It is funny how you say sorc is unkillable 1 vs 1 yet you post DK and NB videos where you kill many Sorcs.
This guy is a NBand DK who sees Sorc getting their escape nerfed and just figures might as well [snip] over their active defense as well. Why does it seem you kill many Sorcs even while you are out numbered in these videos?
It is funny how you say sorc is unkillable 1 vs 1 yet you post DK and NB videos where you kill many Sorcs.
This guy is a NBand DK who sees Sorc getting their escape nerfed and just figures might as well [snip] over their active defense as well. Why does it seem you kill many Sorcs even while you are out numbered in these videos?
1vX is about finding poor players and killing them all at once. None of these sorcs in these videos are that good. People like Germantrocity, Sypher, Pricess Asgari, Prett, King Richard are examples of good sorcs that know how to play. Fighting these sorcs is the problem im trying to address. They are extremely hard to kill as a magicka build, slightly easier as a stamina because of the burst and the uselessness of harness.
This isnt anything about screwing over sorcs. I am leveling up a sorc and im finding it super fun to play and am going to be sad when bolt gets nerfed.
I can tell your a sorcerer, but i am trying to look at this from a perspective of someone who is trying all classes. Its not fair to nerf templars and DKs shields to the ground because of sorcs (this is the reason the 50% is happening. No one ever complained about igenous or blazing shield lol).
I just feel this system would allow for greater equality and build diversity instead of the shield meta.
It is funny how you say sorc is unkillable 1 vs 1 yet you post DK and NB videos where you kill many Sorcs.
This guy is a NBand DK who sees Sorc getting their escape nerfed and just figures might as well [snip] over their active defense as well. Why does it seem you kill many Sorcs even while you are out numbered in these videos?
1vX is about finding poor players and killing them all at once. None of these sorcs in these videos are that good. People like Germantrocity, Sypher, Pricess Asgari, Prett, King Richard are examples of good sorcs that know how to play. Fighting these sorcs is the problem im trying to address. They are extremely hard to kill as a magicka build, slightly easier as a stamina because of the burst and the uselessness of harness.
This isnt anything about screwing over sorcs. I am leveling up a sorc and im finding it super fun to play and am going to be sad when bolt gets nerfed.
I can tell your a sorcerer, but i am trying to look at this from a perspective of someone who is trying all classes. Its not fair to nerf templars and DKs shields to the ground because of sorcs (this is the reason the 50% is happening. No one ever complained about igenous or blazing shield lol).
I just feel this system would allow for greater equality and build diversity instead of the shield meta.
It is funny how you say sorc is unkillable 1 vs 1 yet you post DK and NB videos where you kill many Sorcs.
This guy is a NBand DK who sees Sorc getting their escape nerfed and just figures might as well [snip] over their active defense as well. Why does it seem you kill many Sorcs even while you are out numbered in these videos?
1vX is about finding poor players and killing them all at once. None of these sorcs in these videos are that good. People like Germantrocity, Sypher, Pricess Asgari, Prett, King Richard are examples of good sorcs that know how to play. Fighting these sorcs is the problem im trying to address. They are extremely hard to kill as a magicka build, slightly easier as a stamina because of the burst and the uselessness of harness.
This isnt anything about screwing over sorcs. I am leveling up a sorc and im finding it super fun to play and am going to be sad when bolt gets nerfed.
I can tell your a sorcerer, but i am trying to look at this from a perspective of someone who is trying all classes. Its not fair to nerf templars and DKs shields to the ground because of sorcs (this is the reason the 50% is happening. No one ever complained about igenous or blazing shield lol).
I just feel this system would allow for greater equality and build diversity instead of the shield meta.
Of the good Sorcs you list, I only know of one who has implied Sorcs were over powered and that is Sypher. You could say that is because they don't want to nerf their class, but many of them have multiple classes and I haven't seen anything from them on the forums saying that Sorc shields or shields in general need to change because it makes a Sorc too powerful. I suggest you keep leveling your Sorc and give it a try. There is power in a Sorc played by a good player, but it is a different kind of power than say a well played DK or well played NB.
