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Well sola ill at least thank you for not grouping us orsinium orcs with those filth that dare call themselves orcs but on to other matters sorry my last messege was a bit rushed a group of bandits attacked us as e were building our strong hold wich is still in elsywer off the border of reapers march we have decided to settel down for awhile and as i said you two are welcome here anytime in my next letter ill tell you more about our travels but untill then farewell and may mauloch guide you both.
Thank you very much for the invitation, but I must decline it at the moment. I am currently awaiting orders, and I am not exactly confident that orders will arrive, rather soldiers to kill me. For that reason, I am camping outside the Daedric shrine I have previously used to travel to Oblivion. If necessary, I can summon the Dremora I bound, Vyrkyl, to fight them off, if he is willing, or just hide in Oblivion for a time.
Once I receive my orders, or receive soldiers trying to kill me, I will try to make an effort to stop by though as I move through Tamriel. Good thing you have stories to tell, because I have plenty of stories to tell too. I guess that books that mysteriously show up and letters do not always suffice. Hiding would be so much easier had I not thrown that book that explained how to summon portals at Vyrkyl when he tried to attack me.
Anyways, good to hear from you. I will make it a point to stop by when I have a chance. Until then though, blessings of Azura and Meridia.
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
I apologize for the delay of orders. Are you with your Dunmer friend? I do ask that from this point on you use neutral couriers to deliver messages. No one is to be trusted anymore. I know you don't understand this madness I live with. Most people wonder how a General of the Aldmeri Dominion worships the Mad God! The Elder Scrolls are mysteries themselves. They could be Aedric or Deadric it doesn't matter. What matters is time!
What has transpired since my last communication has worried me. Anchors of evil are falling from sky. I found myself shoulder to shoulder with filthy Orsimer of the Daggerfall Covenant. Molag Bals time is near. I am a Master of Flame and I still had a tough fight. Many Orsimer died in that fight. From what I could understand from the lesser minds of these Orsimer none have any relations to Urkro gro-Bogmack.
Markarth has been of no use to me. It is to cold in Skyrim. I will be heading to Black Marsh next as I have business with an Argonian to attend to. He may have a key to this puzzle I am trying to solve. If I can unlock my mind I can help unlock yours.
I know I have been a mystery to you, but I will reveal to you little by little with each communication I send.
I was born to a wealthy Altmer family. My father expected a son, but he was cursed with me. His only child is a daughter. I was raised from the beginning to follow in my fathers footsteps. I was to be great Battlemage who uses shock magic, but my affinity is to the flame. It's warm embrace kisses me so gently and guides me to power. I was not loved by father. I was depressed for some time when I came across a book that explained how easy it is to summon Sheogorath. So I did.
As for you orders you must make contact with your Dunmer friend G Arethi. I hope the traveling companions Godras and Jo'Rakha the Lazy have proven themselves.
Well this is it my clans new home is done and we have new members we are up to 120 "wereorcs" some one in the clan called us i dont think ill be keeping the name we even have children running around not mine though there with people who joined my clans telling me its time to start mating again hmm i guess ill have to put whats in the past away and do whats needed in the clan but enough of that as you recall i heard something pertaining to vampiers so me and a handfull checked it out it led us to a meeting of both argonian and dunmer vampiers there talking about something but i couldnt hearwe went down to get a closer look and were spotted they didnt attack right away but instead looked frightend so we talked apparently the dunmer were ex morag-tong and argonians sanguine worshipers they were apparently looking for a cure and ways out a pact territory(to get away from the tong i suppose) we asked the dunmer if they new a man named arethi it seemed liked they did but didnt say so then i asked about the cure and getting stolen life years back they told me how a way to cure vampirism but told me to seek out an elder vampire for that information so we left them to their devices with some of the stuff they were lacking for the ritual we had obtained and went on the journey across tamriel so untill next time.
Warchief of clan Bogmack,
Urkro gro-Bogmack
P.S.I have also sent an express delivery copy to you arethi encase you would like to know more about the ritual
Well, I guess now I have my orders. Go to Morrowind and find Arethi. It will be done. I agree with you fully. Time is of the essence. For that reason, I am on my way to Morrowind. I will probably be there in a month, so until then. As for myself, I can share my story with you.
