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Why did i pick a Stamina Templar? **** you Youtube!

I saw a few (scripted?) youtube videos and though it would be a good idea to make one for pvp :-( ohh dear ...

You have little or no roots, heals are next to useless due to working of your magica, the only damage mitigation you get is sun shield.... the last skill in one of your Aedric spear line (while sorcs and dk's getmage armour /spiked armour far sooner) making low level pvp a lesson in frustration...
All the best damage abilities are Magica based :-(

which taught me a valuable lesson .... stay away from youtube videos :-)
Time to re-roll
  • gibous
    I think you're extracting the wrong lesson here. Really what you should learn from the experience is that you can't watch Youtube videos of players performing well, and then expect to immediately be on that level - and then blame the build once you can't make it work. You were probably watching v14 stamplars with vigor unlocked, which means high alliance rank which means (usually) good amount of skill and experience. Can't expect to bring high-rank build into nonvet campaign without adjusting accordingly. If you're using 2H weapon, slot rally for heals - and your dmg mitigation should be blocking and rolling, not shielding.
    Reddington James — Magsorc & Magplar (NA PC)
  • Xqluded
    Or learn to play Templar. People know how to combat YouTube builds because they are a dime a dozen. Make your own build that works.
  • Akinos
    Sooo, let me get this straight. You watched a stamina templar video on youtube and expected to perform like the player in said video, but couldn't. And now you are preaching about how stamina templars suck because you tried to copy and paste an end game build at pre-veteran levels?

    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why we can't have nice things.

    BTW, the truly valuable lesson you should take from this is don't be the guy that just blindly copies things and follows others without question. Use your head and think for yourself...that is life and game advice for you. :)
    Edited by Akinos on 24 July 2015 02:31
    PC NA | @AkinosPvP 1vX/Small Scaler, Raid Leader, Youtuber and Streamer.MAGICKA MELEE IS LIFE!Magplar, MagDK, Magden, Magblade, Magsorc & Magcro PvP/Build videos &
  • BigTone
    It takes lots of practice. I've played a sorc since launch and I have become very good at it. I know the ins and outs of every move, and know how to spec my character. I just rolled my first nightblade a week ago who is now VR1 and guess what? I SUCK at it. Right now, I might be the world's worst nightblade. But it's because I have not had time to get to know my skills and class and have not had enough time to practice it.
    Big'Tone-V16 DC Sorc AR31
    Sneaky'Tone-V16 DC NB AR22
    Holy'Tone-V12 DC Temp
    Chunky'Tone-33 DC DK (BWB beast)

    Worst NB NA
    Roll dodging magicka sorc

    "Do you know why they call him Big'Tone?"
  • Soris
    Get some health for Blazing Shield, somewhere around 30k preferably without food buff. You really don't need huge stamina pool as a stamina templar, get weapon power and armor penetration instead and get some magicka regen to spam blazing shield.
    It already does big spike damage even with low stamina pool if you use 2handed maces. And the fact that average health is 20k for majority, couple hits enough to kill someone. (sorcs can be problem tho)
    Try this until you master at animation cancelling, then you can try cookie cutter builds.
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • OdinForge
    Don't copy work that other people create, and then complain on the forum when you can't grasp it.

    To suggest that people are putting out scripted videos is pretty hilarious. People that are putting out videos have thorough experience and knowledge of their builds, you can't just take it and suddenly have the same success.

    Edited by OdinForge on 24 July 2015 13:56
    The Age of Wrobel.
  • timidobserver
    Yeh, ESO has some pretty talented youtubers. They can make some stuff look really good. It is a bad idea to put that much effort into leveling a character all because someone cobbled together a nice video.
    Edited by timidobserver on 24 July 2015 14:03
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Zsymon
    You'll always have fun theorycracting your own unique builds, rather than copying builds from youtube or forums.
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    Templar is not bad, NB and Sorc are just better.

    atm Cyro Population 40% Sorcs 40% NB

    and then some confused 20% other thingies - Builds & Guides - Sets, Skills, Guides & News - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • Roselle
    I rarely record on my max settings anymore, but I did manage to snag an amusing clip...

