ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is the official discussion thread for the blog article Celebrate Black Fredas with Big Sales. Enjoy!
@ZOS_GinaBruno .. Soo.. the link leads to an ad for Orsinium. that you click on to learn to buy the expansion. Hitting the BACK browser leads to the page you really want.
@ZOS_GinaBruno .. Soo.. the link leads to an ad for Orsinium. that you click on to learn to buy the expansion. Hitting the BACK browser leads to the page you really want.
HaphazardAllure wrote: »Will the green narsis guar mount be available on its own as well, or do you have to buy the black fredas pack to get it? I'm fine with it either way, I just don't really want the other stuff in the pack, so I figured I'd ask.
ZOS_ wrote:Beginning on Wednesday, November 25th, we'll be offering a Black Fredas Special for 1,900 crowns on PC, Mac, Xbox One, and PlayStation®4. This bundle will include the following items:
Green Narsis Guar Mount
10 Crown Experience Scrolls
10 Crown Riding Speed Lessons
10 Crown Riding Capacity Lessons
10 Crown Fortifying Meals
10 Crown Soul Gems
50 Crown Tri-Restoration Potions
This bundle is valued at over 8,100 crowns and will only be available until Tuesday, December 1st at 10:00am EST. Note that this bundle is limited to one purchase per account.
ZOS_ wrote:In addition, the 5 pack of Crown Experience Scrolls will be discounted by 50%, making them available for just 500 crowns. These are not limited, so you can purchase as many as you'd like until Tuesday.
Starting this week, we'll be discounting the following ESO Crown Packs on account.elderscrollsonline.com/store and Steam on Wednesday 11/25, the PlayStation®Store on Thursday 11/26, and the Xbox Games Store on Friday 11/27:
750 crown packs will be 25% off (this is only available for PC, Mac, and PlayStation®4)
1,500 crown packs will be 25% off
3,000 crown packs will be 33% off
5,500 crown packs will be 40% off
This offer is only available until 11/30 for Xbox One, and 12/1 for PlayStation®4 and PC, so don't delay!
Finally, beginning on Thursday, November 26th, The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited will be on sale for 60% off through Steam, the Xbox Game Store, the PlayStation®Store, and our store at account.elderscrollsonline.com/store. This includes both the Standard Edition and Imperial Edition of the game, and is only available until Monday, November 30th!
Initial reaction.. "OOOOHHH.. goodies..."
/gets on soapbox
HOWEVER, looking deeper, I am less happy, sorry. Gonna be blunt here.(and long winded apparently).. this is a concerning trend.
The mount.. will get a lot of non-subs to toss money your way. And, subs will spend the Crowns...
I know you guys consider the rest of the package "convenience items" to "help those who don't play every day for hours."
However, is making players out level areas and not do entire zones really a good thing? (XP scrolls)
Maybe if you have many alts...Most of us would most likely consider these to be pay to win items.
The meals and pots? Yeah.. its so easy to get from the Crown Store? Guess what.. give a global auction house and people could just as easily get player made food/drinks/pots.
The riding scrolls and the gems.. yeah.. those are just in game gold and time sinks.. so nice bonus there, if people want to spend RL cash instead of gold.
SIGH... are we REALLY rushing people to hit the 501 CP cap, so they have one more reason to NOT play the game..
However, THIS is the biggest problem...
Right now.. subs pay:
Monthly sub 14.99 month / billed 14.99 (+1500 Crowns)
3 Month Sub 13.99 month / billed 41.97 (+4500 Crowns)
6 month sub 12.99 month / billed 77.94 (+9000 Crowns)
ESO Plus members get access to DLCs and .. the ESO Plus char buff.. which are cool, plus 1500 Crowns a month, granted in bulk the day of the sub renewal. HOWEVER, to look at it another way.. compare it to an Orsinium pack...
Orsinium, not discounted, is 3000 Crowns, or two months of sub, except you dont have to buy it. However, if you cancel your sub, you will need to keep 3000 Crowns if you want to access it in F2P , meaning you dont own it, you are just renting it from ZoS with a sub.
So, for Orsinium, subs pay:
Monthly sub 29.98 USD
3 Month Sub 27.98 USD
6 month sub 25.98 USD
Now, factor in the Crown Discounts...
Crowns Original/Discounted
750 crowns 7.99/5.99 USD
1,500 crown 14.99/11.25 USD
3,000 crown 24.99/16.65 USD
5,500 crown 39.99/23.99 USD
Orsinium costs NON-subs, on the holiday discounts:
750 crowns 31.96/23.96 USD
1,500 crown 29.98/22.50 USD
3,000 crown 24.99/16.65 USD
5,500 crown 21.81/13.08 USD
Plus, they have access without the regular bank draft. Each of them, except the 750 crown regular price, is the same as or cheaper than the cash subs pay. HECK with the discount, the big bundle is HALF what subs pay.
@ZOS_MattFiror , @ZOS_RichLambert
Are you guys ACTIVELY trying to discourage subbing to the game? I know we were promised some goodies for subbing, but, since they are not here.. they are looking less attractive daily.
Those who got thru the GWT, thanks for listening.
/gets off soapbox
/waits for rotten fruit and turkey to be thrown
HaphazardAllure wrote: »Will the green narsis guar mount be available on its own as well, or do you have to buy the black fredas pack to get it? I'm fine with it either way, I just don't really want the other stuff in the pack, so I figured I'd ask.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
We don't have any plans to sell the Green Narsis Guar separately - he's special for this bundle.
Toorlokviing wrote: »i look in game at the bundle and everything is not what it says on the page. no narsis gaur and the potions have been reduced to 20 instead of 50 everything that was 10 is now 5. i was really hoping to grab the narsis gaur because thats all i wanted out of the bundle but its not there.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
captainwolfos wrote: »So when you say "limited to one purchase per account", does that mean I'll be able to buy it on both the NA and EU servers (PC), or will I have to choose wisely?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
We don't have any plans to sell the Green Narsis Guar separately - he's special for this bundle.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »he's special