As for you, I never expected you to be a female. I just thought you were male. I guess it has to do with the ever so recurring stereotypicality that people write with. Well, at least that is clear now, and good job making something out of yourself. My parents wanted me to be a housewife, and look how I turned out. Well, until next time.
Blessings of Azura,
Sola Auroron
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
Stopping by your clan's home was amazing. One of the best times I have had in years. Sorry about keeping you from your adventure for a few days though, but it was nice to rest my feet with someone who was not going to kill me. I honestly expected the clan to treat me poorly, but you pleasantly surprised me.
Just please keep me from drinking so much to where I start flirting with Orcs again. That was a bad decision on my part, and my Magicka is all out of balance from the alcohol. You stepped in, thankfully, and stopped anything from happening. It is just very rare that I let all my cares away, so it was a good time spending time with others, something you could probably tell I do not do much of.
I am sending off this letter when I reach the Rift in Skryim, so you may get a bit of delay, so, in case you have not found it already, I left some presents for you. Check under your bed, and you will find a fur coat and a wooden statue of Malacath that I made. I hope you enjoy.
But I think the things your clan gave me were far more of value. The food and drink will last me a great while on my trip to Morrowind, and they have saved me a great deal of gold. I remember the cook complaining that his food was not good cold, so let him know that I heat it up with a fire spell. Anyways, maybe I will stop by again on my way back, if you are back when I pass by again.
Meridia shield you,
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
Well im glad you enjoyed our good ol orc hospitality and heh dont worry about the drunken flirting it was just they were mad getting out drank by a non orc ha they will be hearing about this for weeks and i think one'o them was sweet on ya sola he got all stuttery when i mentioned ya HAHA hmm that was a fun night well i hopw the ebonthread robes fit ya well enough considering the man was drunk when he made it ahh and some khajit traders came by today we talked and traded awe made some good trader friends hmm ill have to end it here someone is yelling about a portal or something untill next time.
They are going to hear about that for weeks. But I am going to feel it for weeks. My Magicka is still unbalanced. Something which no amount of herbal remedies will help with. The only time my Magicka has gone this far out of balance was when I brewed alcohol, secretly, in the forest, and drank it. I was notably shorter than I am now, and it took its toll. I came back to my home, babbling incoherently, so I was told, and tried to cast a few spells, resulting in either them fizzling, or being overpowered. It is why I never drink. I am not sure if the Magicka imbalance affects all mages so adversely, but it could be that I am sensitive to changes in Magicka.
While the night was rather cloudy in terms of my memory, I remember trying to summon the Dremora I had bound, only to have the portal fizzle several times, followed by me laying on the floor for a few minutes. I remember the lightning storm coming down while I was there, and I shot shock spells up at it. I do not even know how you all understood me. From what little I remember, my words accounted to nothing but slurred sounds and inflectioned tones.
Nevertheless, a good stay. The clothes fit rather well, although it seems the bust was made too large. I guess I know what he wanted more of in me. Next time I come, I will have to remember not to drink so much.
Blessings of Azura and Meridia,
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
Going to Skyrim has made me realize a few things. Nords are not known for being friendly to outsiders. I always knew that. But I realized it first-hand. It was very difficult to stay at an inn when it was impossible to get into Windhelm without Nords throwing rocks and insults at me. If I felt like it, I easily could have killed a few, but I found that as unnecessary, this time at least. I ended up just setting up camp outside the city. I doubt the innkeeper would have had any qualms about having me stay there, so I hope he takes out the lost business on the local Nords.
At first I thought they were doing that because I am Altmer. Then, a few of them came into my little camp which was by a Khajiit trading caravan. They called me names like mixed-race and half-blood. The idiots. I told them that I was Altmer, full Altmer, and that I had purer blood than them. They then started to curse my Altmer heritage. I knew that was coming.
