Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

The Drunken Dukes Want you!! (Aldmeri Dominion) SOCIAL PvPvE 140+ Mature Trade

  • NephilimHero
    Remember guys when you join come into the guild chat 1. It's the only way you can make the most out being a Drunken Duke
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • CrazyChrisPG
    Hey Nephilim,

    I already sent a pm on xbox to you. I would be happy to join ... GT: CrazyChrisPG

  • NephilimHero
    Excellent, ill be on this evening as I have some IRL stuff that a have to do but ill have it sent today.
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • Joker2522
    Soul Shriven
    Hey I'd like to join please GT:BwD Joker
  • NephilimHero
    No worries, ill send an invite tomorrow, we'd love to have you
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • Joker2522
    Soul Shriven
    I'm in now and will probably be on for the rest of the night
  • NephilimHero
    Sorry about the late invite the servers have been playing up all day
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • NephilimHero
    update: We are looking for players that want to run in Imperial city and start grinding those precious Tel var stones.
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • Themightydonut
    Soul Shriven
    I'd be happy to join

    GT : TheMightyD0NUT

  • mikeyT25
    id like to join up. GT mikeyT25
  • cmcorms
    My main is in EP. However I can start making characters in AD..... I'm just looking for a kickass guild and this seems to be a good one! GT is KingCorm
    Follow me on Twitch - cmcorms
    PS4 (NA) - cmcorms
  • NephilimHero
    Ill send the invites now we'd love to have all of you
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • noordwijk
    Soul Shriven
    He I would love to join this guild I am level 15 I think lol ingame name is noordwijk hopto hear from you guys soon :)
  • amgxcrysisx
    Im interested my gt is the same as my forum id. Do u guys run daily pledges? Do u guys use the guild chat much?
  • ZIGGYsmalls838
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join! my GT is the same as my user name and my main is Arandil.
  • Jspringy
    Soul Shriven
    I'm currently looking for a new main guild. V5 and rising DK tank/dps, master in blacksmithing, woodworking, clothier, and provisioning. GT: JSPRINGY
  • NephilimHero
    We'd love to have you guys, yes we run pledges regularly and chat I'd constantly used.
    GM of The Drunken Dukes
    High Elf Sorcerer VR 15- Valanarter Maethorion
    Xbox European Aldmeri Dominion
    "For the queen"
  • Jarry17
    GT: SK3L BON3
    Soul Shriven
    Im spanish and I have a vr16 sorcerer magic dps and a vr7 templar healer, chp rank 180. I have a guild with 20 people but only a few are active, I do everyday the pledges but Im looking for people to beat the trials and VDSA, I would like to join your guild
  • Battle5Star
    Hi, Im looking for a fun, social guild. :smile:
    I had to leave 2 clans yesterday, because kids were screaming in clan chat when they realized Im a girl.
    How is your clan?
    GT: Battle5Star
    Xbox EU
  • Daniel17164
    Soul Shriven
    Hi there send me an invite GT EnragedDaniel07
  • Jarry17
    GT: SK3L BON3
  • mubzander
    GT: Mubzi Ali
  • Triman
    Soul Shriven
    Interested in joining. I have 2 vr16 chars on NA and am now "moving" to EU because of time difference (I live in Europe).

    Gt: triman360
  • Sandersoncfc
    Soul Shriven
    Hey I'm looking to join my gt badM0nk3y1337. The 0 is a zero
  • Big'Chops
    Soul Shriven
    Could I get an invite please GT LORDxWRIGHTx80 thanks
  • Borgenaattori
    I am vet16 CP490 DPS sorc, im also trying to build tank build with that sorc, for now i dont have other classes, but in the future i will have. I make about 20 -150k money per day with sales in guild stores. I am also very good crafter: mostly i play in PvE, but also PvP as well. I have mainguild,we run dungeons. A lot, but im looking guild who has enough active players that i can run raids also.
    So do you have enough players that raids can be happened often?

  • Parrooni
    Soul Shriven
    An invite would be a blast! :)
    GT: Parrooni
  • SuperAntv1
    Add me please, GT - SuperAnt v1
  • pandazmo
    Sounds like fun! I'd like to join too :) GT pandazmo
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