Suggestion: PvP Group Finder

Suggestion: Have a feature for those gifted individuals who want to lead a group to create an Open Group.
- When a new player to PvP enters Cyrodiil, the option to join a group is available.
- The player is then announced to all Open Group leaders that the player would like to join a group.
- The Crown can accept the request and the player is then added to the group list.
- The purpose would be to help new players in PvP.
- New players will not feel so intimidated when entering a Campaign.
- The Crown will be tasked to help give orientation.
- The Crown can be given a slight buff for the voluntary service, like 5% health regen.
PSN NA/EU: DesertDweller99
PC NA: KaktusKing
  • laksikus
    there is.
    its called LFG
  • CJohnson81
    I love this idea. If anything, it would be nice to log into Cyrodiil and have an idea where everyone is playing. Sometimes it can really stink to log-in and wander for what seems like an endless amount of time trying to find someone from your own faction.
    Huor Melwasul - Archdemon, The Demons of Light - Warlock, Hufflepuff House - ADXB1 - NA
    I'm only updating this because we're commenting on a thread about signatures. Give me awesomes!
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