But, it made me realize one thing: mixed-race people are discriminated against. I see very few of them, and the few I see are often times reduced to being bandits, or beggars. I would think I would see more, with the Bretons being around, but I guess I just see very few of them in Tamriel. Camping alongside the Khajiit and I, there was a man. I asked him why he was out instead of being inside the city. He said that he had mixed heritage. He was half Redguard and half Altmer. A strange mix for sure, but he was not discernibly Altmer. He said that his parents had lived in Skyrim for years and when they got married, they were shunned, and when they had him, he was shunned. Such a story. He said his parents were merchants who thought Windhelm would make a great place to do business, then they met. The man said that he knew all of the Nords, and he was friends with them as a child. He even said that he considered himself a Nord. He said that he was just like them, and he fought with them. He has joined the Ebonheart forces in the Three Banners War. Certainly the Nords were either close-minded or just hated him for who he was.
Then it occurred to me: every race is like that. Nords were not alone. Us Altmer strove to keep a strong bloodline and several times mixed-bloods were run out of my town I grew up in. I guess that in the end, it is something universal. People who are different are just alienated. It is seems to be something as natural as war. It is even more than that though. It seems like the races are all at one another's throats. Altmer think they are the greatest race, as with Nords, as with Redguards, as with Dunmer, every single race has that, and it is like they all hate one another. I think I know what I should be working on now.
Sola Auroron
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
Sorry i havent written in awhile a portal opend in the middele of the stronghold and sheogorath came through(of all the princes)and he started talking to me directly well mostley rambaling but of the few coherent sentances he spoke he said something about winning a game hes putting together and if i win i get something "neat" i WAS about to say what are you rambaling about untill i was smack dab in the middle of the shivering isles in a battle arena i had to fight a seemingless endless horde of daedra when it was over i thought i could finally go home untill this little man named haskill said i had passed the qualifiers QUALIFIERS HE SAID my sudden burst of happiness was gone and for the next 3 weeks i played his game untill finally i won (it wouldnt have been possibly if not for my trusty dragon bone armour and this nifty daedric battle axe thing cuts through armour like it was parchment)and then i was back home safe for the time everyone crowded arond me with questions i answered as many as i could then i went inside my longhouse and slept its been 3 days since then and i still dont know what this "gift " is all he gave me was this letter saying stuff like "when you find out one thing about my gift there be somethingelse to enjoy" then it trails off about cheese ill write you if i find out anything els sola untill next i hear from you.
I went exploring in an old Nordic ruin the other day, and I found these undead wandering around. How strange. I was just trying to set up camp in there, and there were undead everywhere. It was my obligation to cleanse the place. Hopefully it helps in the grand scheme of things, but there were just so many of them, and they were rather disgusting. I went to the local chapter of the Mage's Guild to investigate, and turns out those undead used to worship dragons way back when. That is why they are undead. I know little about dragons other than that Auri-El is supposed to be in the form of one, but something interesting nonetheless.
Further investigation revealed that dragons do not use magic in the traditional sense, but what is called 'Thu'um'. It is much more discipline and knowledge-based than magic. But the fate of the people who learned and embraced it makes me want to stay away from it. I guess I know what I should do now. Enough fun in Skyrim though, I should make my way into Morrowind.
Meridia purify those ruins and myself,
Sola Auroron
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
How could I not see this? This whole time, I thought I was cursed to live in the Summerset Isles, far away from the Tamriel mainland, and forced to be alienated. My adventures through the rest of Tamriel were all fun, and showed me just how right I had always been. From healing and purifying undead in Cyrodiil, to exploring old ruins in Skyrim, everything has been fun and rewarding.
I figured Morrowind would be no different. I was wrong. I knew the stories of Morrowind, just how different it was. Slavery, cruelty, Daedra worship, just everything. I figured that I would be normal, fit right in with the Daedra worshipers. As it turns out, I do not. I went into a temple, to pray with others to Azura. I had heard of the Tribunal and their acts, and I always knew that a few still worshiped the true Tribunal. As it turns out, most Dunmer think that I am not fit to worship Azura because I am an Altmer.
I was also nearly captured and put into slavery. I was ambushed in my tent during the night, and captured, but I killed my captors and went on my way. Such a different land. I should hurry up and find you before I find myself in a worse situation.
Azura protect me,
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
You must find Sola! My spies have been watching you. What they do not know though is that their work is a betrayal to Dominion. I must brief. I know your name. I know who you are. I still have the scars on my arms from the last time we met. I had to get tattoos to cover them up. Please give this map to Sola once she arrives.