I have no idea how 1.7 (isn't it 2.1??) is going to play out with the blocking and dodge roll changes, but Sorcs are getting 5% weaker shields compared to incoming damage on top of what essentially amount to the removal of using Bolt Escape to never let yourself get out numbered. There is no reason to right now make another NERF SORC thread right now with pending nerfs looming.
I'm not really sure 5% shield decrease can be classified as nerfing DK and Temp into the ground either.
timidobserver wrote: »It is funny how you say sorc is unkillable 1 vs 1 yet you post DK and NB videos where you kill many Sorcs.
This guy is a NBand DK who sees Sorc getting their escape nerfed and just figures might as well [snip] over their active defense as well. Why does it seem you kill many Sorcs even while you are out numbered in these videos?
1vX is about finding poor players and killing them all at once. None of these sorcs in these videos are that good. People like Germantrocity, Sypher, Pricess Asgari, Prett, King Richard are examples of good sorcs that know how to play. Fighting these sorcs is the problem im trying to address. They are extremely hard to kill as a magicka build, slightly easier as a stamina because of the burst and the uselessness of harness.
This isnt anything about screwing over sorcs. I am leveling up a sorc and im finding it super fun to play and am going to be sad when bolt gets nerfed.
I can tell your a sorcerer, but i am trying to look at this from a perspective of someone who is trying all classes. Its not fair to nerf templars and DKs shields to the ground because of sorcs (this is the reason the 50% is happening. No one ever complained about igenous or blazing shield lol).
I just feel this system would allow for greater equality and build diversity instead of the shield meta.
It does seem like they are nerfing the entire game in a round about way to nerf Sorcs rather than just nerfing Sorcs.
It is funny how you say sorc is unkillable 1 vs 1 yet you post DK and NB videos where you kill many Sorcs.
This guy is a NBand DK who sees Sorc getting their escape nerfed and just figures might as well [snip] over their active defense as well. Why does it seem you kill many Sorcs even while you are out numbered in these videos?
1vX is about finding poor players and killing them all at once. None of these sorcs in these videos are that good. People like Germantrocity, Sypher, Pricess Asgari, Prett, King Richard are examples of good sorcs that know how to play. Fighting these sorcs is the problem im trying to address. They are extremely hard to kill as a magicka build, slightly easier as a stamina because of the burst and the uselessness of harness.
This isnt anything about screwing over sorcs. I am leveling up a sorc and im finding it super fun to play and am going to be sad when bolt gets nerfed.
I can tell your a sorcerer, but i am trying to look at this from a perspective of someone who is trying all classes. Its not fair to nerf templars and DKs shields to the ground because of sorcs (this is the reason the 50% is happening. No one ever complained about igenous or blazing shield lol).
I just feel this system would allow for greater equality and build diversity instead of the shield meta.
Of the good Sorcs you list, I only know of one who has implied Sorcs were over powered and that is Sypher. You could say that is because they don't want to nerf their class, but many of them have multiple classes and I haven't seen anything from them on the forums saying that Sorc shields or shields in general need to change because it makes a Sorc too powerful. I suggest you keep leveling your Sorc and give it a try. There is power in a Sorc played by a good player, but it is a different kind of power than say a well played DK or well played NB.
I have no idea how 1.7 (isn't it 2.1??) is going to play out with the blocking and dodge roll changes, but Sorcs are getting 5% weaker shields compared to incoming damage on top of what essentially amount to the removal of using Bolt Escape to never let yourself get out numbered. There is no reason to right now make another NERF SORC thread right now with pending nerfs looming.
I'm not really sure 5% shield decrease can be classified as nerfing DK and Temp into the ground either.
I play with Prett and Princess in my guild and they laughed back in 1.6 PTS about how stupidly OP shields were. Neither of them openly say how powerful it is because neither of them use forums. Sypher has stated its OP. German has told me in conservations how he has never lost a 1v1 since 1.6 dropped. I personally havent seen him lose 1v1 duels.
I dont understand what you mean by 5% shield decrease. Shields are going from 15% to 50% reduced effectiveness.
These pending nerfs is what im trying to combat. They are a crap bandaid to shut people up about sorc shield stacking but its just going to produce buff DK/templar shields and nerf sorc threads again. Bolt escape was never intended to be spammed 23 times.... You can use it twice without that big of an impact on your magicka. Twice is enough to reposition yourself which is what the skill is supposed ot be used for. Not disengaging when you feel like it. If you rely on spamming BE til you disengage and can come back when you feel your ready, you are playing sorc poorly and this nerf will seperate the goods from the bads.
