Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

► MASTER LIST of GUILDS on EU Xbox Server...

  • TheHereticMonk
    Guild: Charitable Crafting Co-op
    Guild Master: TheHereticMonk
    Focus: Crafting anything and everything for free!
    Alliance: All
    Forum: Charitable Crafting Co-op
    Never Knows Best!
    GT: TheHereticMonk
    Xbox EU AD DPS/Healer Sorcerer
    Guild Master: Charitable Crafting Co-op <- Everything crafted for FREE!
  • xTWiiZTEDxKiiDx
    Soul Shriven
    Im looking for a guild or multiple ones that offers a variety of gameplay. Trading, PvE, PvP, Crafting u name it.
    I have an Imperial Stamina based dps NB Vet rank 1. And i have got a sub vet rank 1 imperial dragonknight that i would like to develop into a master crafter. Im located in the Ebonheart Pact district and i would like to get more out of the game.
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