Guild bank

Soul Shriven
Dear devs, I have a guild bank that is hitting the max 500 space almost. And 80% of the items didn't stacked. I use almost 2hrs to clean the bank up to get everything organized. Please can u let us know that this is a problem and there will be a fix soon?
  • redcloud1187_ESO
    If u throw the items that didn't stack into it personal bank they will stack them u can take them back and put back in guild bank its a work around for now til or if they fix it
  • Kedabo
    Soul Shriven
    My guild is having this same issue. It takes to much time to manage by moving items to personal bank and back. Why can't the guild bank stack as well? Also some times I have like items that are mine and I don't want to place them in the guild bank but if I am trying to clean up the guild bank this is unavoidable. Please do something about this. I want to play the game bit have to spend my free time managing the guilds bank.
  • PAinKiLLa777
    Soul Shriven
    I feel you're pain it needs a auto sort option. I made a spare psn account a few days ago and made a character to sort out the bank, because it has 60 free spaces in both it's inventory and personal bank it makes sorting my guild bank much faster.
  • Pizza_Magician
    Dear devs,

    Please create a guild bank interface on the console that is actually useable, please allow us to sort by every sorting variable there is. Thank you.
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