I run a 2h/bow set up. My dmg comes from the 2h and the bow is my buff bar. I have mass hysteria on my buff bar so during a fight, if I want to fear the guy I'm fighting, I swap to my bow and fear immediately, then swap back to the 2h to continue dealing damage. I've been playing this way for over year and never had a problem. Now after IC drops and I try to fear after swapping to my bow and it goes off less the half the time. I definitely see my toon go into the fear animation and my magicka goes down like I used a fear, but what I dont see is the red and black wavy animation and my opponent doesnt get feared. I lost many tv stones cause the dam fear not working and its getting annoying.
What I've noticed is that only in combat will the fear not work. Out of combat, if i swap to my bow and fear it always goes off. I would record it happening but I dont know how. Can anyone confirm this?
The Kelly Gang
Saiyan AD DK
Nayias AD Warden