So some odd things ive noticed or have seemed a little odd since ive been running around in IC (Ps4 NA)
Bol doesn't seem to be affected by battle spirit or major defile at times leading to a Templar who can 2x cast to full health. It isn't the end of the world a frag/leap//stun/fear at 60% typically ends that nonsense but I'm curious if this is just a suspicion or actually the case. Not being a PC player I cant see the numbers to go with I can only compare bars and the damage being healed in pvp is proportionate to that of PvE atm.
there are a Number of stuns that aren't respecting CC immunity and are essentially being spammed It's not always the case but when it does happen you're just like hm , breakfree, breakfree ,crap ..breakfree.. dead.
Players are also being stuck in the air if they are cc'd while falling in the sewers. hysterical when it happens to the other guy not so funny when you become the piñata.
There is an area on the DC side of the sewers cliff like in shape just past the molag bal area if you meteor someone its like 1/5 they get stuck in the platform below.