Maintenance for the week of June 24:
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Patch 2.2.5 - ninja nerf of all unofficial localizations. WHY, ZOS, WHY?

  • Goratesque
    Hey folks,

    In the most recent patch we fixed an exploit that allowed addons to run arbitrary protected code. This exploit could have been used to create a lot of harm, so it was critical that we fix it as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there were some unofficial localization addons that were casualties of this fix as they were using the same exploit in a benign way. It was important to us that the hard work done on these addons was not lost, however, so we implemented a new method of doing unofficial localization at the same time that the exploit was fixed. When this new code is live, addon authors will be able to supply a file named <languageCode>_ingame.str (instead of the previous .lua version) and fill it with lines of the form [<stringCode>] = "<string>" to provide localization in a secure way. This new method is presently going through QA and will be made available as soon as we are confident in it. Sorry for the lack of messaging about this in the notes.

    As an additional note, we now need to add the languages to the game as unofficial languages so they can be used with the secure system. Presently we have added Russian, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Which other languages are there unofficial translations for so we can make sure they are available when this new code launches?

    Thank you so much! I'm working on Turkish (TR) language and I will release within a few days. And I have to say that Portuguese one is actually "Brazilian" Portuguese (BR) not the main Portuguese (PT).

    Edit: There are also Chinese (CN) people who want to start translation.
    Edited by Goratesque on 10 November 2015 17:39
    My Guilds:
    PC/EU - EP | Skyrim Lejyonu | GM
    PC/EU - DC | Black Horse Courier | GM
    PC/EU - EP | Siyah Atlı Kurye | GM
    PC/EU - DC | Imperial Trading Company
    PC/EU - EP | Unlimited Undaunted
    My Characters:
    Daggerfall Covenant
    [^]Master Arctus | DD - Magicka Nightblade (Breton, Battlemage of the Empire)
    Khaled al-Bergama | Tank - Health Dragonknight (Redguard, Forebear)
    Brother Marcel | Healer - Magicka Templar (Breton, Monk)
    Lucius Detritus | Tank - Health Necromancer (Imperial, Colovian)
    Sir Armand Dubois | Tank - Health Templar (Breton, Knight)
    Akhenatosh | DD - Stamina Templar (Imperial, Nibenese)
    Shrek Xl | Tank - Health Arcanist (Orc, Swamp Ogre)
    Selena Tharn | DD - Magicka Necromancer (Breton, Vampire)

    Ebonheart Pact
    Goras Dagoth | DD - Magicka Dragonknight (Dunmer, Sixth House)
    Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal | Tank - Health Warden (Nord, Undead Kamal)
    Never-Gives-Up | Tank - Health Nightblade (Argonian, Shadowscale)
    Uruk gro-Mauloch | Tank - Health Dragonknight (Mountain Orc of Skyrim)
    Freydis Iron-Shield | Tank - Health Sorcerer (Nord, Champion)
    *Kelvedkaal | DD - Stamina Arcanist (Nord, Dragon Priest)

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Robin of Valenwood | DD - Stamina Nightblade (Imperial, Strident)
    Tihullu | Healer - Stamina Warden (Bosmer, Druid)
    *Rilis Xll of Firsthold | DD - Stamina Sorcerer (Altmer, Lich High Kinlord)
    Dark Kinlord Sauron | DD - Stamina Sorcerer (Dunmer, Xivkyn Dreadguard)
    Prince Taka | DD - Hybrid Templar (Khajiit, Two-Moons Warrior Priest)

    [^]This is my Main character overall.
    *This is my Primary character in that Alliance.
    My Primary Residence: Strident Springs Demesne (Arenthia, Reaper's March)
  • Kyros
    thanks chip! i will add your post to the first :)
    Thank you for your response. I have a few questions:

    1. You're talking about en_ingame file, but what about en_pregame and en.lang? As you know ingame files contain only interface strings. But dialogues and other stuff are in en.lang.
    2. What about fonts? Can you allow us to use cyrillic (and other) characters?
  • Tankqull
    Taemethius wrote: »
    No mod response that is really sad.

