(The context of this poll is EU PC)
With the changes made to "travel to player", it seems that we will all have to stick to one, two campaigns maximum in 1.7.
Right now, the state of PvP is : get good action on Thorn but risk getting 10000 ping every 10 min, or go to another campaign and either your faction dominates the map or you face huge organized guild trains that present zero opportunity for fun small scale.
Since they are changing the campaign rulesets, which campaign do you plan to set as home when IC comes out and why?
Edited by Etaniel on 26 August 2015 10:45 Noricum | KitesquadYoutube
Which vet campaign will you home in 1.7? (EU PC) 18 votes
1 vote
I don't PvP so I have no clue why I came on this poll

2 votes