    It has nothing to do with "stamina" Templar, but check it out anyway? Just be careful if you have epilepsy (major render fail)...
    This one was rekt by Zenimax
  • Sandshark95
    Stam-plars are awesome. If you're itching for a self-heal, you've got Vigor (well, if you actually grinded to unlock it anyway) and you can always roll 2H for Rally. Repentance (morph of Restoring Aura) is also an option. And what magicka-based "best damage abilities" do you speak of? Personally, I'm disappointed in the lack of magicka DPS options in the Templar skill trees (NOT talking about Destro staff or Mages Guild abilities, mind you). No complaints about my magicka Templar Healer or my stamina Templar DPS, however.
  • Pobeda
    Don`t trust youtube videos as everwin gameplay. Did you see them run as argonian or nord? I bet 9 from 10 run imperial or dunmer. Couse whith worst system - champion points - you get % stats rise higher and higher. Most of them have CP about 300+. As example Sypher have 400+. If you get 14 vet now - you get 110 cp or something like this. This is sooooo much difference. It more than difference between 15 lvl and 13 vet lvl on pvp. Most of them have good ping (20-40), but not all can play whith this numbers. And it have big influence. When you watch videos - you don`t know how many hundreds time he die before make this 5 minutes video.
    But videos are exelent to look at different roles, different tactics, different builds. You can be get informed how play another classes, how counter their action. Best videos - where they explain what doing, what build, skill, armor, weapon and so on they use. What strongest and weakest side. So I like watching Deltia, BananaSquad_ Hellseesyou, Sypher, Kristofer (as example) videos - couse they very informative. And they don`t bother only win scenarios. And in opposite side - I know very good pvp youtuber - Legendary Mage - it play very succed, very respcect fair battles and so on - but he only have IWIN scenarios videos, on his videos no damage info, no skill using and so on. It good looking, but no information. So I can`t wait his videos more then 2-3 minutes. And very many youtubers love make arena videos - but this is have 0 positive effect for viewers.
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    Just go get 2,5k stamina recovery and you aint got a problem anymore :D And Rally heals for quite a lot if you havent noticed.

    usually its a l2p issue, but if you want the easy way reroll Sorc or NB like the other 80% did

    Edited by Alcast on 26 July 2015 16:13 - Builds & Guides - Sets, Skills, Guides & News - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • eliisra
    Stamina templars are decent in PvP. However, stamina NB's are much better(and easier to play, much lower skill requirement to perform well).

    Also when watching Youtube videos and especially 1vX, remember they're edited and not even possible to make unless you find complete milkdrinkers. No one can fight multiple average PvP'ers solo in 1.6. These guys actively run around and look for perfect easy kill "actors", to make videos where they kick everyone's ass.

    This is also why you rarely see EU/PC players post 1vX videos. Unlike NA, we dont have these groups of totally clueless PvE players roaming around in Cyrodiil. Even "bad players" on EU are at least above mediocre, slightly organized and sort of knows basic PvP. They also get recruited by zerg asap, given a pair of sharpened maces with instructions to "stack on crown Steel Tornado harder harder faster faster bomb bomb".

    In environments like that, it's very hard to make 1vX videos.
  • ToRelax
    eliisra wrote: »
    Stamina templars are decent in PvP. However, stamina NB's are much better(and easier to play, much lower skill requirement to perform well).

    Also when watching Youtube videos and especially 1vX, remember they're edited and not even possible to make unless you find complete milkdrinkers. No one can fight multiple average PvP'ers solo in 1.6. These guys actively run around and look for perfect easy kill "actors", to make videos where they kick everyone's ass.

    This is also why you rarely see EU/PC players post 1vX videos. Unlike NA, we dont have these groups of totally clueless PvE players roaming around in Cyrodiil. Even "bad players" on EU are at least above mediocre, slightly organized and sort of knows basic PvP. They also get recruited by zerg asap, given a pair of sharpened maces with instructions to "stack on crown Steel Tornado harder harder faster faster bomb bomb".

    In environments like that, it's very hard to make 1vX videos.

    Have you played on NA?
    I have no problem doing 1vX in EU at least, and from what I hear, Templars and DKs have the same problems with it in NA as they have in EU.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • Akinos
    eliisra wrote: »
    Stamina templars are decent in PvP. However, stamina NB's are much better(and easier to play, much lower skill requirement to perform well).

    Also when watching Youtube videos and especially 1vX, remember they're edited and not even possible to make unless you find complete milkdrinkers. No one can fight multiple average PvP'ers solo in 1.6. These guys actively run around and look for perfect easy kill "actors", to make videos where they kick everyone's ass.

    This is also why you rarely see EU/PC players post 1vX videos. Unlike NA, we dont have these groups of totally clueless PvE players roaming around in Cyrodiil. Even "bad players" on EU are at least above mediocre, slightly organized and sort of knows basic PvP. They also get recruited by zerg asap, given a pair of sharpened maces with instructions to "stack on crown Steel Tornado harder harder faster faster bomb bomb".