    the really sad part is that the innitial post is changed by Gina but doesen´t felt it neccessary to leave a response...
    Edited by Tankqull on 10 November 2015 16:11
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Acht88
    authors unofficial localizations will be able to translate the quests?
    This is the most important and useful
  • Vikki
    Soul Shriven

    your answer is amazing and inspirational!
    You just saved me from a heart attack :) Thanks a lot.
  • UltimaJoe777
    Tankqull wrote: »
    Taemethius wrote: »
    No mod response that is really sad.

    the really sad part is that the innitial post is changed by Gina but doesen´t felt it neccessary to leave a response...

    Doesn't look edited by her to me. If it was OP edited it afterward.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Tankqull wrote: »
    Taemethius wrote: »
    No mod response that is really sad.

    the really sad part is that the innitial post is changed by Gina but doesen´t felt it neccessary to leave a response...

    That's a known forum bug - it shows up when you dev track a response, which I did with Chip's.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_ChipHilseberg
    TERAB1T wrote: »
    Thank you for your response. I have a few questions:

    1. You're talking about en_ingame file, but what about en_pregame and en.lang? As you know ingame files contain only interface strings. But dialogues and other stuff are in en.lang.
    2. What about fonts? Can you allow us to use cyrillic (and other) characters?

    Pregame is excluded for security reasons, mainly because an addon could change text surrounding things like login or character deleting which might be dangerous. We could consider this further if it's important. The .lang can be allowed to load as it does now if it is used. Do addons localize the .lang binary string file?
    Staff Post
  • Tankqull
    Tankqull wrote: »
    Taemethius wrote: »
    No mod response that is really sad.

    the really sad part is that the innitial post is changed by Gina but doesen´t felt it neccessary to leave a response...

    That's a known forum bug - it shows up when you dev track a response, which I did with Chip's.
    Tankqull wrote: »
    Taemethius wrote: »
    No mod response that is really sad.

    the really sad part is that the innitial post is changed by Gina but doesen´t felt it neccessary to leave a response...

    That's a known forum bug - it shows up when you dev track a response, which I did with Chip's.

    well, then mea culpa.
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

    Pregame is excluded for security reasons, mainly because an addon could change text surrounding things like login or character deleting which might be dangerous. We could consider this further if it's important.
    Well, this is not as important as quests translation, but still... If you'll allow us to do this, it will be great. Just disallow us to edit some important strings (login, character deleting etc.), if you want to protect them.
    Do addons localize the .lang binary string file?
  • WandaMey
    TERAB1T wrote: »
    Thank you for your response. I have a few questions:

    1. You're talking about en_ingame file, but what about en_pregame and en.lang? As you know ingame files contain only interface strings. But dialogues and other stuff are in en.lang.
    2. What about fonts? Can you allow us to use cyrillic (and other) characters?

    Pregame is excluded for security reasons, mainly because an addon could change text surrounding things like login or character deleting which might be dangerous. We could consider this further if it's important. The .lang can be allowed to load as it does now if it is used. Do addons localize the .lang binary string file?

    can't tell for all languages but there is a <lang>.lang in the addon>gamedata folder
    spanish has for sure some pregame translated. (there is a pic of the translated character selection on the addons page)
    And as it used ru model, and br used spanish etc etc... I guess the answer is yes, they do.
  • Goratesque

    Hey Chip! Did you read my post? Because this is very important.
    CradonWar wrote: »
    Thank you so much! I'm working on Turkish (TR) language and I will release within a few days. And I have to say that Portuguese one is actually "Brazilian" Portuguese (BR) not the main Portuguese (PT).

    Edit: There are also Chinese (CN) people who want to start translation.

    And I think Brazilian team need some special Portuguese letters accented with ~ (ã, õ, Ã, Õ). If you can add Cyrillic, I believe you can add them too.

    I have a problem for the Turkish language. I'm glad if you figured it out.
    And there is my uppercase problem. We have some special letters in Turkish too! And they can't appear properly on titles.

