darthhelios wrote: »I would love to join!
PSN -jtroutt19
Lil_walshy wrote: »Looking to join, new to eso
Psn: Lil_Walshy
Mothershed52 wrote: »I'd like to join as well, if you have spots open!
PSN - Mothershed-52
omc_seamonkeyub17_ESO wrote: »Super casual player looking to group up and quest, on most nights but do have days blocked out for family time and work ON PST. If you are still accepting I would love to join. PSN: OMC-SEAMONKEY
kcatherton01 wrote: »Would love to join tag in game erebus_bk, dad and busy love to play need helpers and would love to help as much as possible thanks
stephenstlouis wrote: »Would like to join psn is chewyloui