    In environments like that, it's very hard to make 1vX videos.

    It's not a NA or EU thing. It's a being in the right place at the right time against the right players thing. Both servers have their noob groups and their good groups. Templars will get rekt 85% of the time trying to 1vX regardless of what server they play on.

    Edited by Akinos on 26 July 2015 17:34
    PC NA | @AkinosPvP 1vX/Small Scaler, Raid Leader, Youtuber and Streamer.MAGICKA MELEE IS LIFE!Magplar, MagDK, Magden, Magblade, Magsorc & Magcro PvP/Build videos &
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    eliisra wrote: »
    Stamina templars are decent in PvP. However, stamina NB's are much better(and easier to play, much lower skill requirement to perform well).

    Also when watching Youtube videos and especially 1vX, remember they're edited and not even possible to make unless you find complete milkdrinkers. No one can fight multiple average PvP'ers solo in 1.6. These guys actively run around and look for perfect easy kill "actors", to make videos where they kick everyone's ass.

    This is also why you rarely see EU/PC players post 1vX videos. Unlike NA, we dont have these groups of totally clueless PvE players roaming around in Cyrodiil. Even "bad players" on EU are at least above mediocre, slightly organized and sort of knows basic PvP. They also get recruited by zerg asap, given a pair of sharpened maces with instructions to "stack on crown Steel Tornado harder harder faster faster bomb bomb".

    In environments like that, it's very hard to make 1vX videos.

    agree, when I see videos of NA dudes I am sometimes like WHERE do they find those freaking morons...srsly...tho its americans, understandable, not the brightest folks sometimes
    Edited by Alcast on 27 July 2015 07:37 - Builds & Guides - Sets, Skills, Guides & News - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

  • asteldian
    The builds are good but it takes a long time to master. Also, as others have said, they are editted together. I myself am a fairly poor player, but if I extracted some of the fights I've had taking on 3 players I could make it look like I was awesome.
    Don't get me wrong, most those YouTube guys are damn good and their builds do work, but they won't work for you without practice and you will never be running around forever unstoppable.
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    I saw a few (scripted?) youtube videos and though it would be a good idea to make one for pvp :-( ohh dear ...

    You have little or no roots, heals are next to useless due to working of your magica, the only damage mitigation you get is sun shield.... the last skill in one of your Aedric spear line (while sorcs and dk's getmage armour /spiked armour far sooner) making low level pvp a lesson in frustration...
    All the best damage abilities are Magica based :-(

    which taught me a valuable lesson .... stay away from youtube videos :-)
    Time to re-roll
    I think I know who's guides you watched XD
    remember adapt or die!
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Roleplay Circle (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Banana Squad)
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    Honestly, there really isn't a lot of build vareity in ESO. Math isn't very hard, the best builds are fairly easy to figure out.

    IMO The Templar as a stamina build has been pretty easy to figure out. Im killing VR14's at Vet 8 with Vet 7 Blue Gear....

    Think about it, Templar's have it easy to get lots of Stamina Regen, they get Balanced Warrior for Weapon Damage Passive, Restoring Spit to reduce costs.

    As a Stamina Templar, you should only being using Magic Skills as a Magic Dump for utility...Infact one could even argue Radiant Ward is better then Blazing Shield for a Stamina build because:
    • its 10% cheaper to cast,
    • will be slightly stronger for each person you tag,
    • the damage is done on activation,
    • the damage is more easily controlled, it hits when you want it to

    This is just an example, but RW is just as viable as BS, sometimes even moreso depending on your set up. Its easy to figure out 3-4 skills you will use a magic dumps(survival and utility skills as magic dump) everything else is all stamina pedal to the metal.

    IMO Templars are one of the best Stamina classes one could pick in this game, infact in the hands of a skilled player they can go toe to toe with NB, eat the intial burst to the face, and then proceed to cave the NB face in...i have seen it happen many times....Moijcan is a prime example of how powerful a stamina Templar is in the hands of a good player.
    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • Vynist
    Think about it, Templar's have it easy to get lots of Stamina Regen...

    If I run Armor Set A on my stamplar and it gives me 1500 stam regen, then I put it on my NB and it gives me around 2000 stam regen.

    Uhm... yeah NB's get 30% extra stam regen off the bat. I've played both stam NB and stamplar for awhile now, and I think stam NBs outclasses stamplars in every way in PvP.