Keep shields the way they are and allow them to be crit but apply your resist/armor to them.
Make shields scale off max Health OR magicka depending on which one is greater. That way Hardened Ward isn't king and DK's/Templars have a shot at decent shields too.
That is all that needs to be done.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Keep shields the way they are and allow them to be crit but apply your resist/armor to them.
Make shields scale off max Health OR magicka depending on which one is greater. That way Hardened Ward isn't king and DK's/Templars have a shot at decent shields too.
That is all that needs to be done.
The way they currently are, a slightly above average sorc will stale mate against just about anyone if they feel like it with little effort.
The cost/time efficiency to apply a 15K+ uncrittable shield vs the cost/time it takes to DPS down the shield is way out of wack.
I do say we wait til 1.7 and see how the meta changes first before coming up with solutions. 1.6 will be a thing of the past, thankfully.
95 points (all points in that tree) in bastion with a 40k magicka pool gives 17.2k shield. 1 point in bastion is adding about 20 points to the shield at this level. stack less spell power and stack more magicka pool and you should easily get 15k with your 50 odd points in bastion.
QFT. I 'd agree anything till they just stop doing this honestly. OP's idea isn't that bad, and Sypher's one is also goodish. But if you give templar 40k magicka and 17k blazing shield, then it will be the most op thing in entire universe. I wouldn't say no thoughtimidobserver wrote: »It is funny how you say sorc is unkillable 1 vs 1 yet you post DK and NB videos where you kill many Sorcs.
This guy is a NBand DK who sees Sorc getting their escape nerfed and just figures might as well [snip] over their active defense as well. Why does it seem you kill many Sorcs even while you are out numbered in these videos?
1vX is about finding poor players and killing them all at once. None of these sorcs in these videos are that good. People like Germantrocity, Sypher, Pricess Asgari, Prett, King Richard are examples of good sorcs that know how to play. Fighting these sorcs is the problem im trying to address. They are extremely hard to kill as a magicka build, slightly easier as a stamina because of the burst and the uselessness of harness.
This isnt anything about screwing over sorcs. I am leveling up a sorc and im finding it super fun to play and am going to be sad when bolt gets nerfed.
I can tell your a sorcerer, but i am trying to look at this from a perspective of someone who is trying all classes. Its not fair to nerf templars and DKs shields to the ground because of sorcs (this is the reason the 50% is happening. No one ever complained about igenous or blazing shield lol).
I just feel this system would allow for greater equality and build diversity instead of the shield meta.
It does seem like they are nerfing the entire game in a round about way to nerf Sorcs rather than just nerfing Sorcs.
95 points (all points in that tree) in bastion with a 40k magicka pool gives 17.2k shield. 1 point in bastion is adding about 20 points to the shield at this level. stack less spell power and stack more magicka pool and you should easily get 15k with your 50 odd points in bastion.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
95 points (all points in that tree) in bastion with a 40k magicka pool gives 17.2k shield. 1 point in bastion is adding about 20 points to the shield at this level. stack less spell power and stack more magicka pool and you should easily get 15k with your 50 odd points in bastion.
Is that 17.2k in cyrodiil with its current 15% nerf? I already have three max magicka traits and 62 in magicka .... Giving up other traits to push magicka further would hurt my character to the point that it's far from easy to reach 15k.
It is funny how you say sorc is unkillable 1 vs 1 yet you post DK and NB videos where you kill many Sorcs.
This guy is a NBand DK who sees Sorc getting their escape nerfed and just figures might as well [snip] over their active defense as well. Why does it seem you kill many Sorcs even while you are out numbered in these videos?
1vX is about finding poor players and killing them all at once. None of these sorcs in these videos are that good. People like Germantrocity, Sypher, Pricess Asgari, Prett, King Richard are examples of good sorcs that know how to play. Fighting these sorcs is the problem im trying to address. They are extremely hard to kill as a magicka build, slightly easier as a stamina because of the burst and the uselessness of harness.
This isnt anything about screwing over sorcs. I am leveling up a sorc and im finding it super fun to play and am going to be sad when bolt gets nerfed.
