A Templar's Journal: Entry I


It was a fine day today in Evermore (and I hope all over Bangkorai, as well).

I love how clear and blue sky was, with nothing but the huge white clouds framing the horizon. I was especially delighted to feel the collision of the cool series of breeze and the warm heat of the sun as they touch my skin (after taking off some of my apparel, of course). Walking along the streets of the city, I could over hear people talking about my exploits just a few days ago. The atmosphere has definitely changed since I first got here, no more crows littered around town, and more importantly no more of that gloomy, sad vibe amongst the town's folks.

And just today, I have helped High King Emeric regain the Bangkorai Garrison. I must say there are a lot of things I have learned today, one of which is how much of a lady's man High King Emeric is. I have this funny feeling that my next mission is really just for him to flirt with that Tharn lady. But whatever the case, I thought today was amazing. I am just glad that Evermore is once again a place I would love to visit soon. Tomorrow though I set out again into where ever the wind takes me-- or that mission I had. But it's not in my habit to worry about what tomorrow brings. Tonight, I suppose, I'm going to experience Evermore without worry, maybe I'll get myself a drink in that inn I walked into a couple of times before. Maybe even buy someone a drink, who knows, I might even get an achievement from doing just that.


*My character is a Breton-Templar (currently at vr5). I'm not much into hardcore role playing, but I do like to immerse myself while I'm playing the game. So I thought maybe creating some mini journals would satisfy my need to tell my character's story, somehow. I'm not entirely sure if it's ok to keep things like this here, but I don't think I would want to start another blog site just for this.
Edited by me_ming on 7 August 2015 16:19
"We're heroes, my boon companion, and heroes always win! Let that be a lesson to you."
-Caldwell, "The Final Assault"

"There is always a choice. But you don't get to choose what is true, you only get to choose what you will do about it..."

-Abnur Tharn, "God of Schemes"]
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