    Uppercase: I and İ
    Lowercase: ı and i

    As you can see, we have two letters with dot and without dot. Here's the picture of problem:


    And here's an example:

    The line is:
    SafeAddString(SI_AVA_MENU_ALLIANCE_WAR_GROUP, "İttifak Savaşları", 0)

    I found a temporary solution with:


    But it's not the same thing. The game is auto-uppercase in titles. And some lines are used both in titles with uppercase and another place without uppercase. Can you do something about it?
    Edited by Goratesque on 10 November 2015 17:39
    My Guilds:
    PC/EU - EP | Skyrim Lejyonu | GM
    PC/EU - DC | Black Horse Courier | GM
    PC/EU - EP | Siyah Atlı Kurye | GM
    PC/EU - DC | Imperial Trading Company
    PC/EU - EP | Unlimited Undaunted
    My Characters:
    Daggerfall Covenant
    [^]Master Arctus | DD - Magicka Nightblade (Breton, Battlemage of the Empire)
    Khaled al-Bergama | Tank - Health Dragonknight (Redguard, Forebear)
    Brother Marcel | Healer - Magicka Templar (Breton, Monk)
    Lucius Detritus | Tank - Health Necromancer (Imperial, Colovian)
    Sir Armand Dubois | Tank - Health Templar (Breton, Knight)
    Akhenatosh | DD - Stamina Templar (Imperial, Nibenese)
    Shrek Xl | Tank - Health Arcanist (Orc, Swamp Ogre)
    Selena Tharn | DD - Magicka Necromancer (Breton, Vampire)

    Ebonheart Pact
    Goras Dagoth | DD - Magicka Dragonknight (Dunmer, Sixth House)
    Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal | Tank - Health Warden (Nord, Undead Kamal)
    Never-Gives-Up | Tank - Health Nightblade (Argonian, Shadowscale)
    Uruk gro-Mauloch | Tank - Health Dragonknight (Mountain Orc of Skyrim)
    Freydis Iron-Shield | Tank - Health Sorcerer (Nord, Champion)
    *Kelvedkaal | DD - Stamina Arcanist (Nord, Dragon Priest)

    Aldmeri Dominion
    Robin of Valenwood | DD - Stamina Nightblade (Imperial, Strident)
    Tihullu | Healer - Stamina Warden (Bosmer, Druid)
    *Rilis Xll of Firsthold | DD - Stamina Sorcerer (Altmer, Lich High Kinlord)
    Dark Kinlord Sauron | DD - Stamina Sorcerer (Dunmer, Xivkyn Dreadguard)
    Prince Taka | DD - Hybrid Templar (Khajiit, Two-Moons Warrior Priest)

    [^]This is my Main character overall.
    *This is my Primary character in that Alliance.
    My Primary Residence: Strident Springs Demesne (Arenthia, Reaper's March)
  • daemonios
    Kyros wrote: »
    Taemethius wrote: »
    No mod response that is really sad.

    To be totally honest I don't think that'll be maintained at this thread's current rate lol the negative atmosphere up in here is getting thicker and mods will likely pop in eventually to mellow it down some.

    yes, because of you
    i hope you will be banned for offence, hatred and attempts to ruin our topic

    Would be a false ban though considering I have said nothing offensive, not been hateful, and this topic cannot possibly be ruined lol (apologies if anyone has taken anything I have said offensive for it was not intended so)

    Also you clearly show personal hatred at me, but don't worry I do not hold any beef toward you for it lol

    To be honest, I understand why people become cross at you. You sound like a fanboy, even if you're reasoned in your posts. Your comments show a total lack of empathy to what others feel are serious problems to them.

    Put yourself in these guys' shoes. You've not only dedicated your time to the game, you've put in the extra effort so that people who don't speak any of the official languages can also play. And your effort are rendered useless without so much as a heads up, and with the community manager only pitching in after a couple pages' worth of comments. Yes, ZOS have explained the reasons behind the changes, and it makes all the sense in the world. What does NOT make sense is to ignore a dedicated part of the community - addon developers. I'm not saying ZOS should refrain from changing something. I'm just saying prior notice would be great, and fast response to the issues raised would have been basic courtesy.