I can tell your a sorcerer, but i am trying to look at this from a perspective of someone who is trying all classes. Its not fair to nerf templars and DKs shields to the ground because of sorcs (this is the reason the 50% is happening. No one ever complained about igenous or blazing shield lol).
I just feel this system would allow for greater equality and build diversity instead of the shield meta.
Of the good Sorcs you list, I only know of one who has implied Sorcs were over powered and that is Sypher. You could say that is because they don't want to nerf their class, but many of them have multiple classes and I haven't seen anything from them on the forums saying that Sorc shields or shields in general need to change because it makes a Sorc too powerful. I suggest you keep leveling your Sorc and give it a try. There is power in a Sorc played by a good player, but it is a different kind of power than say a well played DK or well played NB.
I have no idea how 1.7 (isn't it 2.1??) is going to play out with the blocking and dodge roll changes, but Sorcs are getting 5% weaker shields compared to incoming damage on top of what essentially amount to the removal of using Bolt Escape to never let yourself get out numbered. There is no reason to right now make another NERF SORC thread right now with pending nerfs looming.
I'm not really sure 5% shield decrease can be classified as nerfing DK and Temp into the ground either.
I play with Prett and Princess in my guild and they laughed back in 1.6 PTS about how stupidly OP shields were. Neither of them openly say how powerful it is because neither of them use forums. Sypher has stated its OP. German has told me in conservations how he has never lost a 1v1 since 1.6 dropped. I personally havent seen him lose 1v1 duels.
I dont understand what you mean by 5% shield decrease. Shields are going from 15% to 50% reduced effectiveness.
These pending nerfs is what im trying to combat. They are a crap bandaid to shut people up about sorc shield stacking but its just going to produce buff DK/templar shields and nerf sorc threads again. Bolt escape was never intended to be spammed 23 times.... You can use it twice without that big of an impact on your magicka. Twice is enough to reposition yourself which is what the skill is supposed ot be used for. Not disengaging when you feel like it. If you rely on spamming BE til you disengage and can come back when you feel your ready, you are playing sorc poorly and this nerf will seperate the goods from the bads.
Currently in cyrodiil, shields are reduced by 15% and incoming damage is reduced by 20%. They're switching this to both being reduced by 50%, therefore shields are getting a 5% overall nerf relative to incoming damage.
If hardened and healing don't stack, sorc's are basically magicka nb without cloak.
Keep shields the way they are and allow them to be crit but apply your resist/armor to them.
Make shields scale off max Health OR magicka depending on which one is greater. That way Hardened Ward isn't king and DK's/Templars have a shot at decent shields too.
That is all that needs to be done.
The way they currently are, a slightly above average sorc will stale mate against just about anyone if they feel like it with little effort.
The cost/time efficiency to apply a 15K+ uncrittable shield vs the cost/time it takes to DPS down the shield is way out of wack.
I do say we wait til 1.7 and see how the meta changes first before coming up with solutions. 1.6 will be a thing of the past, thankfully.
If this ever happens, somebody will have to put an end to Mekos before he finds out.QFT. I 'd agree anything till they just stop doing this honestly. OP's idea isn't that bad, and Sypher's one is also goodish. But if you give templar 40k magicka and 17k blazing shield, then it will be the most op thing in entire universe. I wouldn't say no thoughtimidobserver wrote: »It is funny how you say sorc is unkillable 1 vs 1 yet you post DK and NB videos where you kill many Sorcs.
This guy is a NBand DK who sees Sorc getting their escape nerfed and just figures might as well [snip] over their active defense as well. Why does it seem you kill many Sorcs even while you are out numbered in these videos?
1vX is about finding poor players and killing them all at once. None of these sorcs in these videos are that good. People like Germantrocity, Sypher, Pricess Asgari, Prett, King Richard are examples of good sorcs that know how to play. Fighting these sorcs is the problem im trying to address. They are extremely hard to kill as a magicka build, slightly easier as a stamina because of the burst and the uselessness of harness.
This isnt anything about screwing over sorcs. I am leveling up a sorc and im finding it super fun to play and am going to be sad when bolt gets nerfed.
