Experienced Tank - Looking for Trial & Dungeon Group

Greetings everyone. What I want is the following.

PVE - A trial group aiming for Rockgrove, Dreadsail Reef, or Sanity's Edge trifecta runs.

About me - I've been tanking since patch 1.3. In the past years I've been working on trials progression with dedicated groups where we earned the Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer, Gryphon Heart, Godslayer, and Dawnbringer titles. For small man content, I've done Unchained and all but the newest dungeon trifectas. And FYI, I do enjoy IC and BGS during double exp events and I could see myself going into PVP more often with the right player group.

About you - You should be interested in progressing as part of a group that aims to complete the difficult content of the game. You should have a good attitude and open to finding the relative best ways for optimizing content clears. Interested in playing during the evening after 9:00 pm EST.

Thank you for reading. Please send me a private forum message or an in game mail.

P.S. I'm also interested in finding someone who would like to do efficient Infinite Archive runs.
Edited by Personofsecrets on 29 July 2024 18:31
  • Personofsecrets
    I am still seeking a guild to group with.
  • Personofsecrets
    I am still seeking a guild to group with. I would like 2 different PVE guilds atm to do trials with.
  • Personofsecrets
    Updated: Looking for 2 more guilds to run trials with post thieves guild dlc. please send mail.
  • Personofsecrets
    Updated and still looking.
  • Personofsecrets
    Still searching
  • qingshang
    I wanna join! @Popular person
  • Personofsecrets
    I don't quite understand what you mean.
  • Personofsecrets
    still looking
  • Personofsecrets
    Still searching
  • Aandre_the_Giant
    Howdy !

    Tyrs Paladium is definately interested.

    Here's a little bit about Tyrs...

    Tyrs Paladium is an active medium sized guild that has two simple concepts. We are drama free and we don't zerg (rush ahead leaving others behind). We are quite organized and live by our motto: Play hard, laugh hard and win, together. We are very friendly to the new player, returning player, and a veteran player that likes to group with knowledgeable folks without all the typical egos, drama and riff-raff of the typical guild. And Yes we actually enforce our policies.

    We have one of the most active guild websites there is, created by and for guildies only. On this site, you could find plenty of game tips in the Tyrs Library, sign up for scheduled guild content in the Tyrs War Room shoot the sh!t in the Tyrs Tavern, or listen to our esoteric MP3 player in the Tyrs Mosh Pit!

    If you don't mind, I'd like to share a few links with you:

    ** ESO Forums guild recruitment thread promoting our guild.

    ** This is our site. Its private, however you can see a few things, and even peek at our guild rules.

    Once you read our guild rules, if you think they are fair, let me know and we'll get you in right away!

    Travel well,

    Tyrs Paladium Guild Founder
    Aandre_the_Giant (Tyrs Forum Name - Commodore, Main Character - Frobozz of Zork, Sorcerer)
    Guild Founder
    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Elder Scrolls Online Founders Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!

    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website!
  • Personofsecrets
    Still searching.
  • Personofsecrets
    Still looking.
  • Personofsecrets
    Still searching.
  • Personofsecrets
    Still looking.
  • Personofsecrets
    still looking!
  • Gaggin
    I have a guild you might be interested in we do vmol weekly and hmodes on all the crag lorn trials. I can't promise you that many runs to start if tank is your only role, but feel free to hit me up when I'm online(usually 11pm-2am est) and we can talk more.
  • squinceybones
    Hey, I am from hodor, we have a spot for you starting Monday. Hope you can come, and don't be late!
  • Personofsecrets
    Hello @Gaggin. I missed your message in April. I will contact you at the time you specified now that I've found your message.
    Edited by Personofsecrets on 24 May 2017 14:12
  • Personofsecrets
    Hello @squinceybones . Sorry, but I'm not playing on the EU server, so I am not available for you raid.
  • Personofsecrets
    Still searching! I have several guild spots open.
  • monkey36948
    Hey I know it's most likely not the best if you are wanting vets but I run a normal trials guild that I am working up to runs vets if you would like an invite
    Edited by monkey36948 on 24 May 2017 22:34
  • Personofsecrets
    Still looking!
  • monkey36948
    I will take that as a no I wish you good luck in your searches
  • Personofsecrets
    I will take that as a no I wish you good luck in your searches

    Hello @monkey36948 , I apologize for forgetting to write back to you!

    I am looking for the groups that are already doing well in raid content, but thank you for offering.
  • Trashkan
    We do well in raid content but have only got the twins to 8%4%. Can beat every craglorn trial. Post morrowind we struggle a little with hard modes. Have a great group just looking for a couple more exp players to plug in with our other core members. @trashkan for invite.
  • Personofsecrets
    Still looking!
  • Tyrith
    Just a friendly word of advice, your post may warrant more attention if you posted something about your achievements or even gear or stats.I know the titles says your experienced but that doesn't give any indication of how well you are experienced.

    And to be honest, most guilds that do VMOL HM regularly aren't actively looking to recruit. You gotta apply to them to show your worthy.
  • Tyrith
    Night fighters may be a guild you'd do well in. They have like 6 core groups and do VMOL HM on the regular
  • Personofsecrets
    Tyrith wrote: »
    Night fighters may be a guild you'd do well in. They have like 6 core groups and do VMOL HM on the regular

    Hello Tyrith,

    Thank you for the advice. I'm part of Nightfighters and am waiting for the team that I was put on to have enough members to play again.

    As far as my description, I'm not really concerned with updating it. In my mind completing Maw HM speaks for itself and it wouldn't be sensible make a list of every single thing that I've done.

    Trials such as ones in Craglorn pale in comparison to Maw, but I have of course done them all on HM. I managed to complete Maw HM too, but not as often as I would have liked to. I've played the ESO market and have millions of gold. I've become Emporer. I've predicted the tanking Meta from miles away and am flexible in what I use. Of course, with millions of gold I am pretty easily able to get the newest sets that come out and I've played enough that I collected the only BOP set that tanks may try to use right now (Alkosh). I'm able to stream and record for what it's worth. On top of that I've managed to do everything that I have done without being part of any particular guild in a dedicated fashion - that is probably my top accomplishment. Please keep in mind that I don't really see any of those achievements, although they may be desired by some people, as that pertinent to raiding.

    Though I allowed myself to become sidetracked by your comment about credentials, raid leaders choosing me is like going to the luxury car store and asking about prices. If they have to ask about some small minutiae, then something may not be just right. The reason for this is because, like you mention, most groups doing the more difficult content are already well established and they are likely to know who I am already. In the case that one of their tanks quit the game, then I look forward to one asking me for a try out. This post is just a reminder that I am usually available.
  • Tyrith
    We're not worthy!
    We're not worthy!

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