I figured that my little adventure to Morrowind would be fun. It is not. I cannot say that I hate the Daggerfall Covenant. Bretons are civilized, as are Redguards, and Orcs are in their own special way. They all have codes of honor that make them protect one another in their race. I thought the same would apply to the Ebonheart Pact. I think I am wrong. The Nords, while they are a developed and honorable society, so much of their culture revolves around war, similar to Orcs. They seem brutish and insensitive, and they do not treat outsiders well. Which is less civilized? The Nord or the Orc? Neither, but I have met friendly Orcs. Argonians are beastial creatures, and while they are sentient, they still have a notable animal quality to them. Thankfully not all of them are like that, but I have seen too many that are nothing but brutish thieves. Dunmer, they should be the defining civilization, but, while they are developed, just like the Nords, there is just something off. I always knew that Dunmer were different than other Mer, but not to the extent that I found out. Perhaps our skin tones are opposites for reasons.
Just how much the Dunmer contrast with the Altmer is appaling. Our living environments, religion, down to our very appearance. I need to hurry up and get what I need to done. Several times I have nearly been captured and put into slavery. Several times I have been forced out of inns and taverns for being Altmer. Not as if I can blame them for that. We used to do the same thing to people back in the Summerset Isles. Perhaps it has now come to me. I guess I never was much of a racist, but perhaps I was and now this is being paid back to me. Not even my common faith in Azura unites some of the Dunmer and I. I guess I was wrong. I just hope I am wrong again.
Azura protect me,
Sola Auroron
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
Well i figured out what sheogoraths gift is apparently its an enhancement on my lycanthropy by making it to were im like a wereanything i think i know this because i killed one of these senche tiger things and i like absorbed it or something and i was able to transform into a human like form of it so i guess now im also a were tiger now me and 5 others are heading to a mages guild chapter to figure out what happend but ill tell you more whenever i know more myself but on another note im glad at least you are safe for now in morrowwind and i understand you have a mission now because i found a dominion spy in the stronghold i meant him no harm but he attacked when i found him and he was carrying a note from this thundar person with order to watch us and other details about your mission and good luck finding arethi but im gonna continue looking for spies i dont much enjoy being watched untill next time sola.
A human form of a senche? Maybe you can turn into a Khajiit. Bad jokes aside, that is something to be careful of. Daedra hold incredible power. Look at the Dunmer of today. They used to not have ash skin and red eyes. Something seems appealing about the red eyes though. I wonder how I would look with them. Probably not that good.
Hopefully the Mage's Guild knows something about you, or else the gift may turn into a curse. My advanced understanding of Daedric gifts limits at undeath through vampirism. So I cannot help you much, other than telling you that is a strange gift, which you already know.
I figure I might spend another month in Morrowind before I leave. I might go back to Cyrodiil. Cyrodiil seems a lot safer right now.
Azura bless you,
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
Well the mages guild found out why i have this new found power and theres no cure but the reason is because its an ancient form of magic that is similiar to lycanthropy and they said i could use it because of my lycanthropy and apparently i can turn into any animal if if i embody there essence or something but they said i am one of the few that have learned it to obtain humanoid form(probably because of lycanthropy)while others just turn ito the creature itself they also say that the old masters of this magic also turn into the animal like daedra like clannfeafs but for nor now i think ill stick with nirn based animals untill next time sola.
I never thought I would be in the position I am in today. Just a few days ago, I was having fun in the local Fighter's Guild in Western Morrowind, close to the border of Skyrim. I was just sharing a few stories, talking about how Molag Bal would be so easy to take down with the help of Meridia. In saying that, I found out that quite a few of the Fighter's Guild members were followers of Meridia. It was great to know, then, some little Breton girl had the nerve to say that Meridia was for the weak and powerless.
As far as I know, the only reader of my letters who has actually met me is Urkro gro-Bogmack, but even he does not know how I get when I am provoked. I am not one to back down from a threat or challenge. It only strengthens my will. When the Breton girl said that, I saw the fire in her eyes, just how serious it was. I lashed out. I started to verbally assault her and push her around. I was of course threatening her with both my height and my words. After all, I was quite a bit taller than her. She started pushing back, and before we knew it, it was becoming a fight. She threw a punch, and it hit me right in the stomach. I grew much more angry, pulled a staff from behind my back, and swung it at her with one hand, and the head of it slammed right into her head. She quickly fell to the ground.