I can tell your a sorcerer, but i am trying to look at this from a perspective of someone who is trying all classes. Its not fair to nerf templars and DKs shields to the ground because of sorcs (this is the reason the 50% is happening. No one ever complained about igenous or blazing shield lol).
I just feel this system would allow for greater equality and build diversity instead of the shield meta.
It does seem like they are nerfing the entire game in a round about way to nerf Sorcs rather than just nerfing Sorcs.
It is funny how you say sorc is unkillable 1 vs 1 yet you post DK and NB videos where you kill many Sorcs.
This guy is a NBand DK who sees Sorc getting their escape nerfed and just figures might as well [snip] over their active defense as well. Why does it seem you kill many Sorcs even while you are out numbered in these videos?
1vX is about finding poor players and killing them all at once. None of these sorcs in these videos are that good. People like Germantrocity, Sypher, Pricess Asgari, Prett, King Richard are examples of good sorcs that know how to play. Fighting these sorcs is the problem im trying to address. They are extremely hard to kill as a magicka build, slightly easier as a stamina because of the burst and the uselessness of harness.
This isnt anything about screwing over sorcs. I am leveling up a sorc and im finding it super fun to play and am going to be sad when bolt gets nerfed.
I can tell your a sorcerer, but i am trying to look at this from a perspective of someone who is trying all classes. Its not fair to nerf templars and DKs shields to the ground because of sorcs (this is the reason the 50% is happening. No one ever complained about igenous or blazing shield lol).
I just feel this system would allow for greater equality and build diversity instead of the shield meta.
Of the good Sorcs you list, I only know of one who has implied Sorcs were over powered and that is Sypher. You could say that is because they don't want to nerf their class, but many of them have multiple classes and I haven't seen anything from them on the forums saying that Sorc shields or shields in general need to change because it makes a Sorc too powerful. I suggest you keep leveling your Sorc and give it a try. There is power in a Sorc played by a good player, but it is a different kind of power than say a well played DK or well played NB.
I have no idea how 1.7 (isn't it 2.1??) is going to play out with the blocking and dodge roll changes, but Sorcs are getting 5% weaker shields compared to incoming damage on top of what essentially amount to the removal of using Bolt Escape to never let yourself get out numbered. There is no reason to right now make another NERF SORC thread right now with pending nerfs looming.
I'm not really sure 5% shield decrease can be classified as nerfing DK and Temp into the ground either.
I play with Prett and Princess in my guild and they laughed back in 1.6 PTS about how stupidly OP shields were. Neither of them openly say how powerful it is because neither of them use forums. Sypher has stated its OP. German has told me in conservations how he has never lost a 1v1 since 1.6 dropped. I personally havent seen him lose 1v1 duels.
I dont understand what you mean by 5% shield decrease. Shields are going from 15% to 50% reduced effectiveness.
These pending nerfs is what im trying to combat. They are a crap bandaid to shut people up about sorc shield stacking but its just going to produce buff DK/templar shields and nerf sorc threads again. Bolt escape was never intended to be spammed 23 times.... You can use it twice without that big of an impact on your magicka. Twice is enough to reposition yourself which is what the skill is supposed ot be used for. Not disengaging when you feel like it. If you rely on spamming BE til you disengage and can come back when you feel your ready, you are playing sorc poorly and this nerf will seperate the goods from the bads.
Currently in cyrodiil, shields are reduced by 15% and incoming damage is reduced by 20%. They're switching this to both being reduced by 50%, therefore shields are getting a 5% overall nerf relative to incoming damage.
If hardened and healing don't stack, sorc's are basically magicka nb without cloak.
Its actually like a 3% nerf to shield
It is funny how you say sorc is unkillable 1 vs 1 yet you post DK and NB videos where you kill many Sorcs.
This guy is a NBand DK who sees Sorc getting their escape nerfed and just figures might as well [snip] over their active defense as well. Why does it seem you kill many Sorcs even while you are out numbered in these videos?
1vX is about finding poor players and killing them all at once. None of these sorcs in these videos are that good. People like Germantrocity, Sypher, Pricess Asgari, Prett, King Richard are examples of good sorcs that know how to play. Fighting these sorcs is the problem im trying to address. They are extremely hard to kill as a magicka build, slightly easier as a stamina because of the burst and the uselessness of harness.