    But in your head, it's as if ZOS can do no wrong...
  • NabiaKara
    Pregame is excluded for security reasons, mainly because an addon could change text surrounding things like login or character deleting which might be dangerous. We could consider this further if it's important. The .lang can be allowed to load as it does now if it is used. Do addons localize the .lang binary string file?

    My name is Jorge. I'm the administrator and programmer of Cervanteso (ESO translation into Spanish). I perfectly understand why Zenimax has protected the game from arbitrary code. It's obvious. And I'd like to thank them for supporting non-official translations.

    However, I think it's not a good idea excluding pregame contents. Our vision always has been to offer the entire game translated into Spanish. Entire game means 100% of strings. If pregame is excluded, loading screen strings will be excluded too?

    Currently, our state is the following one:
    es_pregame.lua - 100%
    es_client.lua - 90%
    es.lang - 40%

    The last file is the most important one, and of course we are translating it. Our users with a low English level have some problems to undertand the quests. They are grateful for reading them in their native language.

    Friendly greetings to translators and especially to Alex, Dario, and Savaş.

  • UltimaJoe777
    daemonios wrote: »
    Kyros wrote: »
    Taemethius wrote: »
    No mod response that is really sad.

    To be totally honest I don't think that'll be maintained at this thread's current rate lol the negative atmosphere up in here is getting thicker and mods will likely pop in eventually to mellow it down some.

    yes, because of you
    i hope you will be banned for offence, hatred and attempts to ruin our topic

    Would be a false ban though considering I have said nothing offensive, not been hateful, and this topic cannot possibly be ruined lol (apologies if anyone has taken anything I have said offensive for it was not intended so)

    Also you clearly show personal hatred at me, but don't worry I do not hold any beef toward you for it lol

    To be honest, I understand why people become cross at you. You sound like a fanboy, even if you're reasoned in your posts. Your comments show a total lack of empathy to what others feel are serious problems to them.

    Put yourself in these guys' shoes. You've not only dedicated your time to the game, you've put in the extra effort so that people who don't speak any of the official languages can also play. And your effort are rendered useless without so much as a heads up, and with the community manager only pitching in after a couple pages' worth of comments. Yes, ZOS have explained the reasons behind the changes, and it makes all the sense in the world. What does NOT make sense is to ignore a dedicated part of the community - addon developers. I'm not saying ZOS should refrain from changing something. I'm just saying prior notice would be great, and fast response to the issues raised would have been basic courtesy.

    But in your head, it's as if ZOS can do no wrong...

    Actually I empathize with both sides, but my tendancy to speak for Zenimax (even if they don't need it lol) stems from how few do tend to speak for them, but It is not my intention to contest the concerns people express. I realize I can come off as blunt and whenever someone states they are offended by my words I do apologize for it but I usually speak plainly on the topic nonetheless. No one ever said honesty was pretty lol

    As for your point about prior notice I can understand them not giving it about the add-ons unless actually asked about it simply because Zenimax does not prioritize add-ons into their work (kind of a side thing they work with the developers of said add-ons on, as demonstrated by Chip) but I also understand people are quite cross with the lack of direct communication from Zenimax but I also can see Zenimax's stance on things, plus how they do actually reply to many things. I could go on but I shall leave it at this for now lol but either way I simply try to be a neutral party that recognizes both sides equally, that's all. I shall try to let it show that I am neutral more than it has though, for everyone's piece of mind, so no one feels I am attacking their opinions to defend the other side or anything like that.

