So I like the pvp on this game and generally enjoy playing it, but I am becoming increasingly irritated with the current campaign I am in. We always seem to have a full 200 people in the campaign, but whenever I enter and head to a pivotal keep where we are either trying to siege or trying to guard a keep we seem to have almost no one. I will then look at the map and it will seem like we are not trying to push or defend anything. I will travel from keep to keep on the front lines where one would think that the groups are at, but I will only find one to three groups at all in total. Out of the 200 people we have on the server it seems like only 50 are playing. I am thinking about trying to switch to Chillrend since it seems like there is a pretty balanced number of people per faction on this campaign as well. I have been in this campaign for a month now and it seems like it is getting worse and worse. I would like to hear how other people in EP feel about the current state of this campaign.