This isnt anything about screwing over sorcs. I am leveling up a sorc and im finding it super fun to play and am going to be sad when bolt gets nerfed.
I can tell your a sorcerer, but i am trying to look at this from a perspective of someone who is trying all classes. Its not fair to nerf templars and DKs shields to the ground because of sorcs (this is the reason the 50% is happening. No one ever complained about igenous or blazing shield lol).
I just feel this system would allow for greater equality and build diversity instead of the shield meta.
Of the good Sorcs you list, I only know of one who has implied Sorcs were over powered and that is Sypher. You could say that is because they don't want to nerf their class, but many of them have multiple classes and I haven't seen anything from them on the forums saying that Sorc shields or shields in general need to change because it makes a Sorc too powerful. I suggest you keep leveling your Sorc and give it a try. There is power in a Sorc played by a good player, but it is a different kind of power than say a well played DK or well played NB.
I have no idea how 1.7 (isn't it 2.1??) is going to play out with the blocking and dodge roll changes, but Sorcs are getting 5% weaker shields compared to incoming damage on top of what essentially amount to the removal of using Bolt Escape to never let yourself get out numbered. There is no reason to right now make another NERF SORC thread right now with pending nerfs looming.
I'm not really sure 5% shield decrease can be classified as nerfing DK and Temp into the ground either.
I play with Prett and Princess in my guild and they laughed back in 1.6 PTS about how stupidly OP shields were. Neither of them openly say how powerful it is because neither of them use forums. Sypher has stated its OP. German has told me in conservations how he has never lost a 1v1 since 1.6 dropped. I personally havent seen him lose 1v1 duels.
I dont understand what you mean by 5% shield decrease. Shields are going from 15% to 50% reduced effectiveness.
These pending nerfs is what im trying to combat. They are a crap bandaid to shut people up about sorc shield stacking but its just going to produce buff DK/templar shields and nerf sorc threads again. Bolt escape was never intended to be spammed 23 times.... You can use it twice without that big of an impact on your magicka. Twice is enough to reposition yourself which is what the skill is supposed ot be used for. Not disengaging when you feel like it. If you rely on spamming BE til you disengage and can come back when you feel your ready, you are playing sorc poorly and this nerf will seperate the goods from the bads.
Currently in cyrodiil, shields are reduced by 15% and incoming damage is reduced by 20%. They're switching this to both being reduced by 50%, therefore shields are getting a 5% overall nerf relative to incoming damage.
If hardened and healing don't stack, sorc's are basically magicka nb without cloak.
Its actually like a 3% nerf to shield
How'd you come to this conclusion? If we're basing the percentages off of the current values it is actually more than a 5% nerf.
,It is funny how you say sorc is unkillable 1 vs 1 yet you post DK and NB videos where you kill many Sorcs.
This guy is a NBand DK who sees Sorc getting their escape nerfed and just figures might as well [snip] over their active defense as well. Why does it seem you kill many Sorcs even while you are out numbered in these videos?
1vX is about finding poor players and killing them all at once. None of these sorcs in these videos are that good. People like Germantrocity, Sypher, Pricess Asgari, Prett, King Richard are examples of good sorcs that know how to play. Fighting these sorcs is the problem im trying to address. They are extremely hard to kill as a magicka build, slightly easier as a stamina because of the burst and the uselessness of harness.
This isnt anything about screwing over sorcs. I am leveling up a sorc and im finding it super fun to play and am going to be sad when bolt gets nerfed.
I can tell your a sorcerer, but i am trying to look at this from a perspective of someone who is trying all classes. Its not fair to nerf templars and DKs shields to the ground because of sorcs (this is the reason the 50% is happening. No one ever complained about igenous or blazing shield lol).
I just feel this system would allow for greater equality and build diversity instead of the shield meta.
Of the good Sorcs you list, I only know of one who has implied Sorcs were over powered and that is Sypher. You could say that is because they don't want to nerf their class, but many of them have multiple classes and I haven't seen anything from them on the forums saying that Sorc shields or shields in general need to change because it makes a Sorc too powerful. I suggest you keep leveling your Sorc and give it a try. There is power in a Sorc played by a good player, but it is a different kind of power than say a well played DK or well played NB.
