Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)

League of Assassins [PvX][Casual, Social, Normal Trials]

  • shadelon
    Invite sent thank you and remember to join our discord!
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • ldubsdad
    Hello may I please join . Gamer tag ldubsdad1980 .... Troyanthosanyhow is game name
  • shadelon
    Inv sent thank you. Remember to join our discord!
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • SteveNicholas
    Soul Shriven
    Hey shadelon, few quick questions. How can I get on our discord from my phone? I have the app but don't have a link or invite. I've tried using our website link at the beginning of the thread, but doesn't seem to work on mobile. Second, when I am in game, how do I text chat to only our guild members? I can bring up the text box, but whenever I send a message, I believe it goes out to general board.
  • shadelon
    To all questions about our discord. The inv link is in the about us in game. I do not post it here for reasons lol.
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • SteveNicholas
    Soul Shriven
    I have a friend Yan2el2o wants invite!
  • shadelon
    You could have just posted that on discord lol
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • SteveNicholas
    Soul Shriven
    Ohhh haha
  • gigglefoot
    Soul Shriven
    Hello. I'm interested. My psn name is truegigglefoot. Thanks.
  • shadelon
    Inv sent. Thank you and remember to join our discord!
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • shadelon
    We are officially recruiting people to take up Specialist roles for Sorcerer and Templar within our League Workshop program. Must be at least cp600 and have leveled at least 2 roles for these classes to be considered for these roles. The League Workshop program is a program designed to help people with build advice, 1 on 1, as they need it. So if you would like to help people achieve their best in these classes, apply today! And of course if you are just looking for a casual social guild, you are also welcome to join as well, regardless of level!
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • FernisWolff
    Soul Shriven
    Looking to join, please! Mainly for social and for group boss battles, runs, help leveling up crafting, and leveling up my character. FernisWolff is PSN. Thank you!
    Edited by FernisWolff on 6 February 2018 16:32
    I'm a female. Please don't mistake me for a male. ;x
  • shadelon
    Inv sent, thank you. Remember to join our discord!
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • shadelon
    We are still recruiting!
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • foxhound4206nub18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love an invite! 254CP MagDK DPS/Heals/Tank PSN-ID: Foxhound4206 - Character Name: Fox'r Naa-Tgivn

  • Akatsukisan
    I am looking for a social clan to join since I work full time and also attend university my free time is mostly on weekends. (Friday, Saturday) but I somewhat play weekdays too. PSN: TheAkatsukiSan
    Follow your path to success, don't follow into the shadows.
  • shadelon
    Invites sent thanks.
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • shadelon
    We are still recruiting and we have a trader this week!
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • shadelon
    Still recruiting and don't forget we're on discord now!
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • F1thyphil
    Can I get an invite please :) PSN is: fi1thyphl-11 (PS4-NA)
  • bobbis44
    Soul Shriven
    If you're still recruiting, I would like to join.
    PSN bobbis44
  • shadelon
    Invs sent thank you. Remember to join our discord!
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • knukles6969
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join! PSN is knukles6969. Thanks!
  • shadelon
    All invs have been sent. Thank you and remember to join our discord! We're still recruiting and we have a trader for a second week in a row!
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • shadelon
    Still recruiting!
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
  • thalesleo
    Soul Shriven
    Hey shadelon, could you invite me please? My PSN is thales-leo. Thanks!
  • Parkz1999
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to join, im 19 and I play Templar. Dont mind being a healer and doin my part. I am low level at the moment but hopefully I can level up fast with you guys
    PSN: thatpoliteguy
  • cotton868
    Soul Shriven
    PSN cotton868 I'd love to join!
  • ckdevillenub18_ESO
    PSN KrayZKZ

    Tons to sell!
  • shadelon
    Passed names to the council and invs should be sent asap. Welcome and remember to join the discord!
    We do not have a trader this week unfortunately. :-(
    The Airstrike - Flower Lady

    Champion 871 [Lv 50 Magward Healer, Lv 50 Stamward DPS, Lv 50 Warden Tank, Lv 50 MagWard DPS]

    Guild Master of the League of Assassins (check us out at
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