  • Kas
    Youtube vids are terrible. i can run a build i want to try out and fail terribly. Get killed 1v1 by nobodies, etc. Still, if i run around like that for 10 hours, I will have enough footage for a 20min vid of me totally destroying others - good pvp'ers, 1v4's, etc. Anything goes if you're a bit lucky and circumstances allow.

    Since youtubers decide on what to put in their vids, the clips tell you absolutely nothing about the overall quaility / strength. If anything, you'd have to watch a twitch stream. And even then - a good player can make the worst build look like it's actually legit.

    There's a particular Templar that has a ton a youtube videos were he plays builds that are far from optimal (if anything they provide the tools for very good play). However, he plays really really well. The videos are worth watching for that, but very dangerous to copy. It's easy to copy a build and hard to copy player skill.
    @bbu - AD/EU
    Kasiia - Templar (AR46)
    Kasiir Aberion - Sorc (AR38)
    Dr Kastafari - Warden (~AR31)
    + many others
  • danno8
    Alcast wrote: »
    eliisra wrote: »
    Stamina templars are decent in PvP. However, stamina NB's are much better(and easier to play, much lower skill requirement to perform well).

    Also when watching Youtube videos and especially 1vX, remember they're edited and not even possible to make unless you find complete milkdrinkers. No one can fight multiple average PvP'ers solo in 1.6. These guys actively run around and look for perfect easy kill "actors", to make videos where they kick everyone's ass.

    This is also why you rarely see EU/PC players post 1vX videos. Unlike NA, we dont have these groups of totally clueless PvE players roaming around in Cyrodiil. Even "bad players" on EU are at least above mediocre, slightly organized and sort of knows basic PvP. They also get recruited by zerg asap, given a pair of sharpened maces with instructions to "stack on crown Steel Tornado harder harder faster faster bomb bomb".

    In environments like that, it's very hard to make 1vX videos.

    agree, when I see videos of NA dudes I am sometimes like WHERE do they find those freaking morons...srsly...tho its americans, understandable, not the brightest folks sometimes

    It's because in NA people have to work hard at their jobs, so when they play a game, it's like their vacation so they take it lightly.

    In EU peoples jobs are like vacations, so when they play the game they work at it like it's their jobs.

    Joking ;) Fun with stereotypes.
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    Vynist wrote: »
    Think about it, Templar's have it easy to get lots of Stamina Regen...

    If I run Armor Set A on my stamplar and it gives me 1500 stam regen, then I put it on my NB and it gives me around 2000 stam regen.

    Uhm... yeah NB's get 30% extra stam regen off the bat. I've played both stam NB and stamplar for awhile now, and I think stam NBs outclasses stamplars in every way in PvP.

    1 word...Radiant Aura. 20% stamina regen bonus when used + 10% health, magic, and stamina regen bonus while slotted. This allows me to use potions with immovable and other effects instead of stamina regen. The Templar stamina is more versatile because none of his magic dumps rely on spell damage or max magic to be effective. Sure he dont have cloak or fear, but he has nice burst heals, a nice class based damage shield, a mega cheap purge that makes his heals more effective just standing in them.

    The Templar has to invest nothing in magic to effective defensive utility. If your not going to run away with Cloak the Templar stamina is solid and Balanced Warrior gives him more weapon damage to boot and he blocks 15% more damage as long as a spear ability is slotted.

    I love repentance but Radiant Aura is not useless used with the correct potions it can be very powerful.

    I feel the Templar is better in the aspect he can more easily dip into two resources(magic and stamina) and his magic skills(purify, shield, rune focus, restoring aura, breath of life) are not any less effective by not investing in magic because they don't need high spell damage or max magic to be effective. This allows a two handed templar to have both a magic and stamina based heal before unlocking vigor.

    I do think the nightblade has better burst damage and escape ability then the templar, but it appears in fights that last longer then a few secs the Templar seems to shine.

    Overall this is not meant to be a post about which class is better, the nightblade is pretty awesome in its own right, and played by a good player is deadly.

    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    Vynist wrote: »
    Think about it, Templar's have it easy to get lots of Stamina Regen...

    If I run Armor Set A on my stamplar and it gives me 1500 stam regen, then I put it on my NB and it gives me around 2000 stam regen.

    Uhm... yeah NB's get 30% extra stam regen off the bat. I've played both stam NB and stamplar for awhile now, and I think stam NBs outclasses stamplars in every way in PvP.

    Use 2 Stam rec bonuses and Drink and you will sit at 2,4k Stam rec with potion active. problem solved.

    And ye the 30% for NB is just retardedly OP
    Edited by Alcast on 28 July 2015 08:25 - Builds & Guides - Sets, Skills, Guides & News - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

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