I have no idea how 1.7 (isn't it 2.1??) is going to play out with the blocking and dodge roll changes, but Sorcs are getting 5% weaker shields compared to incoming damage on top of what essentially amount to the removal of using Bolt Escape to never let yourself get out numbered. There is no reason to right now make another NERF SORC thread right now with pending nerfs looming.
I'm not really sure 5% shield decrease can be classified as nerfing DK and Temp into the ground either.
I play with Prett and Princess in my guild and they laughed back in 1.6 PTS about how stupidly OP shields were. Neither of them openly say how powerful it is because neither of them use forums. Sypher has stated its OP. German has told me in conservations how he has never lost a 1v1 since 1.6 dropped. I personally havent seen him lose 1v1 duels.
I dont understand what you mean by 5% shield decrease. Shields are going from 15% to 50% reduced effectiveness.
These pending nerfs is what im trying to combat. They are a crap bandaid to shut people up about sorc shield stacking but its just going to produce buff DK/templar shields and nerf sorc threads again. Bolt escape was never intended to be spammed 23 times.... You can use it twice without that big of an impact on your magicka. Twice is enough to reposition yourself which is what the skill is supposed ot be used for. Not disengaging when you feel like it. If you rely on spamming BE til you disengage and can come back when you feel your ready, you are playing sorc poorly and this nerf will seperate the goods from the bads.
Currently in cyrodiil, shields are reduced by 15% and incoming damage is reduced by 20%. They're switching this to both being reduced by 50%, therefore shields are getting a 5% overall nerf relative to incoming damage.
If hardened and healing don't stack, sorc's are basically magicka nb without cloak.
Its actually like a 3% nerf to shield
How'd you come to this conclusion? If we're basing the percentages off of the current values it is actually more than a 5% nerf.
Shields are being nerf to 50% effectiveness (down from 85% currently), that would be a 35/85 = 41% nerf of the current value.
Damage is going down to 50%, making that a 30/80= 38% nerf.
So shields are gonna be 41% weaker than they now are, but we will take 38% less damage. Making that a 3% nerf relative to damage.
Cinnamon_Spider wrote: »I'm not sure why we keep comparing class shields this way. Sure the Templar shield scales off of health, but the morph most people use also increases in strength from the number of enemies nearby. If shields are to be changed as you suggest, then I also want Hardened Ward to become stronger in the same way as Blazing Shield.
All classes also have access to Annulment. I'm able to stack Dampen Magic and Blazing Shield when I need, along with having access to the best healing when on my Templar. If I use resto, I can add Healing Ward to that.
Stop making this a Sorcerer issue and learn to counter classes. Ez and I have been killing Sorcerers while below them in level and weapon/spell power simply because we know the class well enough to watch for weakness.
Is your issue shields or spell power?Cinnamon_Spider wrote: »I'm not sure why we keep comparing class shields this way. Sure the Templar shield scales off of health, but the morph most people use also increases in strength from the number of enemies nearby. If shields are to be changed as you suggest, then I also want Hardened Ward to become stronger in the same way as Blazing Shield.
All classes also have access to Annulment. I'm able to stack Dampen Magic and Blazing Shield when I need, along with having access to the best healing when on my Templar. If I use resto, I can add Healing Ward to that.
Stop making this a Sorcerer issue and learn to counter classes. Ez and I have been killing Sorcerers while below them in level and weapon/spell power simply because we know the class well enough to watch for weakness.
beat german 1v1 with your inferior spell/wep power and i will bow down to you as my overlord.
Cinnamon_Spider wrote: »Is your issue shields or spell power?Cinnamon_Spider wrote: »I'm not sure why we keep comparing class shields this way. Sure the Templar shield scales off of health, but the morph most people use also increases in strength from the number of enemies nearby. If shields are to be changed as you suggest, then I also want Hardened Ward to become stronger in the same way as Blazing Shield.
All classes also have access to Annulment. I'm able to stack Dampen Magic and Blazing Shield when I need, along with having access to the best healing when on my Templar. If I use resto, I can add Healing Ward to that.
Stop making this a Sorcerer issue and learn to counter classes. Ez and I have been killing Sorcerers while below them in level and weapon/spell power simply because we know the class well enough to watch for weakness.
beat german 1v1 with your inferior spell/wep power and i will bow down to you as my overlord.