    Also for the record why do people always try to look at things as either fan or not fan? Such categorization leaves much to be desired. Same goes for seeing people as trolls much of the time when they actually are not. What a world we live in...
    Edited by UltimaJoe777 on 10 November 2015 19:48
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • hrothbern
    Hey folks,

    In the most recent patch we fixed an exploit that allowed addons to run arbitrary protected code. This exploit could have been used to create a lot of harm, so it was critical that we fix it as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there were some unofficial localization addons that were casualties of this fix as they were using the same exploit in a benign way. It was important to us that the hard work done on these addons was not lost, however, so we implemented a new method of doing unofficial localization at the same time that the exploit was fixed. When this new code is live, addon authors will be able to supply a file named <languageCode>_ingame.str (instead of the previous .lua version) and fill it with lines of the form [<stringCode>] = "<string>" to provide localization in a secure way. This new method is presently going through QA and will be made available as soon as we are confident in it. Sorry for the lack of messaging about this in the notes.

    As an additional note, we now need to add the languages to the game as unofficial languages so they can be used with the secure system. Presently we have added Russian, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Which other languages are there unofficial translations for so we can make sure they are available when this new code launches?

    Awesome :)
    "I still do not understand why I followed the advice of Captain Rana to bring the villagers of Bleakrock into safety. We should have fought for our village and not have backed down, with our tail between our legs. Now my home village is in shambles, the houses burning, the invaders feasting.I swear every day to Shor that after Molag Bal has been defeated, I will hunt down the invaders and restore peace in Bleakrock and drink my mead with my friends at the market place".PC-EU
  • Dracane
    English is a world language and one of the easiest at the same time. Nowadays, everyone should learn it.
    I'm not a native english speaker myself, so it's no biased statement.

    When speaking about locations in zone chats for example, you should at least know the english name of locations, in order to avoid confusion. So what's the problem anywayl ?
    Edited by Dracane on 10 November 2015 20:58
    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

    My debut album on YouTube:
  • Lava_Croft
    Dracane wrote: »
    English is a world language and one of the easiest at the same time. Nowadays, everyone should learn it.
    I'm not a native english speaker myself, so it's no biased statement.

    When speaking about locations in zone chats for example, you should at least know the english name of locations, in order to avoid confusion. So what's the problem anywayl ?
    These people do good work for the ESO communities that do not have localized versions. Having their hard work be undone out of the blue is upsetting. If you are a user of any of the translations, you will be upset because it suddenly doesn't work anymore. Important things to these users, much more important than the look of Glass gear.

    But, should be all good soon! \o/
  • Troneon
    Hey folks,

    In the most recent patch we fixed an exploit that allowed addons to run arbitrary protected code. This exploit could have been used to create a lot of harm, so it was critical that we fix it as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there were some unofficial localization addons that were casualties of this fix as they were using the same exploit in a benign way. It was important to us that the hard work done on these addons was not lost, however, so we implemented a new method of doing unofficial localization at the same time that the exploit was fixed. When this new code is live, addon authors will be able to supply a file named <languageCode>_ingame.str (instead of the previous .lua version) and fill it with lines of the form [<stringCode>] = "<string>" to provide localization in a secure way. This new method is presently going through QA and will be made available as soon as we are confident in it. Sorry for the lack of messaging about this in the notes.

    As an additional note, we now need to add the languages to the game as unofficial languages so they can be used with the secure system. Presently we have added Russian, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. Which other languages are there unofficial translations for so we can make sure they are available when this new code launches?

    I knew it was to do with the invincible russian hack! I knew it!
    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
    Trials / Dungeons / PVP / Everything
  • Pomaikai
    Actually I empathize with both sides, but my tendancy to speak for Zenimax (even if they don't need it lol) stems from how few do tend to speak for them, but It is not my intention to contest the concerns people express. I realize I can come off as blunt and whenever someone states they are offended by my words I do apologize for it but I usually speak plainly on the topic nonetheless. No one ever said honesty was pretty lol

    Stop trying to speak for Zenimax. It's neither your place, nor your job. You know who needs to speak for Zenimax? Zenimax, that's who! The problem is that they so rarely speak. I was INCREDIBLY surprised that not only did they respond in this thread, but that they did so at length, and carried on an actual discussion. This thread right here is what should happen ALL THE TIME!

