Team Sauce Trading: 5000+ Members! Trading, PvE, PvP, Trials, Raffles, Events! - NOW RECRUITING!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • NikkiBayda
    Soul Shriven
    I want to join!

    tag: etozhebayda
  • Queenmab
    GT: SpottierTax5

    If you're still recruiting. Thanks!
  • royfrazer
    Soul Shriven
    GT is Saint r 0 y
  • Zorkulon
    Waiting List Updated
  • malikpgeb14a_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Mractor
  • Stonden
    GT: Paper Target
  • royfrazer
    Soul Shriven
    GT : Saint R 0 Y
  • Zorkulon
    Waiting List Updated, invites should go out tonight!
  • FromTheVoud
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, I just wanted to know if I could join? I've maxed out Alchemy and Clothing, and I've been trying to find a guild where I could sell all my potions in bulk. I mostly play PvE. I'm always open to new friends or ideas on different ways to play. My gamer tag is iProLEGEND 3D can't wait to see what's in store
  • Jacob1320
    Soul Shriven
    GT: WildStingray342

  • MsDrosera
    Soul Shriven

    invite pls
  • FromTheVoud
    Soul Shriven
    Also I have LINE as well
  • montiferus
    how much are the weekly dues?
  • tylerjburnell
    Soul Shriven
    Would love an invite. PSN: tylerjburnell
    if you're still taking new members my gt is PPPPEAR
  • nickbuchnerb16_ESO
    GT: Scruffin

    Invite please
  • 1Red13
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Mystic Red
  • Zorkulon
    montiferus, weekly dues are 10K
  • Zorkulon
    Waiting List updated
  • Ni1nj4
    my gamertag is

    I have deposited three times this week, and you still have me blocked
    you shouldnt have blocked me in the first place. I paid two weeks ago on monday for that week, and that goes until this past sunday. So for the next monday to sunday (today) i was gone on monday and you blocked me. I have until yesterday to pay this weeks dues. I was blocked already when I went to pay on tuesday (yes 8 days from my last payment, but not yet overdue for this week)
    you did this to me before, so I started putting 10001, 10002, 10003, each week when you make me pay extra, hoping that would alert you to the fact that I am paying multiple times, but that didnt seem to work since im still blocked.
    please stop doing this to me
  • Balsagna
    I would love an invite. Gamer tag: CBalsagna thank you very much!
  • Vacnol
    Soul Shriven
    Requesting invite; Gt: GhOsT_GaLxY
  • NumericDreamz
    Inv = NumericDreamz
  • Bladestruck
    Soul Shriven
  • Zorkulon
    Waiting List Updated!

    StkUrHedNDooDoo - I have you re-promoted however you did not attempt to contact me by in game mail, BAND, or XBL about this issue prior to posting it on the forum??? Our Dues Officer only marks notes for 10K even deposits because other people change the amounts so that we can tell the difference between dues and donations. Your method of trying to show something about your deposits is probably the reason your dues were not counted. In the future please just contact one of the officer's through XBL messaging for any issues and we will be glad to help you with them and help correct any misunderstandings. This is not the proper forum for voicing a concern about a dues question. Thanks.
  • GotEmTrevZ
    GT : GotEmTrevZ
  • Tickley_Pickley
    Soul Shriven
    I believe I was a member last year before I lost my gtag and stopped playing. Got it back last week and started back up.

    GT: Tickley Pickley
    Stam sorc: Vorado

    Would like to prepay at least 2 weeks of dues upon joining. Thanks!
  • Sylphex
    List updated!

    We currently have traders in Rawl'kha, Craglorn, Daggerfall and now Vivec City! The latter three have many spots available and no current waiting list. I will try and get the guildmaster to make an updated post to reflect this.
    I believe I was a member last year before I lost my gtag and stopped playing. Got it back last week and started back up.

    GT: Tickley Pickley
    Stam sorc: Vorado

    Would like to prepay at least 2 weeks of dues upon joining. Thanks!

    I've added you to the list but be aware that we only accept weekly, monthly (5 weeks) and lifetime payments!

  • Tacktheritrix
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join

    GT: Saluki03
    Edited by Tacktheritrix on 13 June 2017 16:27
  • schreck_66441nub18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Can I get an invite? GT Hellraiser23
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