Hello all were currently a small guild looking for potential in pve,pvp content. Looking for skilled dps,tanks,heals for dungeons and endgame trails and pvp fun. Veteran ranks a plus but not required. We can help you get to where you wanna be. We have several crafters in guild who can make you what you need. I myself have everything maxed and can help you get there too with helpful hints and tricks, That goes for crafting leveling and anything inbetween! We have a Sister guild Black Clover who we run with alot as well so theres always help. We also have a few vamp and wolf bites floating around here and there. Well hope to hear from you guys send ingame mail or hit me up on psn Z_pox for recruitment or here on the forums.
Edited by Z_pox on 25 August 2015 17:48 "why would you want to swing a staff? A mace hurts more. Or a sword. Can't shoot a fireball from a sword, tho." -M'aiq the liar