    But yeah, you come across pretty much as a condescending jerk in most of your posts. I've pretty much come to the point where I just scroll past your posts because I know what they're going to say. If that's what you want, then good on ya'. If not, then start learning a little about empathy.
  • Kyros
    Pomaikai wrote: »
    Actually I empathize with both sides, but my tendancy to speak for Zenimax (even if they don't need it lol) stems from how few do tend to speak for them, but It is not my intention to contest the concerns people express. I realize I can come off as blunt and whenever someone states they are offended by my words I do apologize for it but I usually speak plainly on the topic nonetheless. No one ever said honesty was pretty lol

    Stop trying to speak for Zenimax. It's neither your place, nor your job. You know who needs to speak for Zenimax? Zenimax, that's who! The problem is that they so rarely speak. I was INCREDIBLY surprised that not only did they respond in this thread, but that they did so at length, and carried on an actual discussion. This thread right here is what should happen ALL THE TIME!

    But yeah, you come across pretty much as a condescending jerk in most of your posts. I've pretty much come to the point where I just scroll past your posts because I know what they're going to say. If that's what you want, then good on ya'. If not, then start learning a little about empathy.

    Agreed! :)

  • UltimaJoe777
    Pomaikai wrote: »
    Actually I empathize with both sides, but my tendancy to speak for Zenimax (even if they don't need it lol) stems from how few do tend to speak for them, but It is not my intention to contest the concerns people express. I realize I can come off as blunt and whenever someone states they are offended by my words I do apologize for it but I usually speak plainly on the topic nonetheless. No one ever said honesty was pretty lol

    Stop trying to speak for Zenimax. It's neither your place, nor your job. You know who needs to speak for Zenimax? Zenimax, that's who! The problem is that they so rarely speak. I was INCREDIBLY surprised that not only did they respond in this thread, but that they did so at length, and carried on an actual discussion. This thread right here is what should happen ALL THE TIME!

    But yeah, you come across pretty much as a condescending jerk in most of your posts. I've pretty much come to the point where I just scroll past your posts because I know what they're going to say. If that's what you want, then good on ya'. If not, then start learning a little about empathy.

    My apologies if I offend anyone for it is not my intention but to be fair I do not speak for Zenimax but rather express that I understand their position and hope others do as well. I know not everyone sees eye to eye and I recognize that but can you really blame me for trying when these forums are always so negative in atmosphere? I only wish to promote a more positive atmosphere by trying to alleviate all this negativity, that's all, and that is why I try to be a neutral party. As I stated before though I shall word my posts better so I do come across as empathetic to both sides when I am doing so.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • KiriX
    @ZOS_ChipHilseberg thank you! We all waiting new system for unoficial localization! =)
    PC EU
  • tennant94
    So what!? zos just trying to make the game better for everyone give them a break
  • DarioZ
    ESO Italia is at the moment at:

    it_pregame.lua - 100%
    it_client.lua - 100%
    it.lang - 4%

    I'm all alone :/

    Still I understand and confirm that pregame could be risky, even though it's translated correctly at the moment for italian, it's quite a problem and I fear we will have to wait and keep english version of pregame :/
  • kwisatz
    Acht88 wrote: »
    authors unofficial localizations will be able to translate the quests?
    This is the most important and useful

    That is the idea! Personally, I spend the most of my time translating quests (Cervanteso, spanish project). And I love to work on those stealable items I think people doesn't pay much attention to -so funny descriptions! ;)
  • Docmandu
    Hey folks,

    In the most recent patch we fixed an exploit that allowed addons to run arbitrary protected code.

    Sorry for the translation addons, but ZOS did good here... it would be a terrible idea to not fix an exploit in the Lua VM to keep foreign translations, since such an exploit opens up the game to a hell of a lot of malicious / cheating add-ons.

    And the fact that they are providing a workaround for the translation issue, so the addons will work again in a future update, is quite nice.

    Good to see they can at least do some things right.
    Any news about our problem?
  • Justice31st
    Make the PC version the same as console. No need to show PC favoritism. If consoles don't have addons, nor should the PC version.
    "The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
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