The guild members pulled me back before I had a chance to go back and hurt her some more. They quickly called for some guards and a healer. Guards quickly came in, fully restraining me right before I was ready to unleash a spell. I fought to get away from their grip. They sat me down quickly and asked what was going on. I said that she had said Meridia was for the weak, and that I was offended by that. The Dunmer guards said that if she was able to be healed, I could pay the healer and be on my way. Of course I could have just offered to heal her, but I would not dare cast a healing spell on someone who says that Meridia is for the weak.
The healer could not wake her up. They said she was in a coma. The guards took me to their barracks, and said that they would have to imprison me for a year. I year is nothing to an Altmer with an extended lifespan like me. Nothing. But when they took me to the cell, they got far too close. I knew that I was in serious danger as a woman. If my magical powers were not so strong, I likely would have been ***. Thankfully I quickly saw the situation coming, and I quickly shocked them to death once they followed me into my cell.
I ran. I ran as quickly as I could. I cast an invisibility spell on myself so I could move by the prison guards, and I ran out an open window into the city. I quickly went back to the Fighter's Guild and grabbed my things. I looked at that Breton, her eyes still closed, her life force barely even there, and I took off. I have heard of a shrine to Meridia in Skyrim, around the city of Solitude. I think I am going to hide there for a few months. After that, I have no choice but to go back to Cyrodiil and fight for the Dominion again. Hopefully I make it back there alive. Hopefully.
Azura and Meridia protect me,
Sola Auroron
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
Finally I can write back. I was at the Shrine to Meridia for a few months before I finally had enough there. I am on my way back to Cyrodiil. I feel perfectly normal now, my humorous disposition and strange flavor of optimism returning. I cannot wait to see how much things have changed. From what I heard, none of the factions are anywhere significantly different than from when I left. But I am sure the people have changed. The new blood are now veterans, and the experienced warriors now lay in the ground. I just hope they are purified.
Unfortunately, nobody at this point seems to believe me that the real problem we face is Molag Bal, but I am sure they will see soon enough. Until then, I will just try and purify the dead. It still is not a prestigious position; I purify bodies and get little recognition from the military hierarchy, but I do not need that.
At the very least, I can see how my sister is doing. My time at Meridia's Shrine gave me time to think, and maybe I should meet back up with my family.
Azura help us all,
Sola Auroron
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
Flag flying at half-mast? Does your soldier not stand to attention? Does your khajiit not deal in moon sugar? Come to the Helstrom Merchant's Guild and ask for our Special Sauce. Our Special Sauce is infused with the essences of fifty-two herbs. It's completely natural, completely safe, and ABSOLUTELY EFFECTIVE. You will never feel the same again!
Be the man other men want to be. Be the man you DESERVE to be.
I recieved some letter you sent out, refering to your 'Special Sauce'. Perhaps you should check on who is being sent the mail. Of course, I am a female Altmer, and the sauce probably has no affect on me, hopefully. Even then, I have magic. That being said, you may find great success putting your notices on a notice board in Cyrodiil. A lot of the Aldmeri Dominion soldiers are male Altmer, and you will see just how proud they are, and when they are willing to stoop down for help.
Anyways, I will do you the favor of putting your letter on a notice board in Cyrodiil. I just hope nobody sees me putting it up. That might be some big backlash.
Best of luck to your guild in it's sales of all items,
Sola Auroron
52nd Aldmeri Medical Division
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
AHA i have finally made it back home again well i think im gonna sleep for a week straight after a i write this if you recall that i found an aldmeri spy yes well in my search i also discovered a pact spy with troubaling information apparently they have been sneaking troops in to elsywere for a year and planned to attack from the inside of the dominion when we learnd that that they planned to frame us we went to the cave they been hiding in and confronted them the battle has lasted three days and we lost alot of good men but we drove what was left home and have finally returned home and we have all decided were moving toward our homeland at the wrothgarian mountains but for now we mourn our dead good luck in cyrodil sola.
