The Honor Bound
New Ebonheart Clan. We are a clan recruiting all new members (VR 10+ especially). Looking for all things ESO related? WE got it.
You betcha
Damn skippy.
**Play a lot?**
Try every day (mostly)
**Play other games?**
Ya get in the loop and we are willing to try out other games as well (Come from FFXIV, GW2, Destiny, DCUO, WoW)
We use the guild bank to store gold/items to help those who want to craft.
PvE Weekends are a must! We have a dedicated PvE coordinator as well as weekly events.
We are currently growing our membership in order to do “in-house” trading. Each member has the option to give 1K per week in order to get access to the Guild Trader. 15k (lump sum or over time) will get you Guild Bank access!
People love some raffles. Weekly raffles as we grow! Lotteries almost every week!
We play multiple games as well as Raid/PvE and PvP. We have always had our sights on the end game content and enjoy joking around during tough content. Tightly woven into the gaming culture but there is a catch….
If you can’t take a joke then don’t bother. Things that aren’t off limits include:
-your mom
-my mom
-anything pertaining to your lifestyle choices
-the games you play
-the games you don’t play
-nicknames you may or may not have
Literally anything is free game so hope you can take a punch. We are all adults and enjoy mature players who are willing to enjoy content with us! We are PvE and Endgame oriented and work with all levels...and yes we craft for each other (your mom crafted me something last night /wink).
Join us to do some trading/group finding at (this is for Destiny and ESO so once you sign up, it will create accounts for both)
**Send me a message if you’re interested: OhSnapItzKing**
[Honor Bound Guildmaster]
[ PS4 Moderator]
[Clan Website:]
TL;DR - We’re a bunch of jokers that play all games but always come back to Honor Bound to PvP/PvE and Raid