for one reason: It is very effective. Even though that type of character is not an out there character that blooms with originality, it is a very safe and fun choice for characters to be. Don't take that as an insult (I have plenty characters like that, because it is rather true to life). Characters with that have incredible depth, and even then, despite the idea being 'unoriginal' (just the basis of the character's personality, not the character itself), there are several nuances to be made to make your character deeper. So, in short, that personality you have chosen opens door for plenty of writing.

    That, of course, then leads to how cold and bitter she is. Could she just be like that as a first means of defense (developed from her past), or is she really cold and it takes a lot to get her to show emotions? As an analogy, what kind of nut is she? Is she a peanut, with a thin shell, or a walnut with a thick shell? How easy is it for someone to get her to talk on a personal level? How hard is it to get her to cry?

    Ah, and then this leads me to my next question: when you finally remove that shell, what is underneath? A happy person, a sad person? A demented person? Of what relevance is this to a story? Well, what's underneath that nutshell is who she is, and who she is has been shaped by her past. If she gets to be talkative and joyous after you get to talking to her, likely she just has trouble initiating social conversation (points at self), or if she gets all emotional, it is very likely that she has been scarred, and she is scared. From there, come up with a possible story from there. If she is evil and sick on the inside, either she is insane, or she must have some reason for being so, each with a story behind it.

    I feel as if my character, Sola Auroron, is an anti-part to yours. In short, Sola is open and social among strangers, but she pushes people who try to be anything more than strangers to her. Your character seems to be opposite; wary among strangers, and close to friends. Sola left her family to go on her adventures and meet strangers and see the world. What is more likely that your character, if these two are opposites, is that yours likely loved her family, and was forced to leave for some reason (Dumner, eh, how about her family was killed by Akaviri invaders?) and now she's left, with her pent-up feelings.

    Either way, from my experience in writing (nothing professional. Yet, at least :smile: ) I have found a strong female character with depth (for example: your planned character) to be incredibly easy and good to write in. Of course, this may bring to light: "I want to be different, and I want to write in a completely unique character". First, unique characters are hard to come by. A common saying is that there's nothing new under the Sun. Second, a niche character has a rather limited purpose/lifespan. An example of a niche character would be a fully optimistic character for whom the Sun never sets. Try adding depth to a character who always looks ahead and not behind. Pretty hard to do that. Of course, not impossible (Read A Doll's House for an example of this, but, of course, you will find out that the flat character is truly deep).

    Of course, depth of character does not mean depth of story. Any story can have depth no matter the character cast. But an important thing for RP is depth of story, which is foremost. Take these works of literature as an example: Depth of story, but shallow characters (in my opinion) The Scarlet Letter, Depth of story and characters: Frankenstein. Neither: simple children's books (children cannot fully comprehend the implications behind advanced character development and story development). And, I should note it is rather difficult to get a deep character without a deep story.

    Well, good luck in your endevours. I might see you around (I'm on NA PC, but usually play on AD).

    TL;DR: take your character's personality, and write a story about how their past has shaped them into who they are.
    PC NA CP 531+
    Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing
    Sola Auroron Magicka Templar
    Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight
    The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer
    Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade
    Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar
    Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer
    Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight
    The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade
    Magna-Sola Magicka Templar
    The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
    Read their adventures!
    The Celestial Lady
  • cindereanu_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I appreciate your honesty and that actually gave me a few good ideas as far as expanding her personality a bit. I think, if you were to ask her why she observes people, her first response would be because she wants to find and expose their weaknesses but the true reason is somewhat different. Perhaps because she finds people fascinating as far as how different races interact with others, etc. I think she has a heightened ability to read people. It's almost a game to her, like watching a couple at the tavern and guessing their next moves or how the conversation is going to go based on how they act or what type of person she thinks they are.

    Anyway, before I go off on a tangent, I think the type of person I would want her to be is distant but loyal. To the few that she would call "friends", she may still act indifferent or offish, but she would be extremely loyal to them. Even going out of her way just to give them that small bit of happiness without even really knowing why and not expecting anything in return. I think as far as what type of "nut" she is, it would almost vary depending on the person. Different people have different effects on her but as far as what's underneath when that shell finally cracks, I think I'll let that write itself for whenever it happens.

    Your ideas were definitely the oil I needed to get the gears to start turning in my head. I really appreciate it. And I hope to bump into your character some time! Opposites attract!
  • KiritoUD
    Hey i just started and can i get sokme help ttwo what are the basics to rp
    Guild=Brotherhood of Merchants
    Gamertag=Kirito UD
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