Cyrodiil has not changed one bit. Still the massive casualties. Living in Cyrodiil is much easier than living in Skyrim though. Much more temperate. I lived in a tent outside the Shrine to Meridia. Now I get to live in actual barracks. The difference is something I took for granted.
I met with my sister again. She is still pregnant, as far as I can tell. It is getting to the point where you can actually see it now. She does not really want to talk to me; she is still rather angry at me. Whatever though, she is letting a lost however many years get in the way of the rest of her life. Perhaps she should learn to not make that mistake.
Anyways, duty calls again. Another sixteen hour shift coming up, and I need to sleep before I work again. My magic cannot sustain my needs of sleep.
Azura protect you,
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
I have been recalled for a special assignment and may be out of touch. The past I catching up and haunting me. I will write if I can. May your threads stay taught.
What a strange dream, if it even was a dream. It happened to me again, another book. I have a copy of it. I have just been minding my own work in Cyrodiil, and then it all happens. I might as well just let you read the book.
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
All of those months of restoration magic have started to pay off. So, I have started to expand my horizons a bit. The Restoration School is not the only school of magic that has healing spells. Daedric and Vampiric magical styles have similar spells, all with notable quirks and nuances. I have started to use my Drain Life spell in the few times I see combat, and it proves to be good on the battlefields of Cyrodiil.
My Daedric summoning is less than proficient. Including creating portals and summoning lesser Daedra. I can summon the Dremora that I am essentially bound to (though I would say we are more friends or forced allies than master and servant). He is easy to bring out, but that arouses suspicion when done at all. I guess Conjuration is not my thing. Though I guess I can soul trap rather well.
I guess that soldiers sometimes get creeped out when they see me summon a Daedric Blood Fountain and have them drink from it. It is fine. The blood tastes all salty, but the closet vampires jump all over it. Sometimes I have to restrain myself from unleashing fire, but whatever. Anyways, I should go. Just another day in Cyrodiil.
Meridia's Blessing,
Sola Auroron
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
Well, I certainly have had a crisis of faith for the past week. As you might know, I worship Meridia and Azura alongside the normal Altmeri pantheon. It makes me need to hide a lot of my faith. Well, with the war, people have gotten a lot more open to my worship of Meridia. Still, Azura is something else. I have done a lot of research on her, and who she is and what she has done. I think that she is more malevolent than I previously thought. I saw that she hated the Dwemer, cursed the Chimer, and, at this point, I am not sure if I should continue with worshiping Azura.
I know I included it in one of my other letters, but Meridia summoned me and told me a story. While I am not sure if it is true, it painted a much darker version of Azura than I thought. Well, I just wanted to get that out of my head. The dead are not good listeners. I guess that is all.
The Divine's blessings to all,
Sola Auroron
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
Azura is mother to my race and only cursed us for the blasphemous acts of the Tribunal. Boethiah and Mephala are also known for nefarious deeds but they too are part of our culture. Did Auri-El do no wrong? Before forsaking a god learn the reasons for their actions.
I have not forsaken Azura. For me to say that any god has done no wrong would be wrong. We both know Meridia is a Daedric Prince, and to get there, she made a mistake that cost her her place among the Aedra. I then realized that if I did not justify worshiping Azura because she cursed a race, then I was not right in worshiping Meridia because she too had her mistakes. Your letter has helped to clear my thoughts up. Thank you very much for your help. I will not question the validity of a god based on their mistakes any longer.
Azura has guided me,
Sola Auroron
PC NA CP 531+ Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing Sola Auroron Magicka Templar Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade Magna-Sola Magicka Templar The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
Read their adventures! The Celestial Lady
I am in orsinium have been for a while the new home is built and everything is back to normal i suppose but i have not written because ive been training to master my shapeshifting and have mastered it im still unawares as to what the other part of my gift is but ill learn with time.
On another note i made a discovery on my way to psijic wich is were i trained(since im an orc i did not entierly fit in there)but i found a snow elfdown in a dwemer ruin frozen in some sort of stasis field idont know for sure but after i got the mages guild down there for a look they say he might still be alive ill know more later though but im gonna contact a VERY old friend to join in on the examination but this is were ill leave off for someones knocking on our gates.