xXMaLaKaiXx wrote: »Still recruiting
xXMaLaKaiXx wrote: »Invites sent. Hoping you are more of a permanent fixture n not a guild floater. Either way, I could help you get the people you need for dragon star. Hope to talk to you when I get off work. On that note, I am still seeking new members n group leaders. Gimme a shout if interested
xXMaLaKaiXx wrote: »Yea. I hear ya there. One of My officers shouldve sent you guys invites. I won't be home from work for another 5 hours or so but we have gotten around 100 members over a 4 week span n I'm hoping to keep expanding till we are 500+ strong. I'll help you get the people you need together to do dragons star tho. Just let me know when we are both on n I'll get some people together. I know a lot of people n I am a member of bigger trader guilds so I could get you a team together np. For a guild that has 100 members, we typically have a pretty active member base, especially in evenings where we usually role 30+ deep.
xXMaLaKaiXx wrote: »Of course. We will teach you the way. LoL. I'll send invite now. Still seeking new members n leaders alike