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Stormhold Steel: Research and Crafters Guild (PS4 NA Ebonheart Pact)

I am trying something new and starting a guild that will be aimed a little differently than most large scale trading guilds. The primary goal will be a team effort to progress in research efficiently by exchanging resources. Secondary goal will be a guild where people can match up and trade crafted items for deconstruction and skill line leveling.
Here is how it will work:
1) GOLD CONTRIBUTIONS: No gold contributions necessary! At this time the goal will not be securing bids on guild traders. The main resource will be the guild bank, and communicating in guild chat.

2) BANK ACCESS: Access will be granted after the donation of 8 trait items. These do not need to be high level items! Create 8 items (any level) with traits you have researched. Try to mix it up with a variety of items if possible (i.e. not 10 medium boots with Well-Fitted trait, but instead 2 boots, 2 daggers, 2 swords, 2 staff etc.) The idea here is to provide a large variety for the guild.

3) DONATIONS/WITHDRAWALS: Members will be asked to maintain a 2:1 donate/withdrawal ratio. For every item you take out to research, drop in two items for others. Take out a trait gem? Drop at least two other trait gems back in. This again will maintain a large pool for people to get what they need. (This will be monitored, and abusers will be booted). Also members should keep withdrawals to what is needed at the time. There will be no need to waste your own inventory and stockpile researchable items if we can work together. If you notice that someone is cleaning out the bank, let me know, and I will handle them. Unfortunately there is no way to set withdrawal limits, so we will just have to try and weed the bad ones out.

4) CAN’T FIND WHAT YOU NEED?: Anyone else tired of trying to find people to help you with crafting on area chat? I sure am! This will be a guild of like-minded individuals. Get on the guild chat and ask around. Help each other out.

5) NEED TO LEVEL UP YOUR SKILLS?: (The fastest way is to deconstruct other player-made items.) Partner with someone around your level in the guild, each of you make X amount of the same item (daggers, sash, belts, glyphs etc.), trade them to each other, decon, and watch the inspiration roll in.

6) WANT TO SELL YOUR STUFF?: Ask around if anyone is interested. Otherwise feel free to hop on your other guilds and sell it. The goal here will not be crafting to sell, but instead to keep that research going.

If this is something you are interested in please leave your PSN, or look up my PSN: MrTarkanian48. I do not plan on recruiting in game unless I run into people who seem interested in this sort of thing in order to avoid the wrong type of people.
Wood Elf Stam NB (PVP)
Redguard Stam Sorc (PVP)
Altmer NB (DPS)
Imperial DK (Tank)
Redguard DK (DPS)
Altmer Templar (Healer)

EP - PS4
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